Trailer convention


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Trailer Conventions

The first conventions I used in the trailer was the green screen. The green screen informs the audience as to who is eligible to view the trailer. The green screen is a common convention used in every movie trailer.

The convention include s a website that gives you more information about the green screen and its use. My green screen says that this trailer is not suitable for viewers under 17 without a parent of adult guardian. I chose this rating as my trailer is a horror therefore I seen it best fit.

I used the Sony picture entertainment logo as it is a common convention to include production company logo and images to inform the audience who the movie is being produced and distributed by.

This can influence the audience to watch the movie as they may acknowledge that the production company is well known for other good quality movies that they have previously enjoyed.

One of the conventions I used was a tagline to describe an aspect of the trailer to explain something . This convention can work in various ways, some trailers include it to explain the storyline, some use it to create intensity whilst some do not use it at all.

I felt that putting a tagline here and there would help clear up the storyline and provide some answers for the audience .

A unique selling point that I included was the name of the cast in the movie. This helps promote the actors and may help people recognise the cast and therefore want to watch the movie as they may have recognised the actors from another movie they liked.

This convention is widely used especially when big name actors are in the movie as this promotes them and makes the movie look good as the actors may be of high standards.

This unique selling point tells the audience of what other movies the producers have made therefore giving a reference to what they are capable of and proving that they are worthy of being watched. This promotes the mentioned movie as well and may remind people of the movie so they would go back and watch it, this would also be gaining production companies money and attention.

This convention is useful for attracting an existing fanbase and encouraging them to watch this new movie.

The movie title is an important convention as the whole trailer revolves around it. The movie title also gives clues as to what the movie is about and the genre. The short title helps makes it easier to remember and will attach to the trailer therefore making the trailer recognisable and easier to remember as well.

This convention is one of the most common as it is common sense to acknowledge the movie title as it informs the audience of what they have watched. It is also usually included at the end so it is almost the last thing that the audience remember watching.

The last and final convention included in my trailer is the blurb. This usually goes quite fast but it includes details such as the producers, actors and directors. It is an important informative text to show the credits of the people that have worked on the movie therefore to show that it is a good movie as it has been worked on.

The blurb also incudes the release date that enables people to look forward to the movie and also create anticipation and excitement for the audience so they are more likely to watch it. the website included allow the audience to retrieve more information on the movie and the production logos again show who have produced and made the movie.

All the conventions used in the trailer have all had the purpose of promoting the trailer and proving to the audience how good and worthy is it of being watched . Secondary purposes are also to entertain the audience to make sure they have something to look forward to when watching the actual movie.

I used conventions just as they would be used in real trailers to make my movie trailer as realistic as possible .
