Turquois - First Edition 2015 - The SmilingOne Foundation


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Turquois The SmilingOne Foundation’s NEWSLETTER

1st Edition 2015

Our Values LOVE In our experience of Love we find ourselves in a place of unconditional sharing, holding no judgment or expectation. As we embrace Love within, we embrace Love in ALL.

LEARNING We enjoy the process of learning. We are Students and Explorers of life, widening our horizon and adding to our portfolio.

ADDING VALUE We enjoy adding value to individuals and whole communities. Adding value to the human potential is a privilege and assists the process of building bridges, breaking down the most resistant walls.

ONENESS We believe in UNIQUENESS and UNITY. ‘It is about understanding oneself and the role one plays in the bigger ‘puzzle of life’ - the greater purpose. On one hand being tiny compared to the whole – teaching us humbleness – and on the other being highly valuable as each piece of the puzzle is of inestimable value to the wholeness – teaching us worthiness.

INTEGRITY We enjoy working with our clients and each other openly, honestly and sincerely. We walk the talk and deliver what we promise.

OUR ENVIRONMENT We care deeply for our environment and inspire change by our own living example




Re-Integration ‘Trial & Support’

Youth,Family, Communi

ty, Schools..

Job Creation





Peer Friend Process

Change AgentsIn the making

Utilizing the Potential

© 2014 SmilingOne


Content FOREWORD Letter from the CEO OUR SUPPORT NETWORK OUR PROJECTS OUR PROJECTS 1. PAROLEE SUPPORT 3. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Jabu – Words After Release CMD – A Musical Project 2. REINTEGRATION 4. SKILLS DEVELOPMENT SA Prisons – Change Agents in the Making Personal Balance Profile Workshop Monwabisi’s Ballroom Project FUTURE PROJECTS AND EVENTS FUNDRAISING OUR FAMILY Cape Town Cycle Tour 2015 – Riding For a Crime Free SA

Letter from Franklin’s desk

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you back to a new year of our newsletter Turquoise. And as you may have read from our Facebook page we have a special project that we are envi-sioning to kick off very soon and extend an invite to sponsors and partners to join hands in cre-ating a SmilingOne Change Agent Resource Centre where we will also house parolees in their active rehabilitation via the Circle Of Change (COC).

We had an amazing event building up to the Cape Town Cycle Tour 2015. 27 riders were riding with Team SmilingOne in support of our vision of a crime free South Africa; our CMD music project with the youth is shaping wonderfully with two songs that are now recorded - taking talent to a new level with performances in the community; inspiring updates from our Prison processes where you will experience 'Change Agents in the Making' making great progress and one of our 'Change Agents in the Making' (Jabu) now released and expanding on his toolbox of responsibility.

In the same breath I would love to thank all of you who have been part of our vision to do more in our communities, we truly believe that together we can do so much more. Feel free to follow us on our Facebook page and visit our website for more details on our Resource Centre and how we can build a partnership and see this vision come to life.

From Franklin's Desk – enjoy our first newsletter for 2015!

Letter from the CEO Another wonderful season here at SmilingOne. I am tapping into the wonderful theme that Franklin has chosen for our newsletter this time and I immediately think of this inspiring quote by Rumi "As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears.” ~Rumi This is so true for how many of our projects through COC activation unfolds. Each one of us are up against our old chapters written early in our lives and tend to limit ourselves to a way of being and doing that is based on early knowledge of ourselves and of others. Here at SmilingOne we question the knowledge that fuels our behaviour and as each Student meets the old he/she begins the steps into the unfolding of an incredible potential and with newfound curiosity writes and adds new chapters every single day, broadening what it means to walk a conscious path. There is an awakening to something that within us is know yet still not fully explored. "Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love." ~Rumi It is such a privilege to experience our Students awaken and explore what this means. I see it in the prison processes that I am so fortunate to have as my own COC Caring Practice, I see it in those that have committed to change inside prison and step back home into their families and communities. Yes, each one is tested deeply as old patterns will re-surface. The invite says: 'Are you still choosing what is limited or do you have the courage to follow the song of your heart?'. Sometimes we must drown in our illusions to realise that they are not real and right there grab our tools that now take on a much deeper meaning. I stand in awe of how our Students paths shape and how purpose is revealed. Let yourself become living poetry. ~Rumi I am excited about 2015 and giving birth to more projects as more Change Agents re-integrate. It may look like many paths but it is one path with many legs that is true to our passion and purpose, the Change Agent unlocking his/her potential and assisting crime prevention/diversion and social cohesion. One of the legs is our upcoming Change Agent Resource Centre which you can read more about in our newsletters this year. Thank you for tuning in. In deep appreciation Karina WE UNLOCK POTENTIAL THROUGH CIRCLE OF CHANGE ACTIVATIONS

