Unit 5 start here culture Friday


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Mon –ThursWeek 13

• Compare high school survival to Bushmen and City Survival

A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and minds of its people Mahatma Gandhi

In spiral: Describe your favorite food, music, clothes, and list 1-2 family traditions you have.


What is Culture?

• Language• Customs• Beliefs• Clothes• Food• Religion

Vocabulary: Culture


A blueprint for living including all aspects of how people behave in society



Food, music





Spanish language

- Bachata Music- Slow it all down H-Town Purple Syrup

Is there anything that doesn’t relate to culture?

Cowboy hats

Why do we have rules?

With your table partners, each ask two questions about rules you have to follow to survive. Why?

With your table partners, each person say three rules you have to follow in your life right now.

Why do we have rules?

Three rules I have to follow right now are:1. .2. .3. .

Two different cultures and their rules1. Remind students about the

Gods Must be Crazy…a. Look for 3 rules governing

behavior in each society we watch

b. How do people know how to behave?

c. What role do consequences play in behavior?

Put your thumb up when you can complete this sentence:

“We need rules because…”

With your shoulder partner, talk about a significant rule that was being followed. How do they know right from wrong? Why do they behave?

Some rules I follow…others I don’t. Why? How do you know what to do?

I choose to follow rules because _________________________ _________________________ __________________________ _________________________ _______________________.

Sometimes I break rules because ___________________________ _________________________________________________________.

How do people know how to survive in each society?

Rules for Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert: 1. Stay in the group2. Watch and learn from adults3. Single women don’t have to cover

their tops

How do people know how to survive in each society?

Rules for Urban/City Dwellers: 1. Follow time schedules2..Go to school to learn how to adapt

to technological environment3.Develop inventions to save time

• Explain my culture with my right hand

• Read about cultural stereotypes

A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and minds of its people Mahatma Gandhi

In spiral: Describe your favorite food, music, clothes, and list 1-2 family traditions you have.


How does each group survive?

Hunting and gatheringFood mart/shoppingAnimal skins/killed Clothing storewalking Mostly cars/gasSelf/group managing Courts/jailsHuts from sticks Cement/steelSeparate/distinct Mixing of rolesGenerally good Lots of crime/punishNo need for Calendar and clocksFrom mom/dad/field School to learn howGather nearby/free Buy with money/job

How do people know how to survive in each society?

Store/Refrigerator School lunch

What I want uniform

Bus/Car/Walk Walk

Mom whoops me Principal’s Court

Exit Ticket:Why do we have rules of behavior?

Rules are _________________________ for survival because they ________________ live _______________ in relative ____________.


help us peace.


Graph of the Day

Writing Prompt #2- in Spiral

• Prompt: Why do so many Hispanics vote democratic instead of republican?

Key Issue of the Day

• What makes cultures weird or different?

• Only our comfort level. In America, we eat chickens and cows. That is weird to other cultures.

Close Reading Cultural Perceptions

Appropriate Interpretation of Culture?

Appropriate Interpretation of Culture?

Appropriate Interpretation of Culture?

Ni hao! That’s how I say hello! Barbie wears an Asian-inspired gown of red silk embroidered with flowers and leaves in gold and black with touches of orange, pink and blue. Her shoes are traditional geta, her jewelry (golden bangle bracelets and red jewel drop earrings) is timeless and her hair evokes drama.

Appropriate Interpretation of Culture?

What’s the difference between a cultural stereotype and racism?

Discuss with your shoulder partner.

Appropriate Interpretation of Culture?

• Create Frayer models of culture vocab

• Compare Amish and American culture

A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.

Marcus Garvey In Spiral – Why are cultures different? What makes a culture distinct or separate from another?


Draw Hand

• Use your hand to describe your culture

My Culture• Draw your right hand. Why not the left? • On each of the fingers, write down different

characteristics of your culture

– I speak x number of languages. They are…– My family has many celebrations. My favorite is…– I am X (religion)– My favorite foods that my family cooks include …– My favorite clothing styles include …– When I listen to music I listen to _____. My two favorite songs

are _______ and _______.

