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Sara, Diana

The message of the Documentary

Aim: To raise awareness about sexual health issues among young people and also to educate them.

We intend to do this by:

•Interview people to find the general knowledge that they already have about sexual health and also to find how they keep safe.•Holding group discussion led by sexual health experts.•Interview experts to advice us.•Show facts and stats on screen.•Have pictures up used to shock


Opening:Fast clips of establishing shots. Filmed from posters, buses, buildings, teenagers gathering. walking around, shopping. The title ‘Sex, Moods and Teenagers’.Interviews:This will be in the form of vox pops filmed on the street. We will ask some teenagers to take part in our ‘Sex quiz’ which will contain questions about a range of S.T.I’s and different types of contraception's. It will allow us to know how much teenagers know, and for every question they get wrong we will have a fact on screen about it.Side story:1.‘A day in the life of a teenage mum’, we intend on interviewing a mother and taking some footage of her day and how she interacts with her child.2. ‘The Chlamydia test check’, we want to show how simple it is to take this test, by filming a boy reading the steps of how to use a test kit. Discussions: Filmed discussion where out presenter is talking to a group of 14 year olds,




Contents page listingsOpening [Slide 5]Interviews [Slide 5] Side story [Slide 5]Discussions [Slide 5]Locations [Slide 6]Shots [Slide 7]


Intro establishing shot of a place that lets the audience know the area in which the documentary is being shot.

1.Passing people in either a busy shopping centre or the park. This will be blurred with statistics showing the percentages of facts such as ‘how many teenagers a year have had an STI’ or ‘how many have had sex underage’.

2.Long shot of the presenter walking towards the camera, introducing this episode and what will feature.

3.Short clips of the presenter interviewing someone.

4.Long shot to show that a discussion is taking place and then fast zoom onto someone talking.

5.Back to the title scene with the a long shot of the presenter, establishing documentary is taking a break.

6.Throughout we need to show a range of subjective as well as objective shots, reverse shots, two shots, cut away, transition, match on action and close ups.


[Glade Shopping centre]

-Bromley Park

-Bromley Streets

-The common Room