TOGETHER IS BETTER! We establish and nurture relationships with existing and new partners in community building. We all own a share in the shaping of a healthy society!

Sponsors 2015 Sponsors monthly: RUC - Dave Thorpe - Aslam Bava INFO FOR SPONSORS: Donate via our website www. SmilingOne.com (go to Foundation). Use

PayPal link in upper right corner. All Donations are eligible to receive a Section 18{A} Tax Certifi-

cate enabling the Donor to claim a deduction from personal or corporate taxable income. Donor

deductibility applies to cash donations and donations in kind - such as good and services. The Tax

Certificate will be issued in March each year after the end of the financial year in February.

OUR PROJECTS – CHANGE AGENTS IN THE MAKING Parolee Support Jabu – Words After Release by Franklin When I turn around on the park bench, my visual process starts to slow down as the enormous energy walks towards me, that I feel closing in on me. He smiles and my arms opens to the warmth of his energy drawing me in for a hug. His first comment after greeting is ‘this is a beautiful place’ – he is seeing the Cape Town Gardens after more than ten years. So how has it been for you after release from Prison? It is great and interesting to see how life has changed. In my community I see new people, new lifestyles, things has changed quite a lot. I have been saying to some people that I see growth in the community as well as a lot of challenges. But people are doing big things by using their time wisely in terms of businesses and a lot of the guys I know have small businesses, which is very encouraging for me. What was the first thing you did after release? I called the mother of my child to say I am home and she came to welcome me. And I saw my son. That was amazing to me because I have not seen my son in years and that time he was very young. I was so surprised to see him all grown up. And he had a lot of questions, I think he and me were both excited to see each other.

[I aim to inspire people and continue with a vision of bringing peace into people’s lives. For me it is to aspire to inspire before I expire.] What was the first dish you had? I had a full home cooked meal. But before that I had a yoghurt. Man, I missed yoghurt. But you know you can’t each so much at first, so I only had a small bit. But that was my first great meal. What is your vision now that you are home? I aim to inspire people and continue with a vision of bringing peace into people’s lives. For me it is to aspire to inspire before I expire. So it is about showing people about change and to be part of change in my community. The key for me now is education as I am writing my matric very soon. Can you give motivation to the community of Khayalitsa? The community of Khayalitsa must grow, especially the youngsters. For I see them drinking booze and using drugs. And those things are just a time wasting man. Use your time useful and grow. There is lots of opportunity in Khayalitsa. One day you will complain but you have failed to use the opportunity, for it has past you by. Youngsters, use your time to grow before you miss out of the great opportunity that is in front of you. Jabu Thembinkosi Masti has been with SmilingOne as a student in ‘The Responsible Individual’ since 2010 at Brandvlei Maximum Centre and is one of our Change Agents in the Making. He has been released from Prison the 29th of January 2015, where he is committing himself to be part of his process of change by making different choices and adding new puzzle pieces to his journey. A man with a great heart and wonderful energy has stepped back into his community with an amazing gift. * Watch our Facebook page at SmilingOne – the responsible individual for updates about Jabu and other Change Agents

OUR PROJECTS – REINTEGRATION PRIOR RELEASE Change Agents in the Making by Karina SA PRISON - CHANGE AGENTS IN THE MAKING The Responsible Individual (TRI) - step 1 in our Circle of Change (COC) engine Malmesbury Prison Process: It is with great JOY that we in this first quarterly newsletter in 2015 feature one of our treasured TRI Facilitators in training Ilse van Niekerk and one of her TRI students Mustapha who is incarcerated in Malmesbury Prison. Ilse has trained with SmilingOne since 2012 and has been deepening her TRI facilitation toolbox in our prison processes where TRI is used as a vehicle in Responsible Rehabilitation (RR) and for the facilitator serves as a platform to deepen the ability to Self-Guide and through Self-Guidance to hold spaces for our TRI students to learn the Art of Self-Guidance.

