Tips for Online Teachers



If you are an online teacher, then there are a number of opportunities for you as compared to a full-time traditional teacher. This document will help you in understanding the ways you can earn through teaching online while delivering quality.

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Make More Money as an Online Teacher!

Let’s accept this fact: while teaching is considered to be one of the

noblest professions, it’s not very well-paid. It’s quite difficult for a

lot of conventional teachers to make decent money out of

teaching, so many of them end up working a part-time job on the

side. I, being a teacher myself, would often find it extremely hard

to make some really good money despite spending countless

hours and energy teaching young kids—and what I would get in

return was pittance! Not anymore because, like others, I too have

hopped onto the bandwagon of the online brigade and have seen a

sharp rise in my monthly income.

The advent of the World Wide Web has proved to be a windfall for a number

of companies and individuals who have used the Internet to their own

advantage. Take, for example, online learning which has changed the whole

paradigm of education worldwide. Flexibility, convenience and affordability

became the bywords and education became accessible to all, irrespective of

their financial or geographical backgrounds. Then there are freelancers who

are making raking it in by working from their homes, avoiding the hassle of

traveling and spending money on transportation fares. You can shop online,

study online and even teach online! And if you are not happy with your

current salary as a conventional teacher, you may increase your income

manifold by teaching online. Here’s how you can do that.

Online Tutoring

I’ve been an IELTS tutor for more than ten years now, and I find

online teaching as an easy and effective way to make extra money.

Although I’ve spent most of my time teaching face-to-face, of late

the trend of online teaching has gained traction, where teachers

are working online with students via video collaboration and other

tools. Tutoring is an easy way for you to earn additional money

while sharing your expertise. You can find in-person jobs by

applying to your local tutoring organizations, or work on your own

time online. A number of teachers have taken to online teaching

and are making a sizable amount of money. Sylvan Learning and are two great resources for tutoring.

Instructing Online Classes

Are you an expert in your field? If yes, then

nobody on earth can stop you from earning

extra money. The popularity of online classes is

soaring and you don’t need to have a teaching

certificate or degree to get started. Deep

knowledge in your specific field will help you

draw a number of students, enabling you to

enhance your earning potential as an online

instructor. I would recommend you two sites

that specialize in online learning: Ed2go and

Brain Mass.

Creating an App

Long gone are the days when creating an app was

confined to just programmers and developers; today it’s

easier for everyone to create a successful app and no

extensive training is required for this purpose. Granted

that it’s a challenging task and will definitely take some

time, but you can surely do that if you have a good idea. is one of the sites which are

referred to by some actual teachers quite often. Thanks

to Amazon apps and Android apps, the market is wide

open for products created by real educators.

Test Preparation

As an online teacher, you need to help prepare

students to take such exams as ACT, SAT,

GRE, GMAT, LSAT. While sometimes you need

to have an education background to teach

these subjects, it’s compulsory other times to

take the test at some point. Kaplan and

Princeton Review are the national companies

where you can find more information.

Selling Lesson Plans

Even for the most professional teachers, it’s

not easy to continually create fun, engage

lesson plans that challenge your students

while keeping them deeply engrossed in the

learning process. You can help your fellow

teachers out by selling them online through

some amazing websites like Fiverr or

Teachers Pay Teachers.


You may improve your earning potential by teaching online if you

follow these simple yet effective tips. And if you have any more

ideas you can try and see if they will help you make more money

online. For after all, the field is open for anyone who comes up with

some truly great ideas to improve their earning potential in the

otherwise not so money-oriented field of teaching. Teachers

worldwide opt for Teacher Accreditation to improve their job

prospects and increase their standing among students and

academic fraternity.