The Wolverzine (June 2011)



94th EN BN's quarterly newsletter

Citation preview

We’ve been working hard in the

headquarters to iron out the

calendar for as far our as

we can. My goal is to

make our business more

predictable so that Sol-

diers and families know

what’s happening a little

better. Our training

calendar is not a secret

for as long as we’re here

in the States, so I have

no problem publishing it,

so that all can see. The Army is

a family business; you’ve earned

the right to know what’s going

on. Another project in the

name of information flow is im-

proving the battalion’s official

web page. LT Poole, the Battal-

ion S6, is learning web-page de-

sign so that our official page is


As this is my first article for the

Wolverzine, I’d first like to say

thank you for the warm welcome

to me and my family. You made

us feel like one of your own from

day one. This is tremendously

heartwarming. Coming in as an

outsider, I have to say what an

awesome organization this is.

This battalion is comprised of

talented and dedicated folks who

give their all. I can think of no

better place to be, and no better

unit to be with than the 94th

Engineers. Thank you. To top it

off, my penance as a geographic

bachelor is almost over. My

family starts to arrive in late July,

with Laura bringing up the rear in

late August. It’ll be nice to be

back together again.

We’re off to a slow start this

season, but things are going to

pick up starting

with our weapons

qualification at Ft.

Chaffee Arkansas

the week of 11

July. In addition to

four on-post con-

struction projects,

we’ve got a big list

of projects to do at

Ft. Riley. The 77th

with a little help from the 103rd

are headed up to Kansas around

the first of September to make

Ft. Riley a better place to train

for the mighty “Big Red One”.

So, if there’s family business to

take care of, please take care of

it, as some soldiers will ship to

projects off of Ft. Leonard Wood

for weeks at a time.

Summer is finally here, no more

snow days for now. Tish Ander-

son and her family have moved

on to the east coast and although

we were sad to see her go, I am

excited to WELCOME Laura

Calese and her daughters!! They

will be here in September for

good! We hope you are all en-

joying your time in the sun. We

hope all those who are leaving

will have a safe journey to their

new duty station. Thank you to

Corlee Winkler and Sinlan Mor-

row for stepping in to help after

Tish left, your efforts are appre-


Sheree, Corlee, and Laura

From the Command

Greetings From Your Advisors

The Wolverzine J U N E 2 0 1 1 9 4 T H E N G I N E E R B A T T A L I O N


M E E T I N G S :

HHC FRG - 5:30,

2nd Tues, Com-


FSC FRG - 5:30, 1st

Tues, Stonegate

Comm. Center

77th FRG - 5:30, 1st

Tues, Battalion

103rd FRG - 5:30,

1st Thurs, USO

232nd FRG - 6:30,

2nd Tues, Com-



T H I S I S S U E :

Friendships 2



77th 5

103rd 6

232nd 7

Chaplain 8

Milestones 9

Continued on page 2

P A G E 2


Command cont’d more useful to new comers. If

you’ve been in the battalion a

while, you’ve probably latched

onto our awesome FaceBook

page, but the Soldiers and

families moving in will likely hit

the official page looking for a


There’s lots of turn over this

summer, as there always is in

the Army. Sadly, MAJ John

Morrow has moved on to

Brigade staff, but in trade we

got the awesome team of MAJ

Robert Petty and his wife

Jenny. CPT Robinette will be

giving command of FSC to

CPT Josh Simulcik in July. CPT

Hines will be giving HHC to

CPT Aaron Ferguson in July.

CPT Hines will be moving to

the 103rd, so that CPT Brad-

ford can eventually take com-

mand of the 509th Engineer

Company over in the 5th Engi-

neer Battalion. Our last

change of the summer will be

CPT Ashton taking the 77th

from CPT Hamilton in August.

Thank God the First Sergeants

are all staying put! Lastly, I’d

like to announce that CSM

Keel has been offered the

Command Sergeant Major

position of the 20th Engineer

Brigade at Ft. Bragg next sum-

mer. If you see him or

Sheree, congratulate them.

This is a big deal, and well


Please stay safe this summer.

There are lots to do around

here, but take the necessary

precautions as you have fun.

Wolverine 6.

Making friends can be more

complicated in adulthood

than in childhood. It isn’t

always easy to get to know

new people or develop the

trust and affection that make

for a lasting friendship. If

you’ve moved recently or if

your old friends seem less

interested in the activities

you used to share, you may

wonder how you can find

people who share your inter-

ests and values.

It’s important to remember

that there’s a link between

friendship and physical and

mental well-being. The ability

to make new friends

throughout life is a key to

successful aging. The

stronger your ties to other

people, the happier and

healthier you are likely to be.