Meet Mustapha who has enjoyed the space Ilse has held with him both during his TRI1 and today in his TRI2. This is part of Ilse’s feedback on his journey:

“Mustapha explained to another inmate why he attends Smil-ingOne sessions: “You get to know yourself; during the sessions; different windows are opened that might relate to your situa-tion; you arrive with an empty cup and when you understand the windows, your cup is filled with something new. It is a jour-ney of self-discovery where you could become aware of your shortcomings and imperfections. It is important to focus on your goal. It is important to learn, but even more important to un-derstand what you learn.” Mustapha has realised that there is a lot of opportunity in chal-lenges and learnt the value of not having expectations and preconceived ideas. Instead of advising others, he gives his viewpoint i.e. opening windows - what is right and wrong for one person could be completely different for somebody else. He

gets a broader understanding when he is confronted with other cultures and viewpoints. Mustapha mentions that the program has given him new insight, he has grown to become spiritually more mature, he looks forward to the group sessions and he has realised how necessary and important it is to go through processes. When faced with challenge, he can now look beyond – instead of just looking at the emotion, he tries to understand the emotion, its meaning and use it in a constructive manner. He relates his current feel-ings back to earlier experiences. He has learnt a lot about his usual reaction patterns. When we use a specific reaction pattern, it is like driving in only one lane while we often have many possible lanes that could be used. Regardless of our emotion, we can choose how to react. Mustapha mentions that fear can rob you since it puts a smokescreen up that distorts what you see. He used to feel fear of digging deeper into his real self until he took the step to open up deeply. He said he used to be afraid of what he would discover if he went deeper. Then at some point he decided that he was going to go deeper regardless of what he was going to find there. Fear robbed him from achieving what he could achieve. Fear was holding him back. His healing process started there. He had to go right back to his past. Now he is able to be transparent. I asked Mustapha what helped him to overcome the fear and he said it took courage and he really wanted to go deeper. Mustapha now transfers things he has learnt through TRI to others by telling stories and being an exam-ple. He says that a flower describes different things to different people. One person will look at the flower and notice the beauty; another would notice the nice smell. Mustapha notices that the flower opens by itself. If it does not open itself, others can’t see or smell the flower. This has shown him the value of being open and that each person is responsible to open himself and only if you open yourself, will others see/smell your beauty.”

Stats for Malmesbury Prison Process: - 20x TRI Students - 3x TRI Facilitators Ilse van Niekerk, Bradley Hess, Franklin Esau. - Quality Assurance & TRI Facilitator Trainer: Karina Andersen

Helderstroom Prison Process:

We have a very committed group of TRI students who are in the process of finalising TRI2. This is an area on The Re-sponsible Individual Journey where we show our toolbox in action - daily practices are being recorded in a Personal Bal-anced Profile (PBP) that assists conscious movement from the subjective (little picture) to the objective (bigger picture) where we open ourselves to continuous healing and explor-ing more options. Sessions are very creative and we often use session maps to illustrate a process.

Feelings are always a center point. Not to rush feeling processes, learning to build bridges: “Every scenario is a wonderful opportunity to meet more of ourselves. The deeper we have gone within ourselves to meet how we feel the deeper can we meet someone in what they feel. Feel-ings build bridges. It is what connects us. Let us not rush through a healing process too quickly. Let us feel for a moment and allow deeper inner connect to expand and open ourselves for deeper outer connects” Stats for Helderstroom Prison Process - 8x TRI Students - 1x TRI Facilitator Karina Andersen - Quality Assurance & TRI Facilitator Trainer: Karina Andersen

Worcester Prison Process We are very privileged to have a strong TRI Facili-tator Team at this prison - each one shining their light to fellow inmates. Phumzile is one of these spe-cial lights - a true inspiration. Phumzile has found that HE counts and each day he attends to being the best version of himself. This is now 'spilling over' in the most beautiful way to those around him. "I have a dream of opening my own kitchen one

day, working for an income, working for a charity. I am resourceful in drama as well and would love to make my own drama series. I have become the change I want to see in people. My biggest dream that I am making a reality while still incarcerated is to be a TRI Facilitator with SmilingOne. When I am outside prison I will continue with facilitation of TRI and promotion of SmilingOne in any way I can. Stats for Worcester Prison Process - 12x TRI Students - 4x TRI Facilitators: Daniel Davids, Marco Simons, Phumzile Salela, Luyanda Mboniswa - Quality Assurance & TRI Facilitator Trainer: Karina Andersen

