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This study is a partial fulfillment of the students of English 2 (writing in discipline).

Mw/3:30-5:00 pm

Submitted by: Group 1 Submitted to:

Ms. Joliza S. Alcantara


Rationale of the study While time spent at college is a fond memory and a happy experience for

most, college life is not without its rough patches and problems. While each person’s problems are unique to their current circumstances, we know that there are a few problems that almost all college students deal with at least once during their time at school. If you are on your way into college you might want to get a jump on how to deal with the 5 Common Problems Students Face during College.

According to our survey money is the first common problems of freshmen students. Tuition costs are rising at alarmingly high rates.  Couple that with eating out, shopping trips, gas for the car, and the price of textbooks, and you have a college student's worst nightmare.  College students drop out of school each year because they cannot afford the tuition fee.  Others are forced to juggle full schedules with full time jobs to make ends meet.  It is becoming increasingly harder for students to graduate debt-free.

Second common problem is the education because not all students can finish their studies. Then, the third problem is job because some students are looking for part time job in order to support their studies. Then, depression is the fourth problem of the students because not all students in the University of the Visayas are living nearby the city and they can’t easily adopt the new environment. The last one is subject, because some students don’t have the passion of a certain subject.

We the researchers are looking forward to develop these common problems to all freshmen. We conduct this research to encourage the students in their studies. We expect that this research will help students to have self-confidence and determination to pursue their study.

Theoretical Background  

Some of the problems that first year college students encounter are due to the large of the transition between their lives experience at being at the collegiate level. If students stay on campus, there is a challenge of separation between their homes and the lives they are leading on campus. For many college freshmen, the process of home is approached with much in way of enthusiasm and joy, but the actual experience is a challenge as separation anxiety is present, as well as an inherent fear of the unknown.

This fear is actually the perception of freedom and the problems that can live within this, as well. The judicious and cautious use of one’s freedom is a challenge for first year college students, as well. Seeing that the process of waking up and going to classes is one steeped in freedom of choice, one common problem that first year students experience is not attending class or skipping classes. This adds to greater problems, such as balancing demanding workloads, attempting to establish successful study habits, planning long term and short term projects or assignments in an effective manner, and assumption of the role as advocate for their own learning. Enacting these principles in middle and secondary school was relatively easier because the structure for these institution was designed to support such fostering. Yet, in college, it is highly dependent on the student, particularly demanding for the first year, to develop a framework that supports all of these.

The academic component is meeting the social demand. The social activity is a particularly powerful lure for the first year college student, and has to be meet with a sense of judgment, caution and stellar decision making skills. The wealth of social interaction opportunities is confronted with the use and potential abuse of alcohol and drugs, widely available and present in college, and a source of challenge for all students, particularly first year students who are newly exposed to this element in such abundance. These elements also find themselves in the dynamics of sexual discovery between college students, and if not guided properly, their injection into this discourse, as well as this topic in its own right, can serve as another challenging element for first year students. Finally, managing finances and maintaining financial viability is a challenge for all students, particularly first year student.

Also, in college, students are free to manage their own schedules and their own time. Because of this, they arrange classes wrong (too early, too late, too far apart), which sets them up for disaster and offers too much temptation not attending classes at all. On the same token, they do not have the organizational skills needed to ensure that the proper amount of time is allotted to finish projects and reading assignments in a timely way, yet still ensuring high standards.

Many freshmen do not have the study skills and discipline they need to immediately be successful. They often do not make use of resources available to them (tutoring, remediation, study skills classes, or office hours of professors). Consequently, many freshmen end up dropping out of school in first year of college.

In addition, many freshmen’s enters college with unrealistic expectation. They are not certain what to expect or they believe that the college experience will be much like the high school experience. This is not the case and many times they find that they will struggle because they are not equipped with the necessary skills that they need to succeed.


The Problem

The University of the Visayas freshmen college students has more than one problem, as we have observed for a months. The researchers are looking towards in helping them in education problem, financial or money problem, job, depression and subject. The researcher aims to answer the following questions:

Why money does come the very first common problem of the freshmen students?

Why does depression lead us in having poor grades?

How does job affects our studies? How important education is?

Sub problems: Hypothesis:

1. What is the profile of respondent in terms of? 1.1sexes1.2 age and1.3 educational attainment

80% respondents are female while 20% are males with the age of 15-20: all respondents are college students.