Some studies have found that

solid friendships even

strengthen the immune sys-

tem because feelings of


FRG Leader Contact Info


Tami Hines


Amanda Robinette

Robin Edwards


Angie Bryant


Nyree Bradford

Amanda Almeida


Mara Tate

warmth and caring tend to

lower the levels of chemicals

associated with stress in the

human body. Reaching out to

other people -- at work, in

your community, or by mail or

online -- can help you gain the

many benefits that enduring

friendships offer.

Friendship often results from a

lucky accident. You may strike

up a fascinating conversation

while waiting for an elevator

or standing in line at the bank.

While you’re watching your

child’s soccer game, you may

meet a parent who shares an

unusual interest that you

thought nobody had but you.

You can’t plan for events like

these, but you can make your-

self available for them. Here

are some tips:

• Spend time outdoors. Read the

newspaper in a park on your

lunch hour, not at home, or

open your mail on your front

steps instead of at the kitchen


• Walk or take public transporta-

tion. Take the bus or walk in-

stead of driving. To boost your

chances of seeing familiar faces,

stick to a regular schedule or


• Join a carpool. If you can’t

walk or use public transporta-

tion, join an office carpool, or

volunteer for a carpool for

your children’s social or ath-

letic events.

• Exercise with others. Do your

aerobic exercises at your local

Y or a gym instead of at home,

or swim at the same time each

day or week at a pool.

• Shop selectively. Buy sports

equipment or CDs at specialty

stores instead of by mail, and

check the stores’ bulletin

boards for events for sports or

music lovers.

• Get a dog. Walk your dog at

the same time each day, and

you’ll probably find that people

Continued on page 10

Summer is fully upon us now and

we are all adjusting to the warmer

weather in HHC. Over the last

few months, your Soldiers have

gone into the field, here at Fort

Leonard Wood, where they trained

on basic Soldier skills that are nec-

essary in the event they were ever

called to deploy. In addition, they

HHC Headhunter Headlines

P A G E 3 9 4 T H E N G I N E E R B A T T A L I O N

lies for taking part in the FRG and

for making this last year so enjoy-


Tami Hines


FRG Leader Nook

Tami has

done a

wonderful job

as the FRG

Leader of

HHC. Thank

you for all

your hard


have taken part in multiple ranges

and started preparing for our Range

Density at Fort Chafee, AR that will

happen during the second week of

July. Late spring also brought about

several births within the company;

congratulations to all of those HHC

families on their new additions. At

our last FRG meeting, we all met at

the horse stables here on post and

several of you were able to bring

your kids to ride the Winkler fam-

ily’s horses. We were also able to

vote on our next Org Day and we

are looking forward to going to

LORA in late July. On a sadder

note, Tami and I will be saying good

-bye to all of you great Headhunt-

ers on 7 July. We have both en-

joyed working with each of you and

we will miss you all greatly. You

have all been a blessing to us and

we want to thank you for the op-

portunity to serve with you. Fi-

nally, I want to introduce the new

incoming commander whom many

of you have already met. CPT

Aaron Ferguson, his wife Lindsay

and their four children will be com-

ing on board and they are very

excited to meet all of you; please

take a moment over the next few

months to get to know them.

CPT Dennis Hines

As June comes to a close, and the

upcoming change-of-command

becomes a closer reality, I must tell

the families of the HHC how much

of a pleasure it has been to serve,

first, as your FRG co-leader, and

ultimately, as your leader. I’ve come

to know familiar faces of spouses,

soldiers and children, and I never

knew what a joy that could be.

Change is a way of the Army; this

fact doesn’t make it easier, but it

makes it more commonplace and,

therefore, it makes all of us more

resilient. I saw that resiliency in the

families of the soldiers that unex-

pectedly transferred and deployed

with the 5th and I see that resil-

iency in our firefighter families as

they stand by awaiting the impend-

ing return of their loved ones.

Thank you to all of my HHC fami-

P A G E 4

The Families and

Volunteers of FSC

thank Amanda for

all she has done

over the last year.

She helped to

create a very

successful FRG

Families wanted to

participate in!

FRG Leader Nook

FSC Spartan Word This last quarter was very fast

paced and productive. We

safely executed numerous FRG

events, company field training

exercise, and change of com-

mand inventories. As we tran-

sition into next quarter, the

schedule is full with change of

command, range density, and

the battalion and company

organizational days. Thanks for

all your support and keep up

the motivation. Spartans! Sus-

tain Glory

I want to take this opportunity

to thank all the Soldiers and

Families of FSC that made this

command an enjoyable and

learning experience. I have

learned so many valuable les-

sons that will follow me for the

rest of my career. I was hon-

ored to have served with you

and thanks for volunteering

your time and efforts to make

the FSC the best company in

the Army.

CPT Robinette

Lastly, I want to thank all the

families and people who have

helped make the past 15

months as a FRG Leader very

successful and full of fun. It has

been a blessing to work with

the families.

