Values & passion(1)




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Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

Focus on Values

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

Values-driven People

•Values-driven people are able to respond quickly and appropriately when crises arise.

•Until you are aware of your values, you will never reach your maximum effectiveness as a coach.

•People being coached will never move forward until they deal with the issue of values.

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

The problem with most leaders today is they don’t stand for anything. If you don’t stand for

something, you’ll fall for anything.

- Don Shula


Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

The ServiceMaster Corporation

•International conglomerate•Began in 1929 as small moth-proofing business•Founder was a deeply religious man•Wanted to serve other people and serve the master•Company values (prominently engraved on a marble slab):

To honor God in all we doTo help people developTo pursue excellenceTo grow profitably

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

If you don’t live it, you don’t believe it.

Your habits are your values.


Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

•Values take time to identify and define.

•Values are the core of who we are.

•Values are the non-negotiable characteristics that best define our identities.

•True values are reflected in our daily lives.


Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

•People who haven’t thought about their values are more easily swayed by circumstances, fads, and the opinions of others.

•Companies, churches, and organizations guided by clear values are more likely to move forward with less floundering and vacillation.

•People who haven’t thought about their values are more easily swayed by circumstances, fads, and the opinions of others.

•Companies, churches, and organizations guided by clear values are more likely to move forward with less floundering and vacillation.


Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

• Values are not characteristics you decide to drop into your life.

•They are present already – a the core of your being.

•Values define who you are.

• Values are like an umbrella under which everything else in your life fits.

• Values are not characteristics you decide to drop into your life.

•They are present already – a the core of your being.

•Values define who you are.

• Values are like an umbrella under which everything else in your life fits.


Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

Values are the basis of:

•your character

•your actions

•your attitudes

•your ethics

•your personal beliefs

•your character

•your actions

•your attitudes

•your ethics

•your personal beliefs

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

Spirit-produced fruit, Spirit-molded values:

•Love•Peace•Patience•Kindness•Goodness•Faithfulness•Gentleness•Self-control from the core of who we are

•Love•Peace•Patience•Kindness•Goodness•Faithfulness•Gentleness•Self-control from the core of who we are

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

• Ask – “What are the key values at the core of your life?”

• Encourage them to reflect on their lives.

• Encourage them to ask their close family members or friends what values they see.

How does a coach help people identify their values?

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

• Integrity

• Genuineness (always being open, never being phony)

• Respect for people – all people

• Consistency with biblical truth

4 Basic Values

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

•Who am I?

•Why am I here?

•How do I want to live?

•What kind of person do I want to become?

•What legacy do I want to leave?

Knowing our values gives us the ability to answer questions such as:

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

• Clear values help us make decisions.

• Clear values are the foundation for growth.

• Clear values bring inner peace.

Clear Values

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

“Nothing is more important than to live in accordance with our own values and to let

others see this.”

“Your example may be the greatest encouragement you can give to the people

you lead and coach.”

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado Springs,

CO. 2001

Pursuing Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

•Passion is a powerful underlying emotion that energizes and drives us.

•Passion can be seen negatively as self-centered, obsessive, and out-of-control.

•Passion can be seen in ardent love, deep compassion, or boundless enthusiasm that energizes people and moves them to greater heights

Pursuing Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

Psychologist Richard Change describes passion as personal interest.

“If you have passion for something, it strikes a chord in you. It heightens your awareness, engages your

attention, and kindles excitement.”

The Passion Plan

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

•Passion is the driving force that can give your life its greatest energy and fulfillment.

•Life without passion can be colorless and uninspiring.

•Passion empowers ordinary people to make great things happen.

•Passion is necessary.

Pursuing Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

•According to John Maxwell, nothing can take the place of passion in a leader’s life.

•A major task of effective life coaching is to help people keep their dreams alive or rekindle passions that have faded.

Pursuing Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

•A God-ordained passion begins to feel more and more like something we can’t ignore unless we decide to be deliberately disobedient.

• Helping to identify passion or finding passion in yourself can be a coach’s biggest challenge.

• Working with people to find, develop, and pursue their passions has a quality of explosive excitement for everyone involved.

Pursuing Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

• Try to think of specific situations when you were bursting with enthusiasm and so fulfilled or focused on what you were doing that you lost all awareness of the clock.

• While you’re looking back, reflect on this question: When you were a kid and your parents couldn’t find

you, what did they assume you were doing? Were you doing creative things – exploring your

environment, planning plays, or engaging in imaginary games with your friends?

Pursuing Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

Like vision, passion tends to fade.

Both need frequent rekindling.

Pursuing Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

•What would you do if:

Money were no problem

You had all the time you needed

Had no health limitations

Had no other obstacles

Pursuing Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

We’ve buried our passions under a load of reality.

We’ve forgotten what we wanted to do when we grew up.

Pursuing Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

1. Ask someone who knows you well to identify your passions.

2. Think of times in your life when you felt exuberant and excited to be alive. What might this say about your passion?

3. When you were young and your parents could not find you, what did they assume you were doing? What does this say about your passion?

4. If you had no limitations in terms of money or time, what would you like to do?

Finding Your Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

5. Look at your environment. Does this reveal what really interests and excites you?

6. Search the Scriptures, wait, and pray that God will reveal his passion for your life.

Finding Your Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

•God does not call us to do the works He’s prepared for us to do and then keep his divinely created passion hidden so that only the fortunate ones discover what it is.

•We may need a coach to bring the passion out.

•Prayer is the ultimate tool to finding your passion – seeking God’s leading and submitting to his sovereignty will allow you to know the passion he has planned for your life.

Pursuing Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

•Passion must be channeled into something good.

•Passion can be like a raging river – filled with energy, driving through the valley, and creating whirlpools, currents, and rapids.

•Uncontrolled and unchanneled passion is wasted rather than focused and directed.

Pursuing Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

Passion without purpose is meaningless.

- Richard Chang

Pursuing Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

•Make a commitment

•Pray and plan

•Get information

•Find supportive people

•Face the obstacles – passion busters (negative people)

Pursuing Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

• Settle this tough question: Do I really want to be guided by my passion? Seek divine guidance. Discuss this with others. Write down the pros and cons. You won’t go anyplace until you settle this.

• Pray diligently and plan carefully• Find supportive passion-booster people.• Face the obstacles.

Putting Passion Into Practice

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

“Who are the trusted people that fuel my passion and keep me from losing sight of

what I want to accomplish?”

Answer this question for yourself:

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

•Cultivate contacts with these people.

•Share your enthusiasm and be encouraged.

•Expect these conversations will clarify and solidify your passion.

Pursuing Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

The passion promoters who enter our lives, seemingly by divine appointment, can make the difference between movement ahead or

passions that fizzle.

Pursuing Passion

Collins, G.R. Christian Coaching. Navpress Books. Colorado

Springs, CO. 2001

•Clarifying the present

•Focusing on the future

•Taking action to reach the goals

•Setting goals

•Building a vision

•Developing a workable mission statement

Pursuing Passion
