Thomas powerpoint


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ButterfliesBy Tommy

What Butterflies Look Like Butterflies have two antennas, a

thorax and four legs. Monarch butterflies’ wing span is four

inches (10 centimeters.)

Butterflies’ Habitat Butterflies’ habitats are in North

America,South America, and a lot of other places.

What Butterflies Eat Monarchs drink nectar from flowers.

A long tongue called the proboscis sucks out the nectar.

Butterflies’ Life Cycle Monarchs start as an egg. They turn

intoa chrysalis (cr-is-ulis). Inside they becomea pupae. In two weeks they are adults.

Butterflies’ Predators Lots of spiders eat butterflies. Some

types of birds also eat butterflies. Some butterflies are poisonous to


Interesting Facts When a Monarch is born it will hatch

inabout four days. The antennas help them find food. Monarchs can taste things with their


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