Theories on factors affecting motivation


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Theories On Factors Affecting


Attribution theory

• This theory explains our successes or failures or other events to several factors.

(popularity to your popular parents or to your own sterling academic performances; poor economic condition or to the vices of your father.)

Three ways

1. Locus (place)-Internal versus external.

2.Stability-Stable versus unstable.

3.Controllability-Controllable versus uncontrollable.

Self-efficacy theory

A sense of high self-efficacy means a high sense of competence. Self-efficacy is the belief that one has the necessary capabilities to perform a task, to fulfill role expectations, or meet a challenging situation successfully.

Self efficacy- Enhancing strategies

• Make sure students master the basic skills.

• Help them to make noticeable progress difficult tasks.

• Communicate confidence in students’ abilities through both words and actions.

• Expose them successful peers.

Other recommendations

• Provide competence-promoting feedback.

• Promote mastery on challenging tasks.

• Promote self-comparison rather than comparison with others.

• Be sure errors occur within an overall context of success.

Self-determination and self regulation theories


• Present rules & instructions in an informational manner rather than controlling manner.

• Provide opportunities for students to make choices.

• Evaluate student performance in a non-controlling fashion.

What are indicators of self-regulation

• Set standards for oneself

• Monitor and evaluate one’s own behavior against such standards

• Impose consequences on oneself for one’s successes or failures.

(Omrod, 2004)

Following processes:

• Goal-setting.

• Planning.

• Attention control.

• Application of learning strategies.

• Self-monitoring.

• Self-evaluation.

Choice Theory

Bob Sullo (2007)

*4 Basic psychological needs:

• Belonging or connecting

• Power or competence

• Freedom

• Fun

Goal theory

• Learning goals versus performance goals

-Learning goal

“desire to acquire additional knowledge or master new skills.”

-Performance goal

“desire to look good and receive favorable judgments from others or else look bad and receive unfavorable judgments.”

• Self-determined goals

-personally relevant goals and self-determined goals enhance a student’s motivation.

• Goal Setting

Major elements:

1. goal acceptance

2. Specifity

3. Challenge

4. Performance monitoring

5. Performance feedback.

Lesson objectives:

SMART(specific, measurable, attainable, result oriented

and time bound) and challenging.