2. What is the financial status of

every respondent? 2.1 Very Poor

2.2 Poor

2.3 Middle 2.4 Rich

Almost all of the respondents belong to middle class and few belong to rich family, while others are poor.

3. What is the common problem they encountered in the school or in every subject area?

The common problem that most of the students encountered in school or even in every subject area is the lack of facilities during discussions.

4. What is the significance of school action plan in relation to financial status of the students?

To help the students to be successful one day by promoting different scholarships such as academic, and also uphold part-time jobs.


1.5 Significance of the Study This study will be a significant endeavor in promoting good

work environment in the workplace and motivations of its employees. This study will also be beneficial to the students and instructors in strategic management, corporate strategies when they employ effective learning in their classroom setting particularly in different concepts related to the use of effective human resources management. By understanding the needs of the students and benefits of quality education, these instructors and students are assured of a competitive advantage. Moreover, this research will provide recommendations on how to evaluate the performance of a certain institution in accordance to human resources management.

Moreover, this study will be helpful to the retail industry and business practitioners in training and informing them in the area of human resources management, objectives, and strategies. It will also serve as a future reference for researchers on the subject of human resources and corporate companies. And importantly, this research will educate clients in deciding on whether an industry e.g. business industry is really fulfilling its responsibility to the community or is just showing off to promote its business.

Scope and Delimitation This study was limited to the first year

college students in the University of the Visayas

  for the academic year 2011-2012. The

study was primarily concerned with the common

  problems of freshmen students.  

Definitions of Terms SUICIDAL THOUGHT- in the depths of

despair. ARROGANCE- over confidence. FATIGUE- tiredness and low energy. EXACERBATED- To increase the severity DETRIMENT- disadvantage FLOUNDER- struggle and hesitate

CHAPTER II Review of Related Literature and Studies Related Literature The cost of education is on rise and university, are in a competitive market for

qualified students. Many parents can no longer afford to pay for their children’s entire education. Consequently, the student is put in a position of either getting a scholarship or finding paid work to supplement his or her expenses. The findings in this study have similar implications for all institutions of higher learning. Students are experiencing increased demands on their time and the effect on their well-being must be a great concern for all university administrators.

This study developed and tested a conceptual model of work-school conflict and well-being. Past research on multiple roles in the work/family relationship guided the theory because of the lack of theory among the common problems of the freshmen students. The depletion argument implied that opposing incompatible pressures from work and school were detrimental to an individual and that role participation evoked emotional strain. Past research had established that role-balance moderated this relationship.

In the last several years, colleges and universities have been intensely looking at selection and retention issues among students. One of the main concerns in the recruitment and retention of students is having financial problem. In order to meet the increasing tuition costs, many students have to be employed in a full-time on part-time job in order to meet the financial needs. This is further prompted by the fact that many parents can no longer support or bear the full financial costs of a college education. The result is an increased prevalence of students who are employed during their college careers. As students, increasingly engage in paid work, college administrators and educators are concerned that a student’s motivation to engage in schoolwork will wane. The resulting role conflict between school and work can be a source of stress, absenteeism and even turnover.

This study will evaluate the financial attitudes and perceptions, as well as the spending habits, of university freshmen. Implications are far-reaching and will provide valuable data for university administrators in enrollment management and student affairs, high school counselors, economic educators, and parents. One proactive suggestion to reduce stress based on recent research has been to allow student to work in groups, so that they can share experiences. Allowing students to share common experiences may serve as a way to assimilate themselves into college and serve as a support mechanism for those having difficulty adjusting.

The findings from this study showed that this period of time in a student’s life can actually be very stressful and perilous, despite the established perception of college life as fun and carefree.

Related Studies An increasing amount of attention is being directed to the transition to higher education as experienced by traditional-age and adult

students. It is a movement that incorporates a great deal of stress and challenge. Although some students are able to experience this transition as a challenge to personal growth, other students are overwhelmed by the changes and experience emotional maladjustment and depression.

Issues of adjustment and general development require persistent attention by campus professionals due to the immediate relevance to college success. Complex psychological histories often underpin these problems, further complicating treatment. These difficulties are often present as inefficiencies in coping with familial separation, time and stress management, basic study techniques, goal setting, relationship formation, handling emotions, and self-esteem crystallization. Personal, academic, social, and professional success depends on the student's ability to manage these aspects of their lives.

