Tips For Young Writers


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A basic guide to writing narratives, for young writers.

Marg MurnaneHawkesdale P12 College

• Remember the KISS principle. Keep it Simple Simon

• Plan first – use the OPCRC template to help you plan –


•Keep your ending simple – resolve the problem without having your characters die or wake up. The ending doesn’t have to be spectacular.

•Refer to your plan. Write one or two paragraphs for each of the 5 headings you use to plan – OPCRC

•Edit you work for •Punctuation and spelling•Adjectives•Paragraphs

Write your narratives from things you have experienced. I could not write a story about surfing or motor bike riding as I have never done those things.

I have been to a big city so I could write about getting lost in a city (I know what that feels like), the crowds, the traffic, the sights and sounds of the city etc.

Never think that your experiences are boring or mundane. They can make for a great story.

•A favourite holiday – you would be able to write about the plane/train/bus/car/ferry trip.•A hospital stay – you are able to write a story which involves visiting someone, or someone being in hospital. •Ever been in an ambulance? What was that like?•Farm life – milking cows, shearing, harvesting?•Bush walking – what gear do you need? Shelter? •Camping – campfire stories, spooky at night?•Fishing – casting, fishing, gutting, eating a fish•Shopping – funny experiences, new people etc.

Sadness Disappointment Happiness Excitement Fear Nervousness Anger

Think of times when you felt some sort of emotion and use it to write a great story.

KISS principle Refer back to your plan – but of course you can

change things as you go Write from what you know Skip chunks of time Edit for spelling, punctuation and grammar Add adjectives where appropriate Add similes where appropriate Use paragraphs HAVE FUN
