Theoretical Considerations in Online Unit Design




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t h e o r y a n d t h e o n l i n e c l a s s r o o m

Theory in the classroom

Where we need theory

What students can currently do without assistance

The course objectives/what we want students to be able to do independently by the end of our class or lesson


Zone of Proximal Development

What students can currently do without assistance

The course objectives/what we want students to be able to do independently by the end of our class or lesson

Zone of Proximal


where learning happens

Adding Bloom’s Taxonomy

What students can currently do without assistance

The course objectives/what we want students to be able to do independently by the end of our class or lesson

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised from

Higher order thinking skills

Lower order thinking skills


RememberingActivities Observation and recall

of information Knowledge of dates,

events, places Knowledge of major

ideas Mastery of subject


Verbs for assignments

Define, describe, duplicate, identify, label, list, locate, match, memorize, name, recall, recognize, record, relate, repeat, reproduce, underline


UnderstandingActivities Understanding

information Grasping meanings Translating knowledge

into new context Interpreting facts,

comparing and contrasting

Ordering, grouping, inferring causes

Predicting consequences

Verbs for assignments

Classify, convert, describe, explain, express, give example(s), identify, indicate, interpret, locate, recognize, report, restate, review, rewrite, summarize, tell, translate


ApplyingActivities Using information

Using methods, concepts, theories in new situations

Solving problems using required skills or knowledge

Verbs for assignments

Apply, construct, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, practice, sketch, schedule, shop, solve, use, write


AnalyzingActivities Seeing patterns

Organizing parts Recognizing hidden

meanings Identifying component

Verbs for assignments

Analyze, appraise, calculate, categorize, compare/contrast, criticize, debate, diagram, differentiate, examine, experiment, infer, inventory, question, relate, solve, test


EvaluatingActivities Using old ideas to

create new ones Generalizing from

given facts Relating knowledge

from several areas Predicting, drawing

conclusionsVerbs for assignments

Arrange, assemble, collect, combine, compose, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, organize, plan, prepare, propose, rearrange, set up, synthesize, write


CreatingActivities Comparing and

discriminating between ideas

Assessing value of theories, presentations

Making choices based on reasoned argument

Verifying value of evidence

Recognizing subjectivity

Verbs for assignments

appraise, argue, assess, attach, choose, compare, criticize, debate, defend, estimate, evaluate, judge, measure, predict, rate, revise, score, select, support, value

Climbing the Pyramid


An example of the climb:

The Guttenberg Printing Press

RememberingStudent memorizes that Gutenberg invented the printing press c. 1440 in the Holy

Roman Empire.

UnderstandingStudent understands that this invention is important because it changes how

easily information could be spread and controlled.

ApplyingStudent knows literacy increases in the 16th and 17th centuries is able to

connect this increase to the invention and distribution of the printing press.

AnalyzingStudent starts to question and investigate how the printing press’

impact is related to other development in media.

EvaluatingStudent takes understanding that new media has heavily impacted civilization and begin making hypotheses about

how currently emerging technologies may impact our future.

CreatingStudent takes hypothesis and complex

understanding of new media and its impact on culture and creates product communicating these ideas.






RememberingStudent memorizes that Guttenberg invented the printing press

c. 1440 in the Holy Roman Empire.

CreatingStudent takes understanding that new media has

heavily impacted civilization and begin making hypotheses about how currently emerging

technologies may impact our future.






What students can currently do without assistance

The course objectives/what we want students to be able to do independently by the end of our class or lesson

Where scaffolding is needed

Scaffolding in an online course

Content Online Tools

Remembering Online

VerbsDefine, describe, duplicate, identify, label, list, locate, match, memorize, name, recall, recognize, record, relate, repeat, reproduce, underline

Tools• Flashcards: PowerPoint• Worksheet: textbook add

on sites• Bookmarking: internet

browsers• Basic Searches: search

engines, google

Online VerbsBullet point, highlighting, bookmarking, social networking, social bookmarking, favoriting/local bookmarking, searching, googling

Understanding Online

VerbsClassify, convert, describe, explain, express, give example(s), identify, indicate, interpret, locate, recognize, report, restate, review, rewrite, summarize, tell, translate

Tools• Recitation: word

processor• Summary: wiki• Show and tell: audacity

sound recorder• Diary: Facebook, blogger

Online VerbsAdvanced searches, Boolean searches, blog journaling, twittering, categorizing, tagging, commenting, annotating, subscribing

Applying Online

VerbsApply, construct, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, practice, sketch, schedule, shop, solve, use, write

Tools• Presentation: PowerPoint,

Zoho presentation• Interview: Elluminate• Performance: audio

recording• Playing: mmorg’s online


Online VerbsRunning, loading, playing, operating, hacking, uploading, sharing, editing

Analyzing Online

VerbsAnalyze, appraise, calculate, categorize, compare/contrast, criticize, debate, diagram, differentiate, examine, experiment, infer, inventory, question, relate, solve, test

Tools• Relationship Maps: Gliffy• Database: Access, Excel• Survey: Surveymonkey

Online VerbsMashing, linking, validating, reverse engineering, cracking, media clipping

Evaluating Online

VerbsArrange, assemble, collect, combine, compose, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, organize, plan, prepare, propose, rearrange, set up, synthesize, write

Tools• Debate: skype, IM• Panel: Discussion Board• Moderating: Discussion

Board, wikis• Collaborating: twitter,

video messaging, chatrooms

Online VerbsBlog commenting, reviewing, posting, moderating, collaborating, networking, refactoring, testing

Creating Online

Verbsappraise, argue, assess, attach, choose, compare, criticize, debate, defend, estimate, evaluate, judge, measure, predict, rate, revise, score, select, support, value

Tools• Film: • Presentation: Google

present• Project Management:

Openproj• Blogging: blogger• Vodcast: skype• Advertisement:• Media Product: GIMP• New Game: Gamemaker

Online VerbsProgramming, filming, animating, blogging, video blogging, mixing, re-mixing, wiki-ing, publishing, videocasting, podcasting, directing, broadcasting

A well calculated approach

Further Resources

Zone of Proximal Development:

Bloom’s Taxonomy:

Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy:

