These happy golden years book unit



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THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 1, "Laura Leaves Home" Chapter 2, "First Day of School"

1. What was the name of the settlement where Laura would teach her first school?

a. Brewster b. Brown c. Burnett d. Bassett

2. The family Laura boarded with had a son. What was his name? a. Ben b. Lee c. John d. Max

3. How many students did Laura have in her new school? a. 4 b. 24 c. 5 d. 9

4. The two female pupils in Laura�s school were named__________ and ________.

a. Lib and Ruby b. Ruby and Martha c. Carrie and Mary d. Cora and Martha

5. Why did Laura punish Charles and Clarence? a. they missed spelling words b. they dumped out too much coal c. they fought with each other d. they pushed Ruby into the snow

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THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 3, �One Week� Chapter 4, �Sleigh Bells�

1. What did Laura have a bad dream about? a. having to spend the weekend at Mr. Brewster�s b. being lost in a blizzard c. not being a good teacher d. the school being lost in snow

2. Who did Laura hope would come take her home over the weekend? a. Charles b. Martha c. Pa d. Mr. Wilder

3. What sound did Laura and her pupils hear approaching the schoolhouse?

a. a blizzard wind b. sleigh bells c. a runaway horse d. Mr. Brewster

4. Laura and Almanzo rode in a ________to get home. a. sleigh b. buggy c. wagon d. cutter

5. Who wanted to take Laura�s seat at school while she was away? a. Ida b. Mary c. Martha d. Nellie

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THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 5, �A Stiff Upper Lip� Chapter 6, �Managing�

1. Ruby and Tommy were fighting over which of their schoolbooks? a. history b. reading c. spelling d. arithmetic

2. Who stuck his knife in Martha�s braid? a. Tommy b. Charles c. Clarence d. Ruby

3. How did Laura reward Tommy for improvement in his reading? a. she let him copy his spelling lesson on the blackboard b. she let him have a longer recess c. she gave him candy d. she let him skip spelling

4. Laura tricked Clarence into learning his history by giving him a shorter number of pages to learn. How many pages did Clarence have to learn?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

5. What did Clarence call Almanzo that made Laura feel embarrassed? a. Teacher�s beau b. The sleigh man c. Mr. Willy d. Teacher�s boyfriend

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THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 7 :�A Knife in the Dark� Chapter 8 �A Cold Ride� Chapter 9 �The Superintendent�s Visit�

1. What happened to Mr. Brewster�s feet on the day of the awful cold? a. they got frostbitten b. he sprained an ankle c. he cut one on a nail d. he fell through the ice

2. Why was Laura afraid of Mrs. Brewster? a. she threatened to hurt Laura b. she threatened her husband c. she yelled at Laura d. she promised to cut up Laura�s schoolbooks

3. Why did Almanzo keep stopping the horses on the cold ride home? a. they got tired b. their breath froze over their noses c. they fell in snowdrifts d. they got ice on their shoes

4. What did Laura do to make the last two weeks pass more quickly at Brewster School?

a. kept a journal b. made marks in her notebook to cross out the days c. crossed out each day on a calendar d. let school out earlier

5. When the Superintendent visited Brewster School, what advice did he give the pupils as he left?

a. keep your feet warm b. study hard c. stand by the stove d. don�t bother Miss Ingalls

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THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 10, �Almanzo Says Good-Bye� Chapter 11, �Jingle Bells�

1. Almanzo told Laura about the first colt he had ever gentled and broken. What was the name of the colt?

a. Lady b. Prince c. Starlight d. Moonlight

2. What gift did Laura give each of her students on the last day of school? a. an apple b. a sharpened pencil c. cakes d. name cards

3. What gift did Clarence, Tommy, and Charles give Laura on the last day? a. apples b. cakes c. sharpened pencils d. books

4. Who came to ask Laura to go sleigh-riding? a. Cap Garland b. Almanzo Wilder c. Ida Brown d. Mary Power

5. What song did all the sleigh riders sing as they rode along? a. �Merry Christmas� b. �Camptown Races� c. �Jingle Bells� d. �Riding Along in a Sleigh�

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THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 12, �East or West, Home is Best� Chapter 13, �Springtime� Chapter 14, �Holding Down a Claim�

