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Unit Plan

The American Civil War

Analyze the Learner

Students are in the ninth grade. There are twenty-eight students in the class. The class is composed of sixteen girls and twelve boys, with two Hispanic students and one African-American student.

Main Objective

● Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the American Civil War. This will include knowledge of its causes, important battles, and important figures to the war. At the end of the unit lesson students will demonstrate this to 90% competency by giving a group presentation on a chosen aspect of the war to the class.

Day One

● Students will learn about the different events that played a role in starting the War.

● They will also learn about the social climate that existed at the time that played a part.

● Students will create posters on Glogster to demonstrate their understanding of the lesson

● At the end of class the students will be assigned a group and given their presentation assignment.

Day Two

● Students will learn about the how the north and the south responded to succession and the outbreak of Civil War.

● To get a better understanding of the Confederate side of the war students will work on and complete a webquest focused on the Confederacy and its important figures.

Day Three

● The students will learn about the more important battles of the war and the generals who fought them.

● The students will also learn a bit about the military technology of the time.

● The students will go on a virtual tour through Second Life of Gettysburg to get a better idea of the battle.

Day Four

● Students will present their group presentations to the rest of the class.

● To keep the students interest during the presentation they will have to tweet out some new information they learned after the presentation is over.


● Day One: Glogster, Wikispaces, PowerPoint, and Smart Board, YouTube

● Day Two: PowerPoint, Zunal webquest, wikispaces● Day Three: PowerPoint, Second Life, wikispaces● Day Four: PowerPoint, Twitter, Smart Board

Works Cited

● http://biowww.clemson.edu/aged/dl/aged480/jennifer/keybat.htm

● http://busyteacher.org/3753-how-to-write-a-lesson-plan-5-secrets.html

● http://www.civilwar.org/education/history/civil-war-overview/overview.html

Works Cited

● http://biowww.clemson.edu/aged/dl/aged480/jennifer/keybat.htm

● http://busyteacher.org/3753-how-to-write-a-lesson-plan-5-secrets.html

● http://www.civilwar.org/education/history/civil-war-overview/overview.html