CHANGE AGENTS IN THE MAKING It is an honour to work with these gentlemen. These are our Change Agents in the making each one in full COC activation discovering the most wonderful potential. Our investment in

these men is an investment in our society. Ripples of joy, of care and of empowerment flows from them and to everyone around them. THANK YOU FOR MAKING YOURSELVES A PRIORITY!


REINTEGRATION Monwabisi's Ballroom Project (Dancing Shoes) A man who knows what he wants and goes for it. That is how I observe the attitude of Monwabisi Jeremiah Mbetane, before he ensures me that he only put that hat on when he is doing business. As the proudly SmilingOne Change Agent in the Making moves through Small Entrepreneurship to Dance Teacher and now on his way to Facilitator. With a background in dancing Monwabisi has come back into his community after being released. He saw the need for activity amongst the youth of Langa and started ballroom lessons in the community as part of him giving back to his community. SmilingOne inspires the Change Agent in the Making in COC Activation to give back to your community through a Caring Project. The Community Centre in Langa has welcomed the idea with both hands as it is a first for the Centre to host an activity such as ballroom dancing. Since then Monwabisi has provide the youth of his community with ballroom lessons such as waltz, tango and cha-cha-cha.

[By giving ballroom classes to the kids, they find a sense of direction…in

communities where we have challenges…it is great to give kids an alternative.] Monwabisi explains to me that like any project in the community has its challenges and so does the ballroom classes. Especially teaching in a multi-purpose centre where there are more than one activity at a time. And the kids are also a bit sceptical about wearing formal shoes to practice. Since then we have found her bigger place and it is more peaceful to focus with only ballroom that we present so it has grown well on the community. When we started out we only had four girls and one boy. Which made it difficult for partners in practicing together. Since we moved to a bigger place more boys have joined. And it is just amazing to see how the kids embrace ballroom. By giving classes to the kids, they find a sense of direction and not only being part of what most youth keep themselves busy with – like drugs and alcohol. In communities where we have challenges such as alcohol and drugs, it is great to give kids an alternative.

We are still very young with our project and have only been active for five months – I do however have a vision to get the kids dancing on a professional level as we have lots of practice to do. Getting them to see ballroom as a passion and a career to reach for their dreams. We are planning this year to enter the dancers in a few community dance events so we have great plans for this year. As I look forward to us developing the community of Langa into a major ballroom dance community in Cape Town.

It is just an amazing journey to see a soul transforming into being an asset to his community. Monwabisi who has been with SmilingOne since 2012 in Malmesbury Correctional Centre has been fully active in his Circle Of Change (COC) since 2014 and is finding himself beautifully in ‘The Responsible Individual’. Salute to the power of giving back to the community.

Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour – Riding For a Crime Free SA

Dear Team SmilingOne

WELL DONE for completing this year’s Cape Town Cycle Tour 2015. We saw most of you as you reached the bend at the end of M3 - all looking great with just 25k to go. If any of you have some photos from the day please share them with us. We did receive some. We have uploaded them to our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/me-dia/set/?set=a.861622273899550.1073741881.138727379522380&type=1 (join our page) This year we had 27 riders cycling with our Team SmilingOne. Let us see if we can reach 50 next year. In preparation for next year’s ride we would like to learn from this year. What can we do bet-ter? Please help us in our learning curve by giving us feedback:

Overall experience? How did you experience the preparation

and registration steps leading up to the Cy-cle Tour? Did you feel you had all info and that your questions were answered?

Would you prefer to go to the EXPO and meet us there to collect your Race Packs in the days leading up to the Cycle Tour or is a Meet n Greet Event like we did this year best for you? What day is best for the Meet n Greet?

How did you experience our Meet n Greet this year? Would you like a similar event next year? For us it is of course also important to tell you about our cause and what you contribute towards.

Include if you would have liked all riders to meet in the morning on the day of the ride and/or if you would have liked an after-tour meet upon completion of the cycle tour.

