U10 death & dying



Nursing 1, U10: Death & Dying- G9/2nd Term/1432

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Unit 10 : Death & dying


Palliative care or hospice care

Supports dying patients and their relatives but does

not try to cure.

1-Practioners who work in this field have developed ways of using drugs such as: Morphine while at the same time maintaining patient's full faculties.

2- making use of alternative treatments that

can help with pain management, such as

relaxation therapy, massage, and music


The reality of long, debilitating terminal illnesses raises the issue of euthanasia .

Euthanasia(n): Mercy killing. the practice (illegal in most countries) of

killing without pain a person who

is suffering and cannot be cured.

DeathDefinition of death :when the heart and breathing stop.

This means that emergency paramedics must continue all attempts to resuscitate until death on arrival is confirmed by hospital doctor.

But some medical training manuals state that a person cannot be assumed to be dead unless it is perfectly obvious- for example, in the case of decapitation.

When a patient dies in a hospital, nursing staff provide post-mortem care.Post mortem care:A set of procedure which includes making records and preparing the body for relatives.

Post mortem varies according to culture and religion and whether

or not there is going to be an autopsy to get more information

about the cause of death.


Burial : ( n ) ceremony where a

deadperson is put under

theGround . Funeral : ( n )

a ceremony at which is

buried or cremated. procession

Cremation : ( n )

averment where the body of a

dead person is burnt in a special

building .

Anxiety : ( n )

A relatively permanent state of worry &


Autopsy: (n)an examination and dissection of a dead body to determine cause of death or changes produced by


Decomposition: (n)the process of decay caused

by bacteria

Loss consciousness : ( n )

Loss the ability to perceive & respond .

sibling : ( n )

A person‘s brother or sister.

sorrowful through loss or deprivation .

Grieving : ( adj )

Deceased: (adj)


A pause for relaxation .

Respite :

( n )

Cure : ( n )

A medicine or therapy cures

disease or relieve pain .

sympathy : ( n )

Sharing the feeling of others (especially feeling of sorrow or anguish)

Diagnose : ( v )

A medical analysis

Mental deteriorati

on of organic or functional

origin .

Dementia : ( n )

Duaa Bukhari

&Alaa Al-talhi

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