Using Blogs & Online Communities to Connect!



Are you a parent, teacher, principal? Are you considering using blogs or online communities to stay up-to-date with what's going on at your school or to share information? Find out the pros and cons and how others are doing it successfully from speaker Aerin Guy of SpaceRace at P4E's Communication Strategy Workshop on March 3rd, 2012. Twitter handle @aeringuy

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Keeping Connected

Blogs & Online CommunitiesAerin GuySpaceRace

•“when we change the way we communicate, we change society”

•“new technology enables new kinds of group-forming”

We are parents

•we are a community

•how do we connect?

message board

•the old message board

•parents may not even see the inside of the school

school newsletter

•There’s an important note at the bottom of this innocent looking backpack, but you won’t see it until June.

why use blogs & online


Common Interests




•business opportunities


•taking action

People are busy



•shuttling around




People want to connect

•to our schools

•to other parents

•to the education “community”

•to political decisions that affect us

educators online

parents online

Twitter chats

•#ptchat is a weekly conversation about topics of importance to parents


online communities

•get personal (profile)


•create a network

•share information

•power in numbers


•knowledge exchange

•comments for engagement

•many voices - dialogue

•easy to set up and facilitate

•candid and human

What’s available to you?

•explore your networks

•create a new one

•join one that speaks to you

Question Time!
