Unpicking and rebinding talk for nua post grad



presentation given to Norwich University of the Arts Post Graduate students - connected to the unpicking and rebinding exhibition in the Norwich Gallery.

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unpicking and rebinding



Gallerie dell'Accademia

The Ambassadors Return to the English Court1495 -1500Vittore Carpaccio

Crafts Council of Ireland-

Modified Expression.

Codex – between this and that.

- http://codexinvestigations.tumblr.com/


Durer Self-Portrait at 26 1498

Deleuze. “The Fold-Leibniz and the Baroque: The Pleats of Matter.”

The outside is not a fixed limit but a moving matter animated by peristaltic movements, folds and foldings that together make up an inside: they are not something other than the outside, but precisely the inside of the outside.

Deleuze, Gilles. “The Fold-Leibniz and the Baroque: The Pleats of Matter.”

Thus a continuous labyrinth is not a line dissolving into independent points, as flowing sand might dissolve into grains, but resembles a sheet of paper divided into infinite folds or separated into bending movements, each one determined by the consistent or conspiring surrounding… A fold is always folded within a fold, like a cavern in a cavern.

Deleuze, Gilles. “The Fold-Leibniz and the Baroque: The Pleats of Matter.”

The fold is never to be accepted as a singular event but rather it is to be seen as a population of many folds.Even its antonym ‘unfolding’ is not to be understood as the opposite of the fold as the language may suggest but rather it follows the fold up to the following fold. It is itself a multiple of the fold.

Matthew KrisselPhilosophy of Materials and Structures

William Morris

developing partners

raising the money

filling in the form

first visits




defining the project

diversion - 1


In that empire, the craft of cartography attained such perfection that the map of a single province covered the space of an entire city and the map of the empire itself an entire province. In the course of time, these extensive maps were found somehow wanting, and so the College of Cartographersevolved a map of the empire that was of the same scale as the empire and that coincided with it point for point. The following generations, less attentive to the study of cartography, came to judge a map of such magnitude cumbersome and quite useless and it was abandoned to the rigours of sun and rain. In the western deserts, tattered fragments of the map are still to be found sheltering an occasional beast or beggar; in all the land, no other relic is left of the discipline of geography.

Borges, Jose Luis. On Exactitude in Science.

diversion - 2


diversion - 3



diversion - 4


diversion - 5


diversion - 6

connection - theory


ICOM - International Council of Museums


when does a bend become a fold?

when does an object become itself?

each object has its own unique story which

changes with each view

In that empire, the craft of cartography attained such perfection that the map of a single province covered the space of an entire city and the map of the empire itself an entire province. In the course of time, these extensive maps were found somehow wanting, and so the College of Cartographers evolved a map of the empire that was of the same scale as the empire and that coincided with it point for point. The following generations, less attentive to the study of cartography, came to judge a map of such magnitude cumbersome and quite useless and it was abandoned to the rigours of sun and rain. In the western deserts, tattered fragments of the map are still to be found sheltering an occasional beast or beggar; in all the land, no other relic is left of the discipline of geography

Borges, Jose Luis. On Exactitude in Science


Charles Darwin's 1837 diagram of an evolutionary tree from his Notebook on Transmutation of Species.

A Family Tree of Life. The Evidence of Evolution by Nicholas Hotton III, c1968.


Plate III, Drawings of clubs, boomerangs, shields and spears moving from simple forms to complex in a radiating pattern.On the Evolution of Culture 1875. Rethinking Pitt-Rivers | Pitt-Rivers Publications Plates.

Rawson, Philip. 1971. Ceramics. Oxford University Press

connections - evidence

you don’t know what you don’t know

a thing is just a thing without a story

the link between the pleat and the liperello (concertina) binding

When physically spending time in the presence of the objects in the collections meaningful links flow, reflection through interaction becomes a form of conversational meditation.

The pleat is to reduce, to diminish, and to withdraw. Unfolding is to increase, to grow to gain volume.A dialogue is set up between the inside and outside, dark and the light, the negative and the positive













To collect a sequence of objects is, for a moment at least, to have imposed some sense of order on a universe that doesn’t have any......an attempt to defy the threat of mortality.....Objects are the way in which we measure out the passing of our lives. They are what we use to define ourselves, to signal who we are, and who we are not.

Sudjic, Deyan. 2008. The Language of Things. p21