Would you like to ride with us next year? Do you have friends who would like to join us?

These are the 10 Youth Riders that we have sponsored this year to ride the Cape Town Cycle Tour. They are all part of BEN Bicycling Empowerment Network (BEN) - we are so excited to form this partnership!

A special thank you to our sponsors this year: Thorp Motorgroup and GM Uteforce. We love walking this journey together! Together is al-ways BETTER! All sponsors who assist us to-wards our resource centre this year will be able to get their brand on our cycle shirt next year : ) Let us DO something about crime by showing up and giving people a chance to ‘change their minds’ - just like Franklin, Jabu and many of our Change Agents. Change IS possible! Thank you for your amazing support!

OUR PROJECTS –COMMUNITY BUILDING Community Building Youth Development Project By Franklin Esau Central Music District (CMD)-A Musical Project

In the development of youth an important factor to add to their creativity is talent. In one of our amazing projects we are unlocking and developing the youth with their unique talent of music – broadening their understanding of self. Central Music District (CMD) is a project that not only mentors and nurtures the youth in their talent of music – they also engage in The Responsible Individual (TRI) leadership programme to add value and meaning to their talent. Realising that they are leading their talent to the platform which they choose to express themselves from. With three participants so far I am delighted to say that the participants have been amazing in their growth path. Here is how they have experienced it so far: Latoya It is fun so far, I am enjoying it. And I cannot wait to do so much more than what we are already doing.

Stanford Hey I’m just glad to be with the guys and Franklin to get to learn more about my gift. I told him some time ago that I would love to do songs with him and we are just taking it to another level. I am doing this for the love of music.

Robyn I have seen that I have a lot to learn. At the moment I am very nervous when I do music – I think I will be better in the programme. However everything has been fun so far and I am enjoying it. Stanford and Latoya has been exploring their talent for the past two years with me as artists of music. It is when Robyn the beautiful song bird joined us that I realise the special gift and platform that I can create by inviting the youth to be part of an amazing experience – as they explore their talent on the platform of The Responsible Individual (TRI) leadership programme. Our progress so far: two recorded songs and performances in the community which helped them shape their talent. In future we will be anticipating a lot more performances. And we are getting ready to be part of a compilation album with various other artists. Central Music District is a project of sound, leadership and discovery.

Photos from top to bottom: our 3 participants at a photo shoot for our newsletter last year; Latoya calming the nerves before performing in Belhar; Stanford, Robyn and me after rehearsal for our song – Peace &; with the MUTE X team where they invited us to perform


Personal Balanced Profile (PBP) Workshop I was asked to explain what a Personal Balanced Profile is and when sharing I was met with a lot of questions. It seems the words coming out my mouth were very foreign to the person. So I decided let me rather share what I do with a Personal Balanced Profile – he listened intensively.

I have started to live more consciously in all areas of my life. One thing is having a theory another is to move it onto the practical so that I can truly say 'I am doing it'.

The Personal Balance Profile is my overview (a map) of my spectrum and all it holds. It is con-nected to the core of who I am as ‘person’.

Personal means information that I enter about my personal journey in life. It is about me. Balanced means how I reach for a life that is balanced, living fully into my potential. Profile means the format that I use to map my journey.

An example:

In the area of my mind - body - soul. My vi-sion is like a ship of intention to connect with my body and all it holds. My focus automati-cally becomes my outcome as I make 'I feel healthy’ happen through my actions: I go to gym 3 times a week. I take ownership of my improvement areas and don’t allow them to get in my way: 'I am not going I am too tired'. I move with my whole being.

Ilse shares

Before the workshop we updated our PBP’s. It was good to look at case studies of PBP's and see how we could learn from different approaches. It was great learning to spend a morning looking again at our ships of intention – our focus, achievements and improvements – what we would like to work towards. We all could look at our own vision and decide how we wanted our own personal pathway to look. The PBP Workshop helped me to see how the PBP helps me to affirm balance, put ideas into action, to reflect, to stay focused, committed and account-able. A great day of leaning!

By practicing the Personal Balanced Profile I have an opportunity to identify my challenges, check my mirrors and look at my behaviour, taking ownership of my journey and all it holds.