1. Mr. Owen had assigned a composition for Laura�s class. What subject did he ask them to write about?

a. Courage b. Determination c. Ambition d. Strength

2. Who was Mrs. McKee? a. the town dressmaker b. a schoolteacher c. the new Sunday School teacher d. a librarian

3. Which relative surprised Laura and Carrie when they came home from school?

a. Uncle Hiram b. Aunt Alice c. Aunt Docia d. Uncle Tom

4. Who asked Laura to spend the summer on her claim? a. Mary Power b. Nellie Oleson c. Mrs. McKee d. Aunt Ida

5. Why did Laura leave the claim to go back home? a. her school began again b. Mary came home c. to teach school d. to marry Almanzo Wilder

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THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 15, �Mary Comes Home� Chapter 16, �Summer Days�

1. What �gift� did Kitty leave that embarrassed Ma? a. mice b. kittens c. gophers d. rabbits

2. Mary brought gifts for everyone in the family. She made beaded bracelets for Laura and Carrie. Carrie�s bracelet was pink and white. What color was Laura�s bracelet?

a. red and green b. blue and white c. yellow and pink d. red and white

3. What did Mary use to write to her friends in college? a. pen and ink b. a slate c. Braille slate d. paper for the blind

4. Who gave Laura another job sewing? a. Mrs. McKee b. Miss Bell c. Mrs. White d. Miss Power

5. Laura and Mary joked about which of them would one day do what? a. teach school b. write a book c. visit Europe d. find gold

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THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 17, �Breaking the Colts� Chapter 18, �The Perry School� Chapter 19, �The Brown Poplin�

1. Laura was given a gift at the town Christmas tree. What did she receive? a. candy b. hairbrush and comb c. jewelry d. new coat

2. How many pupils did Laura teach in the Perry School? a. 3 b. 4 c. 2 d. 7

3. What musical instrument did Laura plan to buy with her school earnings?

a. a piano b. a fiddle c. a drum d. an organ

4. Laura�s new hat had what funny name that made Grace laugh? a. sunbonnet b. tam c. cloche d. poke bonnet

5. What did Almanzo Wilder bring to show Laura when she wore her brown poplin dress?

a. colts b. new buggy c. cutter d. horses

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THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 20, �Nellie Oleson� Chapter 21, �Barnum and Skip�

1. Laura and Almanzo took a buggy ride to see Lake Henry and Lake Thompson. What was the name of the third lake they saw?

a. Spirit Lake b. Summer Lake c. Swiss Lake d. Smokey Lake

2. Who was the surprise passenger in the buggy when Almanzo picked Laura up?

a. Ida Brown b. Mary Power c. Nellie Oleson d. Mattie Bell

3. Why didn�t Mary want to come home on vacation? a. it cost too much b. she had to stay at school c. she wanted to visit Blanche d. no one would bring her

4. What were the names of Almanzo�s new colts? a. Prince and Lady b. Barnum and Lady c. Lady and Skip d. Barnum and Skip

5. Which horse did Laura drive? a. Skip b. Prince c. Barnum d. Lady

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THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 22, �Singing School� Chapter 23, �Barnum Walks� Chapter 24, �Almanzo Goes Away�

1. Name the teacher who started a singing school. a. Mr. Clewett b. Mr. Johnson c. Rev. Brown d. Rev. Simpson

2. Who asked Laura if she would like an engagement ring? a. Almanzo Wilder b. Cap Garland c. Elmer Humphrey d. Ben Woodward

3. What kind of stone was Laura�s engagement ring? a. garnet b. diamond c. emerald d. ruby

4. Which of Laura�s other classmates was also engaged? a. Ida b. Nellie c. Mary d. Florence

5. Where did Almanzo and Royal go to spend the winter? a. Ohio b. Minnesota c. Missouri d. New York

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THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 25, �The Night Before Christmas� Chapter 26, �Teachers� Examinations� Chapter 27, �School Days End�

1. What did Ma and Laura make for a Christmas treat? a. candy b. popcorn balls c. taffy d. fudge

2. What treat did Almanzo bring for Christmas? a. popcorn balls b. oranges c. apples d. candy

3. When Laura passed the teachers� examinations, who offered her a school of her own to teach at?

a. Florence b. Mr. Perry c. Mr. Brewster d. Ida

4. Why was Mr. Owen sorry to see Laura leave school? a. he wanted her to learn more b. he was sad she was getting married c. he had wanted the whole class to graduate together d. he wanted her to teach

