Tv promotion 2


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T V P romotion

A dverts T railers shown on various channels –timeslots /played during specific

programmes with similar audiences to that of the film’s targeted audience.

C hannels (such as I T V and C hannel 4)are payed by the film’s marketing

department to have the trailers played- and are shown at specific timeslots,

however only as many times as the channel allows depending on how much is


C hannels like B B C however, do not have any adverts.

A ctive Product Placement

V arious films/adverts include products to promote them and get people to purchase them.

I nterviews with Cast ,Producers and Directors ( Extended Placement)

T alk show interviews with cast members for example:

J onathan R oss

P arkinson

A lan C arr: C hatty M an

T he O prah W infrey show

G M T V – T his M orning S how

T his allows the cast to promote the film and related products but also

answer hosts questions that most fans eager to find out about and will

tune in
