Tips to effective public speaking


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10 Tips for Effective Public Speaking

(modified: Cashin, 1990)

A L F R E D B . C A A M I Ñ O , J R .1 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 5

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Advocated nonviolence protest against discrimination (racial) and inequality having led civil rights movement of the 1960s.

Mohandas “Mahatma” Gandhi

Indian nationalist leader who spent his life campaigning for human rights through a combination of passive resistance to and noncooperation that brought an end to the British rule in 1947. Gandhi said his techniques were inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Mother Teresa

Founded the Missionaries of Charity in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), India to help impoverished children and those who are starving and sick. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

Adolf Hitler

One of the most powerful dictators of the 20th century. He caused the slaughter of millions of Jews and others in the name of racial purification. In 1933, he became prime minister of Germany; however, committed suicide on April 30, 1945.

Eloquent Public


Tip #1Know your audience.

Fit your speaking approach

according to the kind of listeners

you have.

Tip #2Focus to your

topic.You cannot cover everything in one


Tip #3Prepare an outline.

5-9 major points may be enough in one

lecture or depending on the gravity of your


Tip #4Organize

your thoughts for


Tip #5Select appropriate

examples or illustrations for your audience.

Tip #6Present more than one side of an issue. It may be the black-

and-white perspective, but be sensitive to other


Tip #7Repeat points when


Tip #8Be aware of

your audience. Notice their feedback – oculesics,

kinesics and the like.

Tip #9Be enthusiastic. You

don’t have to be an entertainer but

you should be excited about your


Tip #10Talk smart.

Insert humor effortlessly

when capable.

Tip #11Smile. Your

audience won’t bite. Give it

away, for it will come right

back to you.

Tip #12Be prepared

beforehand. Come to a speaking

engagement with prior physiological and psychological


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