Toolbelt Theory 2.0



Toolbelt Theory and the TEST protocol meets social networking in this presentation from the CSUN Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference 2010

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Toolbelt Theory 2.0Universal Design and Global Accessthrough Student Technology ChoiceIra David SocolMichigan State University

CSUN 2010 San Diego

Enabling the tool use and tool choice skills of our students is at the heart of giving them the power to succeed in their future.

The Old Toolbelt

The Contemporary Toolbelt

"Toolbelt Theory" suggests that we must teach our students how to analyze tasks, the task-completion environment, their own skills and capabilities, an appropriate range of available tools… and let them begin to make their own decisions

• Break the dependence cycle• Develop lifespan technology skills• Limit the impact of limitations• Empower student decision- making• Prepare students for life outside of and beyond school

Students learn to employ a specifically ordered version of Joy Zabala's SETT Framework (Student, Environment, Tools, Tasks). Specifically ordered because, in human experience, the choice of tools is always Task-dependent.






Student-centeredTask-basedTechnology decision-makingProtocol

Task. At the most basic, I need to know if I need to cut wood or join it before I start looking for a tool to use.

Environment is next because it makes a huge difference whether I am cutting the wood in my garage or in a forest.

Then, I need to know my Skills – Am I strong? Am I exhausted?

Is my right hand broken? Am I simply a danger to myself and others with power tools?

Once I know all of that, I need to know which Tools exist – if I have never seen a chainsaw, as many dyslexic students (for example) have never seen a good digital reader, I will spend long hours hacking ineffectively with an axe.

Contemporary Skillsets

Intake information

Filter information

Store information

Manage information

Distribute information

Intake and Output

“Reading is defined as getting information from a recorded source into your head, Writing is defined as getting information from your head into a form which others can access.”

Intake and Output

Information is freed from any specific delivery system.

Task1. What needs to be done? (when possible, break the task down into component parts)

Environment1. Where must this be done ?2. Under what time constraints?3. What is the standard method of task completion?4. How does this student interact within this environment?5. Who is the task being done for? (specifics of teacher, employer, other expectations)

Skills1. What specific strengths does the person with the disability bring to this task?2. What specific weaknesses interfere

with that person's ability to complete the task?3. What is that person's "tool acquisition aptitude" and what tools are they currently comfortable with?

Tools1. What tool best "bridges the gap" between the current skill set and what is needed?2. If the tool is not already "in the toolbox" (successfully trained in its use), how does the environmental timeline match with the needed learning curve?3. If it is not possible to use the "best tool" within this environment what is the "back-up tool"?

Hierarchy of Tools - Reading1. Click-Speak, low-support, free2. WordTalk, higher support, free3. Read-and-Write, strong support, overlay style4. WYNN, full-featured, separate structure5. Reading Pen, portable support

The goal is to empower students to continuously assess their changing needs and the ever changing technological environment that surrounds them, and allow them to build their own toolbelts of appropriate solutions to their life challenges.

The way the world works

Different tools for different tasks/moments

Multiple tools for tasks

For reading, I use

Ink on Paper (though not handwriting)

Digital Screen (Computer/Phone)




Audio Books and mp3 Conversions


Reading Support

For writing, I use

Keyboarding Desktop Keyboard Laptop Keyboard BlackBerry Keyboard

Windows7/Vista Speech Recognition



For “Display,” I use

Desktop with 2 screens

Laptop Screen

BlackBerry Screen

BlackBerry Sound Output

Computer Speakers

Microsoft/Ford Sync

For Spellcheck, I use

Spellcheck in Microsoft Word

Spellcheck on BlackBerry

Spellcheck in Firefox with Dictionary Switcher

Spellcheck in WYNN

Spellcheck in Gmail


Mash Ups

I use the OCR scanner in WYNN for all text conversion, it’s the most accurate

I use Firefox with Google Docs and my British Dictionary when writing for “the right side” of the Atlantic, easiest place to switch spelling supports

I use the translator in Google Docs for international tweets in other languages

I bring docs from Word to WYNN and from html to Word and WYNN

The Tool Mash UpThe art of combining tools to create a personalized support structure

The Tool Mash UpAn essential part of functioningin today’s ICT world. What tobring together to supportyour individual needs.


Firefox Add-Ons

Choose a TTS system: Click-Speak, FoxVox, SpeakingFox

Choose a map tool

Choose a dictionary

Choose a translator


Carrying text to different systems, for different needs

Combining Assistive Technology with Typical Applications

Converting documents for mobile use

Applying Open Source technologies to your needs


Individualizing AT solutions

Inventing Mash Ups

Utilizing multiple systems for task completion

Bringing new tools, or new tool uses, to their peer group

Applying to Social Networking

Creating global access

Creating empowerment

Developing cross-platform skills

Establishing broad communication to break isolation and connect to future tool needs

Ira David SocolMichigan State
