Using OneSearch at the FSU Ort Library




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Using OneSearchTo Discover Books, Articles, & More!

Frostburg State University Ort Library - S. Henry, 2/2014

Frostburg State University Ort Library - S. Henry, 2/2014

Access from the Library website or the OneSearch screen on your mobile device

Search by keyword, author, or title

Frostburg State University Ort Library - S. Henry, 2/2014

Limiters to Refine Results: Articles

Limit to Full Text and Scholarly Articles to retrieve quality research from the 60 or so library research article databases.

Frostburg State University Ort Library - S. Henry, 2/2014

Limiters to Refine Results: Articles by Subject

Limit search results to specific subject categories. Click on the “Show More” link to see the entire subject list

Frostburg State University Ort Library - S. Henry, 2/2014

Article Access

Click on PDF link to access article content

Read the abstract briefly summarizing the article and its findings

Click on the “Cite” tool to generate an APA citation for the article

Frostburg State University Ort Library - S. Henry, 2/2014

Limiters to Refine Results: Books in the USM System

Limit to “Library Catalog Only to search just for books and physical materials in the USM library system (many of these items you can request to borrow)

Frostburg State University Ort Library - S. Henry, 2/2014

Book Access

Click on the “Cite” tool to generate an APA citation for the book

If Frostburg State University is not listed as a location, you may request the item using the “request item link in the upper left.

Frostburg State University Ort Library - S. Henry, 2/2014

Limiters to Refine Results: Books in the Ort Library

Limit search results to the location “Frostburg State University” to see which books are available in the Ort Library