Family Dynamics Families in the Philippines are experiencing significant stress and functional discourse marked by unparalleled changes in family

structures. The home environment for many young people represents a place of instability and emotional upheaval where security, caring, and nurturing are depleted or nonexistent. Separation, divorce, death, or abandonment removes one or both parents from the family. The lack of attention and affection that may accompany such change adversely impacts children. Subsequent emotional and financial difficulties of a single parent household further strain the family dynamic.

Depression manifests in varying degree from general symptomology to a clinical disorder. Symptoms occur in four general domains of human functioning: emotional, cognitive, physical, and behavioral, with mood disturbance being the predominant feature. Typical symptoms of depression include a change in appetite or weight, sleep, and psychomotor activity; decreased energy; feelings of worthlessness or guilt; difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions; or recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation. Anhedonia, or a loss of interest in activities that were once considered pleasurable, accompany social withdrawal. Depression is a risk factor for a number of other negative health outcomes including diminished immune function and poor illness recovery.

Eating Disorders Problematic eating behavior is best conceptualized on a continuum that illustrates the range of eating behavior from normal to

weight-preoccupied to chronic dieter to subthreshold bulimia/anorexia and full bulimia/anorexia. Compulsive dieting and overeating behaviors fail to meet the clinical criteria for a label of disorder. These practices, however, often intensify and reach eating, and disorder status.

Substance Use Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use on college and university campuses poses tremendous concern for parents, students, higher

education professionals, governmental officials, and the general community. No school is immune to substance use and resulting adverse consequences. Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana are the most commonly used drugs on college campuses, but this use encompasses drugs of varying forms including amphetamine, caffeine, cocaine, hallucinogen, inhalants, opioid, phencyclidine, sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic, steroids, and polysubstances. An essential feature of substance abuse is a maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to recurrent and clinically significant impairment or adverse consequences. Substance use and abuse are characterized by noted inefficiencies in life functioning, impaired relationships, high-risk behavior, and recurrent legal troubles. Substance dependency emerges from repeated use of the substance despite significant problems related to its use.

Chapter III  Research Methodology and Procedures  a. Research Method This study used the descriptive method data; collection was done inorder to

answer questions concerning the problem of the study. As defined above, descriptive type of research was utilized by the

researcher, in order to elicit responds from the respondents through the used of survey questionnaires. Surveys are widely used method of gathering scientific information thus providing an opportunity to examine correlations among the common problems of students in responding and looking for possible patterns of cause and effect.

  b. Research Environment This study was conducted in University of the Visayas- Main campus. It is

located near the Cebu Business Hotel, and in front of Gaisano Main. Its official address is Brgy. Pari-an, Colon Street, Cebu City.

There are approximately 200 freshmen students in College of Education and approximately 100 students from College of Arts and Sciences Department, but the researchers only distributed 20 questionnaires. Therefore, few students only our given a chance to give some details about their problems in studying.

c. Research RespondentsThere were two sets of respondents, the first set was from

College of Education and the other one was from College of Arts and Sciences Department. With purpose and sampling, respondents are from University of the Visayas. They are categorized as:



Male Female Total Percentage

College of Education

4 12 16 80%

College of Arts and Sciences

1 3 4 20%

Total: 5 15 20 100%

d. Research Instruments The study was primarily utilized as

self-designed survey questionnaire. The questionnaire serves as the primary instrument in data gathering. The researchers asked permission to look into solving the problem and looking some documents gathered, the research critically analyzed the data first, to determine reliably and second to determine the true meaning and value of the data.

e. Data Procedures Collection of data was personally distributed

by the researchers. The questionnaires was individually given to

each respondent and collected personally. The respondents where given a big time to

answer the questions. The respondents are allowed to ask some

questions to the researchers regarding on the study.

The researchers are responsible of the answers of the respondents. They are not allowed to share or show the answers of the respondents to another respondent without their permission.

f. Statistical Treatment of DataThe data processing is the information generated from the survey, was grouped by level and category of respondents, and consolidated and tabulated in summary as well as contingency tables. Descriptive statistics designed by the researchers were used to described and compare the level of common problems of freshmen students based in each category

Common Problem Percentage

Education 20%

Part-time Job 10%

Depression 7%

Money 60%

Subject 3%

Total 100%

Chapter IV Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation

of Data   The gatherings of the questionnaires made

up the researchers bring a possible conclusion of every question of the study, which was answered by the respondents. The respondents give an advantage to help the researcher formulate the problem and able draw to a close on a selected problem, which able the researchers find ways how to develop and help those individuals when it comes on their problems regarding in studying and also help them in balancing study from other priorities.