Graph of the Day

Writing Prompt

• Prompt: Why are cultures different? Why are some liberal or conservative? What makes a culture different?

Vocabulary: Customs


Include the way people dress and foods they eat

A practice that is a habit



Foods for holidays

Music you listen to at a certain time each day or night

Tradition (passing down customs from one generation to the next.)

Type of shampoo

Vocabulary: Institution


Organization developed by societies to care for social needs of people

Taking care of sickSpiritual needsEducational needs






1. I can define the Columbian Exchange and give examples of positive and negative effects of products and ideas

This might be the first generation that will never get lost Google Maps Team

In Spiral – How has contact between Mexico and the US helped and/or hurt each country?

• Students fill in T-Chart from video. Use ppt. presentation to guide discussion

Students create T-Chart in spiral:Amish/American Culture Comparison



Beliefs and religion




ESPN? AmericanLanguage


Beliefs and religion





Culture Through Pictures handout


Compare Amish and American Culture

Show Beginning of Witness to end of bathroom scene

Distribution of Amish settlements in the Northeastern United States.

Amish do not use technology past about the year 1800.

How can the Amish live like this in America?


Amish do not use technology past about the year 1800.


Image 8

Cart, horse, man in jeans and blue shirt, hay, trees

This man is on a cart being pulled by two horses. He is working on a farm

Tradition, work, Poor, happy, difficultSocial

Make sure you put ESP or N in the “Describe” box.

Culture Through Pictures

A native of Incan ancestry playing the pan flute near Lake Titicaca, Peru


Image 1

Canoe, straw or reeds, flute, colorful clothes, Native Indian, water

a man sitting on the side of a lake playing the flute. He is probably relaxing, enjoying the peace and quiet and solitude of the lake

Music, dress, tradition

Seems happy, easy life,


Make sure you put ESP or N in the “Describe” box.

A series of signs advertising national chain stores. What type of culture do these types of stores represent?


Number of skyscrapers that are over 700 ft. What does this say about a culture?


A simple unpainted gabled-roof barn, with brick house in the distance. What kind of life does this represent?


Runners go through various ethnic neighborhoods in New York. This is a Hasidic Jewish neighborhood. How does one keep their own culture separate and pure?


Professional skateboarder Tony Hawk has led the charge of extreme sports. Los Angeles, CA


Vietnamese folk songs, Singers perform Quan Ho Folk songs as part of the annual Lim Festival.


Lacrosse is popular in Canada. It began with Indian groups like the Mohawks. How do sports contribute to a country’s culture?


Some cultures prohibit or allow certain foods. In Japan breast milk is sold in containers.

Cultural taboos on food.


Cultural taboos on food.

In India, McDonald’s does not serve beef in their burgers. This is a cultural adaptation of an American ideal.


McDonald’s in Israel has food that is considered “clean” for religious people. For Jews this is called “Kosher.”


Cultural taboos on food.

Some cultures have a taboo on pork. Notice that in Muslim Countries in North Africa, they do not eat pork. China has the world’s largest stock of pork.


Places that are isolated can develop distinct folk cultures. NepalBhutan and Tibet have distinct cultures.


Consumption of Canadian Whiskey. Notice that states closer toCanada have a higher rate of consumption. Why?


Consumption of Tequila. Notice that states closer to Mexico have a higher rate of consumption. Why?


Diffusion or spread of the Internet. Access to the Internet is available even in poorer less-developed countries.


Diffusion or spread of Facebook. In 20011, most Facebook users were located in the US. How is Facebook spreading around the world? What type of countries are getting access to Facebook?


Role of women

Exposure to modern technology does not necessarily change the traditional role of women in many societies.

In Kyoto, Japan, a geisha girl, who is trained to provide entertainment for men, arranges appointments on her way to the restaurant where she entertains her male clients.


Role of women. India’s marriage dowries. A mother mourns the death of her daughter, who drowned in a well after repeated demands for an increased dowry, or payment to the husband’s family.


