Trabajo de edin emanuel franco portillo 5to pa


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school of agriculture in northeastSANOR

Edin Emanuel Franco Portillo

5to. agronomistGroup no. 2

Agronomists Vocabulary

Ing. Oscar garcia

Vocabulario- vocabulary

Pecuaria- livestock:

Ejemplo- example:

El profesor de producción animal estuvo en el área pecuaria.

Professor of animal production was in the livestock area.

Piocha- pickaxe:

juan using earth-moving piocha.

Pala- shovel:

miguel takes land with shovel.

Arado- plow:

July plow used for machining the land.


Fidel use the tractor for plowing.


Jorge use the machete to plate.


saul wear a hat to work

Botas- boots:

joel boots used to work in the field.

Botas de hule- rubber boots:

juan used rubber boots to work on muddy ground.

Maíz- corn:

joel planted corn on his land.


maco is using the chapiadora.

Carreta- cart:

jose use the cart to pull organic matter.


juan applied insecticide at planting.


lorenzo applied insecticide for planting.

Taxonomia vegetal- plant taxonomy:

Plant taxonomy class was taught by licensed vitalino.

Melón- melon:

planting melon was a failure.


watermelon planting gave us lost.

ocra- okra:

the okra plant brought us gain.


yucca grew considerably.

Mango- mango:

good harvest this year came mango.


loroco this expensive this year.


okay tomato red.

Mecanizacion agricola- agricultural mechanization:

class imparts agricultural mechanization the selvin.

Cartografia- cartography:

cartography class was given by the engineer yemner.

Limon- lemon:

planting lemon was good.

Naranja- orange:

Sweet oranges out.

Guayabas- guavas:

guavas have many worms.


avocados are Green.

Rastrillo- rake:

rake broke.