I am but a traveller in the journey of life, using my Personal Balance Profile (PBP) as a map to guide me.

What an amazing approach at life – a beautiful puzzle piece!

What does learning mean: accumulating knowledge or transforming your life? – Paulo Coelho



My VISION: Connecting to my body and all it holds




“Daily Practice”



-I feel healthy

-I go to gym 3 times

a week -I’m not going I am

too tired

The Responsible Individual MOMENT OF SILENCE Challenges Symptoms of Challenges Mirror Wind Reactive Patterns The Survivor

Pleaser Victim Balance Awareness Spectrum Trust Acceptance Allowance Affirmation Personal

Balance Profile Understanding

Identity Directions Values

CHOICE the observer PURPOSE

key roles Mission Vision BODY

MIND SOUL learning

Relationships ENVIRONMENT social responsibility


Your Story Has Power The power of your story is key not only to who are you but also in guiding your reality.

One of many revelations in the book written by a beautiful inspiration Debbie Ford. Learning to add more puzzle pieces to your individuality and understanding of self. Our stories are like fruit salads that make up the core of who we are. This allows us to behave and act from this centre. SmilingOne teaches that it is key for an individual to embrace responsibility for his own journey and where it leads – and so does The Secret of the Shadows compliment that by outlining how important it is to realise that we steer our journeys. In one aspect of your story where you chose to direct excuses, failures, goals and even actions towards others. When OWNERSHIP for ones story says that it is all me – I did choose that. Realising that the power of our story is within us to reach a new potential – freeing ourselves from limitation.

SmilingOne is passionate about unlocking potential. Our book review this newsletter is a dedication to potential and ownership of ones individual story. Hoping that we all realise the power that is within us for a greater purpose. “Exceptionally compelling…Debbie Ford continues to transform our perspectives, giving us great tools and processes to help us transcend the limitations of our personal drama.” – MARIANNE WILLIAMSON author of Enchanted Love



Future Projects and Events

The SmilingOne Fundraising Album

Be sure not to miss our Fundraising Album PIECES - coming soon. We have great artists such as Lionel Bastos, Tina Schouw, Paul Abro and some amazing new talent from CMD – along with Robert Steiner, Nathalie Andersen and Bukiwe. This is going to be an experience that you will not want to miss. Check our website or Facebook page for more information.

SmilingOne Change Agent Franklin Esau - and Nathalie (one of our rising youth stars) is practicing

one of Franklin's song. We are starting recording of Franklin's Album on April 7th in Cloudbreak Stu-

dios by Ashton Gardner. The Album is donated to The SmilingOne Foundation and will raise funds

to start our own SmilingOne Production Studio where Franklin's CMD project (rising youth stars -

youth at risk) and other artists can enjoy a space of living into their talent.

The Production Studio will be part of our Change Agent Resource Centre. One of our BIG Ships of

Intentions for 2015

Family Support Our family support program for 2015 has started. Working with family members of inmates who has committed deeply to the change path and want to build a bridge back home to their families assisting successful reintegration. https://www.facebook.com/SmilingOne.TheResponsibleIndividual www.smilingone.com

There are many paths but only one journey. -Naomi Judd


Karina Chris Nicky

Andersen Plam Thorp Founder







Ilse Van Niekerk


Luyanda Thando Sibabalo Collin Andrew Daniel

Bradley Oscar

Vuyiswa Shawn Ivan Bukiwe Bulelwa

More D Maloh Siya Mama Esther

Chris Franklin Malcolm Jabu



It is with the loving support of many fellow community members such as yourself that we can truly succeed. Each one of us a valuable puzzle piece!

THE SMILING ONE FOUNDATION NPO: Registration 080-470 18A Tax Certificates

PBO: 930034417 Earn BBBEE Points


Change Agents: Contact us:

Chris Plam +27 (0)84 862 6578 Fax: +27 (0)86 617 502 Franklin Esau +27 (0)84 495 3980 Email: info@smilingone.com

Board of Trustees: Contact: PO Box 31153 Karina Andersen Tokai 7966 Email: karina@smilingone.com

Cell: +27 (0)83 235 6555


Trust account: Email us for our PayPal details

The SmilingOne Foundation First National Bank Tokai Branch 200409 Account 6225 925 3898 SWIFT: FIRNZAJJ