5. What did Almanzo say his buggy wheels would never do? a. squeak b. rattle c. rumble d. fall off

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THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 28, �The Cream Colored Hat� Chapter 29, �Summer Storm� Chapter 30, �Sunset on the Hill�

1. Pa bought what as a surprise gift for Ma? a. an organ b. a new house c. a sewing machine d. a piano

2. What blew off Laura�s hat on the drive with Barnum? a. ostrich feathers b. ribbons c. peacock feathers d. flowers

3. After the cyclone, what strange object fell from the sky? a. a door b. a barn c. a house d. a wagon

4. The antics of this small animal made Laura laugh in church. a. puppy b. squirrel c. kitten d. bird

5. Where did the animal hide in church? a. in Laura�s hoop skirt b. under the pews c. in a box d. under a Bible

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THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 31, �Wedding Plans� Chapter 32, �Haste to the Wedding� Chapter 33, �Little Gray Home in the West�

1. Who wanted to plan a big church wedding for Almanzo and Laura? a. Pa and Ma b. Eliza c. Rev. Brown d. Mary

2. Which word did Laura object to in the wedding vows? a. �love� b. �honor� c. �obey� d. �trust�

3. Pa gave Laura what animal as a wedding gift? a. a horse b. a dog c. a kitten d. a calf

4. What did Ma save to give Laura as a wedding gift? a. a sewing machine b. silverware c. china dishes d. a feather pillow

5. What gift did Almanzo make for Laura in the new house? a. a special pantry b. a writing desk c. a flower garden d. new wallpaper

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THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS by Laura Ingalls Wilder Discussion Questions

1. Laura found living with the Brewster family unpleasant. Do you think she should have quit this job, or stayed? Give two reasons for Laura staying or leaving.

2. When Laura helped Mrs. McKee hold down her claim, Mrs. McKee stated she thought the homesteader law was wrong because it kept a woman idle for seven months instead of being able to earn money in town. Do you agree or disagree with Mrs. McKee?

3. Mary teases Laura on her visit home about how she had always wanted to be a schoolteacher, but Laura became one instead. Mary also tells Laura she wanted to write a book, so maybe Laura would do that too. What was Laura�s reaction to Mary�s statement? Do you think she remembered this conversation when she began to write the �Little House� books?

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THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS by Laura Ingalls Wilder Vocabulary Builders

There are many words in These Happy Golden Years that are rarely used or heard today. Pick a word from the list below to fill in the blanks in the following sentences.

Poplin Barnum Cutter Braille Blanche Poke bonnet

Singing Miss Bell Perry Florence Claim Recitations

1. Laura helped Mrs. McKee and Mattie hold down their _______________.

2. It was a happy day for Laura and Almanzo when _______________ finally walked.

3. The new dressmaker in town, _______________, asked Laura to sew.

4. _______________ told Laura she could teach at her father�s school.

5. Mary wrote to _______________, her friend from college, on a _______________ slate.

6. One of Laura�s happiest schools was the _______________ school.

7. Ma helped Laura sew a dress of brown _______________.

8. Almanzo drove Laura to school in a _______________.

9. Laura and Almanzo went to _______________ school.

10. The students in Laura�s school were well-behaved during their _______________.

11. Grace laughed at Laura�s new hat, a _______________.

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THESE HAPPY GOLDEN YEARS by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Answer Key

Chapters 1 & 2 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A

Chapters 3 & 4 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B

Chapters 5 & 6 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A

Chapters 7, 8 & 9 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A

Chapters 10 & 11 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C

Chapters 12, 13 & 14 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B

Chapters 15 & 16 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B

Chapters 17, 18 & 19 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. B

Chapters 20 & 21 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C

Chapters 22, 23 & 24 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B

Chapters 25, 26 & 27 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B

Chapters 28, 29 & 30 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A

Chapters 31, 32 & 33

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. A

Pick a Word Answers 1. Claim 2. Barnum 3. Miss Bell 4. Florence 5. Blanche/braille 6. Perry 7. Poplin 8. Cutter 9. Singing 10. Recitations 11. Poke Bonnet