Últimas tendencias en Bibliotecas Digitales según Springer Nature


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Latest Digital Library Trends: Highlighting the Top 10

Maria Lopes, VP Library Sales, Latin America & Caribbean


Springer Nature Reviews the Latest Digital Library Trends 2016 / March 2016

• Persisting trend over time, though slow to progress

• Many academic libraries working on policies and procedures

• Requires hardware, software, and staff

• Many publishers, like Springer Nature, have policies that cover self-archiving

• http://www.springer.com/gp/open-access/authors-rights

• Registry of Open Access Repositories http://roar.eprints.org/

• Data Management is a very tricky new area, where libraries help authors establish and carry out a data preservation plan for their research

• New tools like Figshare by Digital Science are offering storage in the cloud, together with long term safety as well as establishment of data sharing capability

• There is a lot of the latest in digital library technology to be found under one roof at https://www.digital-science.com/

Trend 1: Institutional Repositories and Data Management


Springer Nature Reviews the Latest Digital Library Trends 2016 / March 2016

• Springer Nature seeks to bring high quality and high impact to open access publishing

Both journals and books

• Springer Nature is the largest open access publisher in the world

• http://www.springeropen.com/

• http://www.biomedcentral.com/

• http://www.nature.com/openresearch/

• Of course we have subscription-based journals and books packages for some time to come as well

• Directory of Open Access journals

• https://doaj.org/

Trend 2: Open Access


Springer Nature Reviews the Latest Digital Library Trends 2016 / March 2016

In Dec 2014 in conjunction with Readcube, NPG introduced a year long pilot enabling subscribers to 49 journals on nature.com to share a read-only version of full text-subscription articles, to support collaboration.

Sharing is encouraged for non-commercial, personal use.

Also allows 100+ media outlets and blogs to link to a read-only version of full text-subscription articles.

As of March 22, 2016 this content sharing program was extended to the entire Springer Nature-owned journal portfolio.

Executive Summary: Researchers with access can share with researchers without access.

Trend 3: Content Sharing


Springer Nature Reviews the Latest Digital Library Trends 2016 / March 2016

• ORCID is a non-profit organization supported by a global community of organizational members, including Springer Nature

• It provides a persistent digital identifier to distinguish researchers and their work

• The ORCID registration is free of charge

Trend 4: ORCID

How to get and use the ORCID Identifier:1. Registration: link for registration2. Add Information ORCID account: it allows the

researcher to link other identifiers (such as Scopus, ResearcherID or LinkedIn)

3. Use of ORCID – Researchers can add their ORCID ID on their Webpage, when submitting publications, applying for grants, and in any research workflow to ensure they get credit for their work

More information on: http://orcid.org/


Springer Nature Reviews the Latest Digital Library Trends 2016 / March 2016

• Data that can be linked to other data using a uniform descriptive scheme, simple example below

• Maria Lopes works for Springer Nature

• Springer Nature is a scholarly publishing house

• Springer Nature has offices in New York City

• All the items in blue above could be linked to other data sets containing related facts about them

• You browse such data with a linked data browser, and explore knowledge in new ways

• Springer is involved in this field, see lod.springer.com

• The use of the word open refers to unrestricted use of data formatted in this manner

• Read http://linkeddatabook.com/editions/1.0/ for the definitive text on this technology

Trend 5: Linked Data and Linked Open Data

Lod.springer.com is an open data application involving our Lecture Notes inComputer Science book series


Springer Nature Reviews the Latest Digital Library Trends 2016 / March 2016

• New ways to assess the importance/popularity/impact of online information

• Combine reviews, downloads, citations, social media comments, and any other sources that provide a view onto the use of an article or book

• Add concept trees to show how the content of an article fits in with related articles

Trend 6: Alternative Metrics


Springer Nature Reviews the Latest Digital Library Trends 2016 / March 2016

• Popularity of TDM is growing rapidly, with early projects in social sciences and humanities, but increasingly in Science/Technology/Engineering/Medicine as well

• Main idea is to retrieve a large corpus of published material in a specific topical area or discipline, then “mine” that content using text recognition algorithms or other designed programs to accomplish many tasks:

• Hypothesis confirmation

• Hypothesis generation

• Trends in use of vocabulary over time

• Social and cultural trends in expression

• Springer has a page with more guidelines

• https://www.springer.com/gp/rights-permissions/springer-s-text-and-data-mining-policy/29056

Trend 7: Text Data Mining


Springer Nature Reviews the Latest Digital Library Trends 2016 / March 2016


• In recent years Springer Nature has pressed the idea of marketing online information resources

• Libraries were largely responsive and in agreement

• But,…librarians complained they had little time or people-power to market aggressively

• So,…as a publisher we needed to find a way to market for libraries

• …In such a way that libraries would appreciate the effort

• …Because we would market what they had already bought

• …And we would market what most needed to be marketed

Trend 8: Marketing Online Information Resources

Marketing Your Library’s Electronic Resources by Marie R. Kennedy and Cheryl LaGuardiais the definitive text in the field


Springer Nature Reviews the Latest Digital Library Trends 2016 / March 2016

• Join the Affordable Textbooks Revolution! Very successful 2015 marketing campaign

• Sparcopen.org says students in the USA spend on average $1200/year on textbooks

• Why should they do this if the library has already paid for many textbooks?

• We targeted marketing at schools with a sizable portfolio of Springer eBook packages

• Such packages include many textbooks; undergraduate, advanced undergraduate, and graduate

• If Professors/Instructors use a Springer e-Textbook, the cost to students = $0.00

• Amazon Inspire web site is going to feature open education resources as well (Spring 2016)

• See http://library.uncc.edu/et/ and https://library.uncc.edu/etextbooks/ for a really outstanding example of a faculty e-Textbook database

• See our new page! https://www.springer.com/gp/librarians/affordable-textbooks

Trend 9: Affordable Textbooks

Do a google search of affordable textbook revolution. Springer Nature is right up there!.


Springer Nature Reviews the Latest Digital Library Trends 2016 / March 2016

• Best single free resource is D-Lib Magazine at http://www.dlib.org/dlib.html

• Many libraries and publishers follow The Scholarly Kitchen http://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org/

• College & Research Libraries News is not bad http://crln.acrl.org/

• LibLicense and Serialst list servs are important for tracking trends

• You probably have many techniques, technologies and best practices

• But have you published them?

Trend 10 : How to Keep Up With Trends!

The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services now publishes some important reading in the field

Thank youMaria.Lopes@springernature.com
