Thompson MAT Performance Task


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Katie Thompson

Grade 11 Precalculus

Introduction to

Conic Sections

• This performance task focuses on a precalculus lesson on conic sections. This topic requires students to visualize some complex shapes and structures, and they will be introduced to formulas that they have probably never seen before. Using technology provides students with a visual explanation of how conic sections are formed so that they may better understand where they come from and what properties they have.

• Additionally, incorporating technology into this topic allows both students and teachers to utilize resources such as instructional videos, interactive demonstrations, and helpful graphic organizers. These resources, along with more fun and effective collaboration between classmates, help to keep students engaged while making it easier for them to learn and apply the material.

• A video of this rationale can be viewed here.

Statement of Rationale

• NCTM - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics –Members of this organization have access to monthly publications, weekly emails, and many teaching resources that are grade and subject specific.

• Texas Instruments - Education Technology – A free resource from the well-known company TI, here teachers can find downloadable programs for TI calculators that can be used individually or by an entire class.

• Mathematical Association of America – This national organization provides teachers with resources such as online publications and professional development opportunities.

Agencies and Organizations

• NCTM Illuminations – A development of NCTM, Illuminations is a free resource for math teachers that provides lesson plans, activities, and helpful web links. An example of such an activity is included in a later slide.

• New York Times Learning Network - This resource provides teachers with different lesson plans that accompany particular news articles, making it easy to relate many different topics to real world events. Lessons are archived and organized into thematic units for convenient use.

• Wolfram MathWorld – MathWorld is a searchable resource that contains information and helpful visuals on many math topics. Definitions and explanations of each conic section are readily available, along with clear images for visual understanding.

Subject Specific Internet Resources

• Khan Academy – This website contains instructional videos and practice problems about all four introductory conic sections. Students are able to watch the videos on their own time and at their own pace, and they may complete exercises and check their answers for additional practice.

• Conic Sections Worksheet – Available through KutaSoftware, this worksheet contains many different problems and exercises to familiarize students with the equations and graphs of conic sections.

• iFormulas – This iPad app allows students to look up mathematical formulas. It can act as a great reference tool when students are first learning the formulas for each conic section.

More Teaching Materials

• New York Times Column - Steven Strogatz on

the Elements of Math

• Podcast – University of Wisconsin Precalculus


• Blog - Dan Meyer

Blogs and Podcasts

YouTube Video

Graphic Organizer

Overview of the Four Conic Sections

NCTM Illuminations Activity

From NCTM Illuminations

TI Nspire Student Software

Web 2.0 - Wallwisher

Created at

Web 2.0 – Poll Everywhere

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