Cola preferences. Coca-Cola leads in sales in the United States, Latin America, Europe and Russia. Pepsi leads in Canada and Asia.


Complete this summary statement: Exit Ticket: Something about the Amish and cultural divergence.

Exit Ticket


Complete this summary statement: Exit Ticket: My favorite elements of culture are ____________________, _________, and ___________________ because ___ __________________________________ __________________________________.

Exit Ticket


Two minute cleanup to “Help!”

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Two minute cleanup to “Help!”

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Do NOT have Cell Phones out. If I see it, it goes into Day Care!

Question of the Day

• How has contact between Mexico and the US helped and/or hurt each country?

Vocabulary: Columbian Exchange

Columbian Exchange

The transfer of new ideas and products from Europe to the Americas started by Columbus (Colón)


Wheat, Rice



Horses, Pigs, goats, cows, sheep

From Europe


Columbian Exchange






From America

The Columbian ExchangePositive and Negative Effects

Columbian Exchange Activity

• Print slides• Put them up around the room• Have students take double-sided worksheet

around and fill in as they read about impact of the following items on Americans and Europeans

The impact of Olives...

Olives came from Europe. Cooking, oil, a good snack. Olives are delicious!

Positive effect; good food!

Impact of the Onion...

Onions came from Europe. Rich in antioxidants, thought to prevent cancer, diabetes, and even the common cold, onions are nothing if not a superfood. But that’s not all they are — the same properties that make onions a great food to eat also make them great for other things, from healing your skin to cleaning metal.

Positive effect; good food!

Positive effect; spices, antioxidants good for skin/health

Impact of the Onion...

Onions came from Europe. Rich in antioxidants, thought to prevent cancer, diabetes, and even the common cold, onions are nothing if not a superfood. But that’s not all they are — the same properties that make onions a great food to eat also make them great for other things, from healing your skin to cleaning metal.

The impact of citrus fruits and grapes

Citrus fruits originated in Southeast Asia. All kinds of fruits, from lemons to oranges, are great for juices and just to snack on. Also fragrant sprays for the house. Even flavored vodka and rum.

Impact of Bananas, Pears and Peaches

Apples were brought to North America in the early 1600's. The first apple orchard was established in Boston in 1625. What would the world be like without bananas, peaches, and pears, or even apples? So sweet, for pies, and just great for snacks!

Bananas were brought to the Americas and are now a main export crop.

Impact of Sugar Cane

Sugar was brought over to America. Sugar was the most important cash crop for export in the 1600's to the 1900's. Sadly, the worldwide demand for sugar led to the slave trade for workers to work on sugar plantations.

Impact of Coffee Bean...

Coffee was discovered by monks in Ethiopia. It quickly became a great drink and was exported to Europe, where intellectuals sat in coffee houses and debated. It made its way with Columbus to the New World and became a plantation cash crop in Central and South America.

Impact of the Honey Bee

Bees came from Asia. They make honey in their combs. But their real significance is that 40% of the world's food supply -- including apples, tomatoes, and strawberries -- is dependent on pollination by honeybees. Without bees, we would have a food supply collapse.

Impact of Wheat, Rice, Barley, Oats

Wheat/Barley-beer, cereal, flour, breadRice-milk, paper, food, Oats-cereal, Cheerios, food for horses





Impact of Cattle, Pig, Sheep, HorseAll these animals were domesticated in Europe and brought to

the Americas by colonists. Animals provide protein; skins for warmth, milk from cows which increases human size, meat. Horses provide labor to pull plows and made it easy for humans to farm and eventually grow more food, hence more people.

Impact of TobaccoEuropeans found natives smoking tobacco upon

the arrival of Columbus. In large doses, it acts as a hallucinogenic. American farmers used slave labor to farm huge plantations. Tobacco made plantation owners rich.

"It was believed that tobacco was a gift from the Creator and that the exhaled tobacco smoke was capable of carrying one's thoughts and prayers to heaven."

