TrIsCo UK Study Tour: tEC's schools work




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Project part-financed by the European Union

tEC Schools Work

• tEC have predominantly worked with infant and primary school children, ages 5-11

• We are now developing materials for secondary schools (ages 11-16) as well

• tEC offers a range of activities when visiting schools

Project part-financed by the European Union


• Professor Switchitoffs Exam of Energy Excellence, KS2

- This involves a range of hands on activities to demonstrate energy saving

- Children work in small groups on each activity in turn

Eco Dolls House

Project part-financed by the European Union

Activities• Mission Energy, KS2

- The children perform an energy audit of their own school, this involves looking for energy crimes and also thinking of solutions

- They then report their findings back to the head teacher

Project part-financed by the European Union


• Story of the Six Sunbeams, KS1

- A story with pictures and props about how the energy from the sun is vital to life on earth

- Ends with the problems of burning fossil fuels and what the children can do to help look after the planet

Project part-financed by the European Union


• Who wants to be an Energy Extraordinaire, KS1 or 2

- A quiz along the lines of Who Wants to be a Millionaire (but without the money)

- This can be done with a class or whole assembly, two teams sit at the front

- Series of multiple choice questions are read out and the teams have to buzz in

Project part-financed by the European Union

Example Quiz Questions

• Which one of these uses the most energy in our home?

A. Hot Hot waterwater

B. HeatingHeating

C. CookingCooking D. Computers Computers and lightsand lights

Project part-financed by the European Union


HeatingHot water


Computers and lights

How we use energy

Project part-financed by the European Union

Quiz • Here are four fun things to do when you’re not at school.

Can you spot the odd one out and explain why?

A. T.V.T.V. B. Play Play StationStation

C. WiiWiiD. Board Board GamesGames

Project part-financed by the European Union


D. Board GamesD. Board Games

Project part-financed by the European Union

Our Experiences

• What works best with schools

- The activities are interactive and fun so the children are more likely to be motivated

- We speak to teachers beforehand to check for specific requirements so we can tailor the activities

- We try to link the activities to the national curriculum where possible

- We request feedback from the teachers we work with

Project part-financed by the European Union


• Working with others

- tEC have recently invited Local Authority staff along to school visits

- Staff from both Havant Borough Council and Gosport Borough Council have attended visits and joined in

- Beneficial and a good opportunity for them to engage with their local schools
