Use of new media


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New Media is extremely important in todays society, with approximately 2.3 billion users worldwide it is the perfect way to globally promote a magazine or any form of media.

The benefits of using social media are extremely high, for instance, new media has the chance to access all parts of society and reaches certain demographics I haven’t planned for, because of this it would successfully promote my magazine in an interesting and easy way. Social media opens up direct access to clients without the sometimes problematic use of extensive advertising and marketing campaigns. Also the use of advertising my magazine through new and social media is cost effective as most social media websites do not have a subscription fee.

Main types of New Media I can use will be Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Snapchat, YouTube and certain blogs. This gives the perfect platform for my magazine to gain popularity and grow a bigger audience. I would use these new media platforms to promote my feature articles as well as give sneak peaks into up and coming issues.

I will be placing my magazines use of social media on my contents page and having my magazines website at the bottom of my pages along with the page numbers.

New media is extremely useful as it is easily accessible. For instance students can update themselves on my magazine on the train or before lectures as it is simple to do so.

As you can see by these statistics, the amount of people who use new media grows every year. The primary users of new media are 16-30 year olds, this in fact matches my target audiences demographics which is extremely useful.

In Britain, Facebook is the most used form of new media, there is also 1.6 billion active users across the world. This would then be a useful place to have a heavy online presence. On this Facebook page I could also promote subscription deals and the features of my magazine. Twitter is another highly used social platform in Britain which could be another form of social media I use.

I also plan to use an actual website to promote my magazine. This particular online medium is also easily accessible, I could create an emailing service to help regular readers.

This website would also place all the content in one place that opens up opportunities for a digital subscription deal. New Media is extremely useful which is why I want to use this for my AS coursework.