Theory 1: Climate of Expectations




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Predicting Presidential LeadershipPart 1

Iraq Invades Kuwait

Senate Rejects Versailles Treaty

Roosevelt slams the door on trusts

Watergate: Nixon Resigns

Stock Market Tumbles

Planes strike the World Trade Center

A Date that will Live in Infamy

Kennedy AssassinatedTeapot Dome Scandal Revealed

Truman Fires MacArthur

Anwar Sadat Assassinated

President Clinton Impeached

War Declared on Poverty

Roosevelt Takes Panama

Governor Denies 9 in Little Rock

Thousands March on Washington for Civil Rights

Berlin Wall Constructed

Foreign Issues Domestic Issues Demographics Social Issues GDP/Unemployment Wars-ours/theirs Needs and Wants …basically…anything and everything that

matters to somebody.

Long TermEconomic Growth, Improving

infrastructure Short Term

War, High Unemployment

Preparation Achievement Consolidation


Achievement Consolidation

Sets the Stage for Change Limited by the Electorate

Has a Mandate for Change Makes Numerous Accomplishments

Slows Change New Problems Arise Does Not Effective Deal with Problems

Preparation President_______________

Achievement President________________

Consolidation President_________________
