Tx history-ch-3.5


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Chapter 3: The Regions of


Section 5:Intermountain

Basins & Plateaus

The Central Plains

Mountains and Basins•Dominates the far West Texas landscape

•Landforms: mountains, plateaus, canyons, and basins

Mountains and Basins

Basin—lowland surrounded by

higher land

Mountains and Basins•Elevation Varies

–Lowest Point: canyon along Rio Grande that sits at 1700 ft above sea level

Mountains and Basins• Elevation Varies

–Highest Point: Guadalupe Peak 8,749 ft

Mountains and Basins• Elevation Varies

–Davis Mountains: Several peaks over 7000 ft

Mountains and Basins•Hot summers, cold winters•Always dry—less than 9 in rain/year

•Desert grasses, shrubs, mesquite trees, and cacti

Mountains and Basins•Ranches must be large because the desert landscape offers few food resources for livestock.

•Irrigation used—alfalfa, cotton, pecan, vegetables

Mountains and Basins•Economy boosted by tourism

•Tourism—business of attracting visitors to a region or place

Texas National Parks

•Big Bend N.P.

•Guadalupe Mountain N.P.

Big Bend National Park

Guadalupe Mountains National Park

Guadalupe Peak Pictures1. Guadalupe Peak

2. Atop Guadalupe Peak3. Atop Guadalupe Peak