Ucas tutor training mod 6




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Inspired Futures(or Life After Leigh)

“A-level students must be told the whole truth about the value of a degree”

16 Aug 2012 Telegraph

“When [the government] trebled the cap on university fees, [they] justified this by arguing a university degree will “on average boost your earnings by £100,000 over a lifetime”. That would justify the average £40,000 of debt...imply[ing] disadvantage for those who give university a miss.”

“A-level students must be told the whole truth about the value of a degree”

16 Aug 2012 Telegraph

“There is something especially scandalous about young people who have been sold a vision of graduate life, only to find it was a piece of spin to sweeten the bitter pill of student loans. The mis-selling of higher education is one of the least remarked-upon scandals of our time.”

“A-level students must be told the whole truth about the value of a degree”

16 Aug 2012 Telegraph

Government released a research paper that spelt it out. For doctors and dentists, a degree is a prerequisite. They will earn £400,000 more over a lifetime, but for students admitted to less rigorous degrees, the premium quickly diminishes...History and Philosophy a paltry £35 a year more than non-graduates a degree in “Creative Arts” £15,000 less over a lifetime than those who start work aged 18.

“A-level students must be told the whole truth about the value of a degree”

16 Aug 2012 Telegraph

“If a degree is no guarantee of success in modern Britain, then the lack of one is no guarantee of failure. For those whose A-level results have precluded university, there is still all to play for.”

Class of 2014•UK Unemployment 16-24 - 20.7%

(UK Parliament)

•£43,500 av. student debt (Guardian)

•Uni applications 3.5% rise 2013

•Highest increase Computer Sciences

•Biggest Decrease Social Sciences, Arts, Languages (UCAS)

Life after Leigh

•To know the options available for progression

•To be familiar with the UCAS Apply process

•To know the Timeline & Who does What

•To know where the resources are

Gam e of Life (80’s)https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/game-life-


Task: Role PlayGame of Life

•Student A - E

•Profile the P16

•How will you ‘Inspire’/manage their aspirations?

•How will you get them to complete UCAS?

•What routes suit, what would you recommend?

The Why? (& Why Now?)

•Focus & Motivation for Yr13, results day & Module 1

•Mod 6 start of A2 & attendance tracking

•Yr12 with no plan & no motivation to step up, cannot afford this in Yr13

•Makes Tutor/P16 relationship relevant (they will be paying our pensions...)

UCAS Timeline Overview

• Module 6: Personal Statements, References, Guidance & Research, Open Days

• Module 1: Complete their application. Confirm Maximum of 5 choices

• 15th October: Medics & Oxbridge Deadline

• 31st October: Leigh P16 Deadline to make payments and Apply

• *Art & Design where specified 24th March

Resources UCAS APPLY

•All resources on the blog http://leighpost16progression.blogspot.co.uk/

•‘How to use Apply’

•‘Personal Statement’


•Tutors given log ins & buzzwords from VPs/Dol P16

UCAS Online Application ProcessStage 1: Now to Half Term

1. Applicant completes Reference Request Form

2. Tutor guides drafts of personal statement with applicant

3.DoLP16 notifies Tutor & Subject Teachers for reference request

4.Subject Teachers write Reference, DoLP16 send to Tutor who keeps a record

5. Applicant marks online application as ‘complete’

6. Tutor checks application & statement and ‘approves’ it or ‘returns’

UCAS Online Application ProcessStage 2: Half Term to November 15th

1. Tutor shapes 3 subject paragraphs & Top & Tails the reference. Marks as complete

2. VP approves the quality of reference

3. Dol P16 monitor’s progress, makes final checks & sends to UCAS

We will prioritise those applicants that have met the application completion deadline of Half

TermWe are committing to parents to aim to turn

around applications within 2 weeks

Personal Statement

•Does it reflect their grade profile?

•Are they listing skills and experiences of LINKING them to relevance?

•Is it personal - can you recognise them?

•Is there evidence they know why they are studying this - what it will lead to, what it entails?

•What can they do in the time remaining?

Communication & Tracking

•Applicants must complete the ‘Reference Request’ online form to start the process - remind them

•Once I have passed them to you, Tutor approaches the Subject Teachers to complete the Reference Form

•Between us we need to keep a record of which teachers have written and sent Subject References and which have not.

Reference - Structure

•Para 1: Introduce & Background

•Para 2: Subject Teacher 1

•Para 3: Subject Teacher 2

•Para 4: Subject Teacher 3

•Para 5: Your recommendation

Attendance must be presented honestly & positively
