United States Armed Forces



This is a brief overview of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps' history and role in Iraq. there are also a couple fun facts about the different branches.

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A brief history and description of different roles in Operation Iraqi


Jeffery D. Getty

United States Army United States Navy United States Marine Corps Conclusion Bibliography

The Army was originally formed June 14, 1775 before the U.S. was recognized as a Country.

After the initial push into Iraq the Army’s purpose was more to provide an occupying force rather than forward movement, which was done by U.S. Marines

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How many soldiers (in the hundreds of thousands) are active duty?

How many U.S. Presidents have served in the Army?

There are currently 400,000 active enlisted and 76,000 active commissioned officers

A total of 23 presidents have served in the Army

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First established during the Revolutionary War the Navy was also used to combat pirates interfering with U.S. ships at the end of the 18th century.

While the Navy normally transports Marines and supplies to the Gulf, they had at one point 8,000 troops on the ground conducting operations within Iraq.

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Navy Seals are the most elite fighting force in the world

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True/False The Navy has command over the Marine Corps

What is the maximum age for applying to SEAL training?


28 years old and wanting to endure the toughest training course the U.S. has to offer

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Established on November 10, 1775 in Tun Tavern Philidelphia Pennsylvania

Normally the Marines are used as a fast acting attack force, but has been used extensively for the past seven years before handing over control of the Anbar Province in Iraq.

The Marines are used for the toughest of missions in Iraq and all over the world.

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Why? Because we

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What three things make up the Marine Corps Emblem?

What is the official Marine Corps Mascot?

The Eagle, Globe and Anchor

There is no official mascot for Marines but thanks to the Germans in WWI they earned the nickname Devil Dogs, thus we adopted the Bull Dog

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All of the branches of the Armed Forces of America have been well established and useful in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The troops continue to serve their country in exemplarily fashion.

Apuzzo, Matt and Juhi, Bushra (2010, January 23). U.S. Marines end role in Iraq. Retrieved from The Washington Times at http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/jan/23/us-marines-end-role-iraq-biden-baghdad/?page=all#pagebreak

Brook, Tom Vanden (2006, May 7) Sailors, airmen land new role. Retrieved from USA Today at http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2006-05-07-navy-air-training_x.htm
