Total Physical Response (TPR)



Learning Method

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• Total Physical Response (TPR) is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach language through physical (motor) activity. Developed by James Asher, a professor of psychology at San Jose State University, California, it draws on several traditions, including developmental psychology, learning the ory, and humanistic pedagogy, as well as on language teaching proce dures proposed by Harold and Dorothy Palmer in 1925.

1.) What are the goals of teachers who use TPR ?


students to persist

reduction of stress

enjoyment of


2.) What is the role of the teacher ? What is the role of the students ?

• teacher as nonverbal model

• Students are imitator of the teacher

• later role-reversal

3.) What are some characteristics of the teaching/learning process ?

• Modeling..

• Performing alone..

• Recombine elements of the commands..

4.) What is the nature of student-teacher interaction ? What is the nature of student-

student interaction ?

• The teacher interacts with the whole group of students and with individual students.

5.) How are the feeling of students dealt with ?

• To reduce the stress people feel..

• Perfection should not be expected..

• To relieve anxiety..

• There not be too modeling but students not be too rushed..

6.) How is the language viewed ? How is culture viewed ?

• The oral modality is primary.

• Culture is the lifestyle of people who speak the language


7.) What areas of language are emphasized ? What language skills are emphasized ?

• Vocabulary and grammatical structures..

• Imperatives..

• Understanding the spoken language should precede its


8.) What is the role of the students’ native language ?

• This method is generally introduced in the student’s native language.

9.) How is evaluation accomplished ?

• Teachers understand by observing students actions.

10.) How does the teacher respond to student errors ?

• Teachers should be tolerant of their students and only correct major errors.

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