Question no.

yes percentage

no percentage

1 13 65% 7 35%

2 3 15% 17 85%

5 19 95% 1 5%

7 1 5% 19 19%

9 10 50% 10 50%

QUESTIONS: 1. Is money not a hindrance to success? It shows in the table 1.1 that 65% of the respondents agree that money is not a

hindrance to success, because of the possibility that there are more problems aside from money.

2. Is a depress student can have a good grade? In the table 1.1, 85% of the respondents answered NO, which means that those

students who have more than one problem can make their grades low because of being depressed in their problems.

  5. Do you think we can be successful if we have completed education? 95% of the respondents, in the table1.1 show that a lot of them agree that we can

be successful if we have completed education because this is a primary requirement when it comes to work.

  7. Do you think having good grades is enough for you to be called educated? It shows there are 95% of the respondents (shows in table 1.1) disagree that having

good grades is enough to be called educated, because of the fact that there are individuals have low grades yet they learned something knowledgeable from their studies.

  9. Do you consider that having a part-time job can affect to your studies? In table 1.1, the respondents are divided equally. 50% answered YES and 50%

answered NO, it only means that there are some students are affected in their studies because they have a part-time job that could affect their study due to have a short time in doing some school works and studying. And there are also some students, who are not affected in having a part-time job while they are studying, because they can manage it.


As a student, what was the biggest problem you have ever encountered?

The table 1.2 shows, that almost all of the students are having difficulties when it comes in financial, due to they can’t buy school supplies needed in their certain subjects or pay any payments.



Lack of time20%

Having LowGrades


How can you manage your time between your studies and other priorities?

In table 1.3, 85% of the respondents answered that they can manage their time between studies and other priorities by having a time management.











Studies 15% Time management 85%

To whom would you dedicate your success?

A lot of the respondents dedicate their success to their family especially to their parents; it only means that they love their family so much that they are ready to sacrifice and value every little ways.








Series1 4 12 2 2

GodFamily / Parents

Friends Self

As a future educator, what is the most important thing you can share?

In the table, it shows that a lot of respondents want to share their knowledge to everyone. It means that a lot of our respondents have self-confidence because they are relaxed to share their knowledge to everyone.

What are the common problems to your teachers?

The table 1.6 shows, that there are students who don’t like their teachers when it comes in the way they teach. Followed by there absences of the teachers that make students get indolent of that certain subject. The tardiness and favoritism of some teachers can make students get angry towards them.


Based on our study, there are 13 students who answered YES on question number 1 and there are 7 students who answered NO. In question number 2, there are 3 students who answered YES and there are 17 students who answered NO. In question number 5, there are 19 students who answered YES and there is only 1 student who answered NO. In question number 7, there is only 1 student who answered YES and 19 students who answered NO. Lastly, in question number 9, there are 10 students who answered YES and 10 students who answered NO.

b. Findings The researchers had found that the

common problems of the freshmen students are money, education, subject, job and depression. Some students can afford to pay the tuition fee but they got low grades which is not enough in attaining good education. There are also students who are very good in class but don’t have enough money to sustain their basic needs in school. And there are also students who have a part-time job yet, they can’t handle their schedule equally.


c. Conclusions Based on our research, the students are mostly

disturbed in their studies by their problems especially on their financial and also their difficulties in attaining with the environment. The researchers conclude that students especially who are new in the city should aware any influences from the things they are not familiar with. Students also should start to have self-determination which helps them to be a positive thinker. And also, students should be more aware in applying themselves in any bad activities in the city and in school. Students therefore should know how to be independent enough, so that they themselves can able to be more productive.

The University of the Visayas has helps a lot of

students because of many scholarships that are open to any students who wants to be a part of it. The governments on the other side should implement any helps to the students. Therefore, government officials should think and discover best ways to solve this big problem of our dear students, for them to obtain education more easy.


d. Recommendations

The researchers strongly suggest that our government legislator should find ways to solve the common problems of the students especially on financial problem so that we can produce more graduates.

  The teachers and school administrators should take special

considerations in requiring and implementing activities that would suit to the financial capability of the students.

   The students should maintain patience, dedication and perseverance

in attaining education. They should consider the problems as a challenge that will help them to become a better person.

  The researchers finally suggest/ recommend that all school-related

activities should prioritize the lowest financial status of the students.   