Impact of Turkey

The Turkey is native to the forests of North America. It was brought to England in 1550. Turkey's are a delicious food. In 1621, the Pilgrims celebrated their first Thanksgiving of the bountiful harvest the lord provided them. They ate corn, squash, and a wild turkey.

Impact of QuinineQuinine is an anti-malaria drug. Malaria was

responsible for the death of many popes, and other Roman citizens. Quinine was the first effective treatment for Malaria. Without quinine, whites may not have been able to colonize Africa and South America.

Impact of Squash/Pumpkin

Squash was first cultivated in the Americas around 8,000 years ago. Squash vines are thick and limit weeds. Pumpkins are great as pies and of course we use the Pumpkin as a halloween decoration to scare away evil spirits!

Impact of Pineapple

The English discovered this fruit in the Americas and, because it looked like a "pine" cone, named them pine apples. They are so delicious that some churches put them on the preachers pulpit as decoration!

Impact of Peanuts

The peanut was domesticated in South America over 8,000 years ago. Spanish traders took them back to Europe. Today we have peanut butter and all sorts of nut products.

Impact of Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes

Potatoes came from Peru and Bolivia in South America around 7,000-10,000 years ago. The global average eaten is 73 lbs per person. Potatoes are cheap and plentiful. French fries are one of the great potato inventions!

Impact of Peppers and Tomatoes

Peppers came from South America. They are used in salads and asspices especially in Mexican food!

Tomatoes origiated in the Americas. Salsa, Ketchup, tomato sauce are just a few delicious items made from tomatoes.

Impact of Casava

Casava is a plant native to the Americas from around 6,600 BCE. We get tapioca from Casava. Today it feeds over 500 million people. Nigeria is the world's largest producer of Casava. It grows well in the tropics.

Impact of Corn

Corn is perhaps the greatest discovery from the Columbian Exchange. Originating from Aztecs and Mayans around 2500 BCE. From corn we get syrup, flakes, oil, butter, gasoline for cars. Over 4200 uses for corn products today.

Impact of Vanilla and Cacao (Chocolate)

Cacao originated in the Amazon near Venezuela. From Cacao we get Chocolate. Vanilla originated in Mexico due to a special bee that pollinated the vanilla plant. Vanilla was sent as tribute by conquered tribes to the


Impact of Beans

Beans are legumes that are the oldest cultivated plant known to man. They were simultaneously farmed in South Asia and the Americas. Columbus noted beans growing wild in the Bahamas. There are currently over 40,000 bean varieties. They are an important source of protein.

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1. Define Cultural Convergence; Discuss impact of Columbian Exchange

One never forgets to acknowledge a favor; no matter how small. Moral Teaching of the Omaha Indians

In Spiral – Was Christopher Columbus (Cristobal Colón) great? Explain.

Question of the Day

• Why did disease spread from the Spanish to the Americas instead of the other way around?

Video of spread of disease

Refocus on front• Place iPad down and look up here.

Vocabulary: Cultural Convergence

Cultural Convergence

The growing together of cultures, specifically cultural unity.

Understanding through education helps unite cultural differences



applesMcDonald’s in India without beef burgers; Chinese restaurants in the US.

CornIt is used in hundreds of items

It’s a food staple in America

Still very popular in Mexico


Cow Beef is very popular in America

Finish I Can Statement

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Vocabulary: Institution


Organization developed by societies to care for social needs of people

Taking care of sickSpiritual needsEducational needs






1. Use Quizlet to review the culture unit

You never achieve real success unless you like what you are doing. Dale Carnegie

In Spiral – If you could have permanent possession of any single object in the world, what would you want it to be? Explain its significance.

This is a blueprint for living, and includes all aspects of how people behave in society.

Use the same as your Edmodo user and password so you won’t forget

This is a blueprint for living, and includes all aspects of how people behave in society.

Use the same as your Edmodo user and password so you won’t forget

Two minute cleanup to “Help!”

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1. Review for the Culture Test. Take my culture test.

The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way. Dale Carnegie

In Spiral – If you could have the starring role in one film already made, which would it be? Explain.

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