Unit 4 Updated Period 5


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First StepsRead the prompt

Brainstorm for essay topics

Useful for pieces of evidence


Look through documents

Plan Essay

PromptFrom 1775 to 1830, many African Americans gained freedom from

slavery, yet during the same period the institution of slavery expanded. Explain why BOTH of those

changes took place. Analyze the ways that BOTH free African

Americans and enslaved African Americans responded to the challenges confronting them.

What do we know?North - decrease in slavery

Freedom for slaves

Industrial - textile

South - increase in slavery

Higher demand

Agricultural - cotton

What else is there?


Slave Codes & Fugitive Slave Acts

Slave Rebellions – Gabriel Prosser, Nat Turner

Slave Resistance

Underground Railroad


Thesis StatementThe thesis can be one or two sentences!

Example: During the early years of America, slavery experienced growth in the South and a decrease in the North as a result of economic advances and new ideological developments. Out of these changes, both free and enslaved blacks responded in both violent and nonviolent manners.

Document A“... All indentured servants, Negroes, or others... are able and willing to bear Arms...”

Black enlistment

Proclamation of November 1775 - offered freedom to slaves who abandoned their rebel masters and joined the British

Increase in the number of free African Americans

Document B“... We have been deprived of enjoying the profits of our labor...”

“... We are not allowed the privilege of freemen... Yet many of our color have cheerfully entered the field of battle...”

Regardless of being free, blacks were still not treated as equals

Document C

Slavery in the North decreases significantly

Far higher concentration of slavery in the South

Document D

Importance of religion in black communities

Hope and Community

Document E“There is much gratitude due from our color towards the white people...”

Growth in abolitionism

“... Much depends upon us for the help of our color more than we are aware; if we are lazy and idle, the enemies of freedom plead it as a cause why we ought not to be free...”

Action must be taken to make changes

Document F“I asked my master one time if he would consent to have me purchase my freedom. He replied that he would.”

Slaves allowed to purchase their freedom

Slaves pursued freedom through working to pay for it

Showcases a slight shift in social ideology

Document G“... Mr. Prosser’s Gabriel wished to bring on the business as soon as possible.”

Eagerness for slave revolts

“... I read in the Bible where God says if we will worship Him we should have peace in all our land...”

Religious inspiration to take action

Document H“... One cent only, from each inhabitant of the State... establishing colonies on the coast of Africa...”

Many sought refuge elsewhere

“... To open a door for the gradual emancipation of the slaves... an effectual barrier against the continuance of the slave trade...”

Whites supported the freedom (and to some extent, relocation) of blacks

Document I“[(B)lacks must] bear up under the daily insults we meet... We are shamefully abused... Arrows of death are flying about our heads.”

“... Cuts and placards descriptive of the Negro deformity, are every where displayed...”

Discrimination is VERY prominent and equally dangerous

Document J“... What our friends have said or done for us... do not satisfy the Americans...”

Tensions between whites and blacks

“We must and shall be free I say, in spite of you...”

Willingness for opposition

Essay PlanningIntro

1st Body Paragraph - North

2nd Body Paragraph - South

3rd (4th) Body Paragraph - Response from Blacks
