Unblocking the brain so you can think creatively



Creative thought in a group competitive environment is often very hard to stimulate. I recently started off a creative group brainstorming session by unblocking their creative brains by removing the most common obstacles that cause such a blockage. I used the following powerpoint.

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… the brain.

www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond

There is no wrong answers….

… Just misunderstood questions

www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond

Ideas feed ideas

www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond

Don’t be afraid to speak up…

www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond

Arguing is good….

www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond

Keep it professional

Just don’t let it get out of hand….

www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond

Look at it from another point of view

www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond

Different people….

Different Ideas…

One goal….

www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond

Face your problem in the future

www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond

Draw a tree.

Did you draw…

This tree?

www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond

Draw this tree.

www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond

Create the caption.

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Create the caption.

www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond

Create the caption.

www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond

Create the caption.

www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond

What picture is on the next slide?

www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond

How do you sell ice to the occupants? www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond

Ready to take the plunge?

www.johankruger.info twitter @socialpond