Amanda Robinette


Robin Edwards



Cooks raising morale for all the companies

during the two week FTX.

Distro platoon working on dismounted

infantry operations.

One of our goals as a FRG was

to find ways for families to feel

more connected to the Army

and to understand what the

soldiers actually do for a job.

To help achieve this goal, CPT

Robinette suggested we hold

an FRG meeting in the motor-

pool, where many of the FSC

soldiers work. The cooks set

up the MKT to cook hot dogs

to give families a taste of what

it looks like when they are

working in the field. There

were a variety of military vehi-

cles for families to get a closer

look, as well as to pretend to

drive. Also, the kids partici-

pated in an Easter Egg Hunt.

We also had several successful

fundraisers. The money raised

will go towards the Company

Organizational Day in August.

77th Rock Steady Report

P A G E 5 9 4 T H E N G I N E E R B A T T A L I O N

The 77th Engineer Company has

been busy the past month. The

Company contributed multiple

soldiers to the 94th Engineer Battal-

ion’s sports teams for Dauntless

Days, resulting in the great, how-

ever unrecognized, success of the

Battalion during the event. Those

winning teams hope to lead the 4th

Maneuver Enhancement Brigade to

a win during the Victory Week

competition at the end of June.

After Dauntless Days, the Com-

pany conducted its final Field Train-

ing Exercise focused on its CCMRF

mission. The FTX tested both

soldiers and leaders on their ability

to perform the multitude of tasks

that they spent the past nine

months learning and mastering.

After recovering from the field, the

Company began preparing soldiers

and equipment for the upcoming

construction season. A number of

projects exist this year, including

work in Fort Riley, Kansas; Fort

Leonard Wood, Missouri; and po-

tentially in Laredo, Texas. For the

coming month the Company will

continue preparing for the upcom-

ing projects, looking forward to the

hard work on the horizon.

CPT Brent Hamilton

had an amazing turn out for Org

Day and everyone enjoyed a cook-

out, bouncy house, sporting events

and daycation style door prizes.

The FRG is currently working to

provide Baby Showers for expec-

tant Soldiers and their Spouses.

Change of Command Inventory and

upcoming FTX's will be keeping the

Soldiers busy for the next several

months. Please ensure Power of

Attorney's and auto repairs are


We're planning a July Family Get

Together (during the FTX), more

information to follow, hope to see

you all again soon!

Rock Steady!!

77th FRG

Angie Bryant


77th FRG has been busy fundraising

and planning Company Organization


Families donated items for Our

garage sale and Soldiers participated

in Pie in the Face at Motor Pool.

There were record breaking fund-

raisers for us!

Company Org Day was held on

June 9th at Colyer Park. The day

started off with Scavenger Hunt

Family P.T. and snow cones. We

FRG Leader Nook

Volunteers are

needed! If you

are interested

in getting


contact Angie

for more info!

P A G E 6

FRG Leader Nook

103rd Viper Bytes Hello again to the Viper and

Wolverine Families! This past

quarter has once again been

extremely busy. From Field

Training Exercises to small

construction projects, your

Vipers have been showing why

they are the “go to” company

for the battalion! The line pla-

toons have kept up the high

tempo of garrison operations

while maintenance platoon

continues to do more work on

the equipment than expected,

keeping the company’s readi-

ness level above the standard,

even while being short handed.

I cannot put into words how

proud I am of these Soldiers

and NCOs; they are truly the

best! We have sent some Sol-

diers to the 509th Engineer

Company for a deployment to

Afghanistan. Please be safe and

we will see them when they

return. This past quarter has

been bitter sweet for me, since

it is my last full quarter as Vi-

per 6. We will change com-

mand in August, and CPT Den-

nis Hines will take the reins of

this outstanding unit. I am so

grateful to have had this op-

portunity, and would like to

say a heartfelt thank you to all

the Viper family for giving me

such great support during the

past year. As the Viper creed

states: “I am and always will be

a Viper.” Thank you to the

Soldiers and families, and I

wish you the best of luck in

the future!

~CPT Bradford

232nd. We are preparing for

our Back to School BBQ in

July, and the theme will be a

“Viper Luau!”, to include a luau

style roast pig. There will be

games and prizes, and the kids

will love the water activities

and shaved ice at the Sto-

negate Community Center.

Once again, we are always

looking for volunteers from

the families to help out and

make our events the best they

can be! Hope everyone stays

cool and has a great summer!

~Nyree Bradford and Amanda


FRG Leaders

Nyree Bradford


Amanda Almeida


A warm summer “Hello” from

the Viper FRG! We have been

very busy this quarter. We

have conducted numerous

fund raisers, to include: motor-

pool BBQs, a PT test breakfast

and food sales during Daunt-

less Days. Our family Easter

Egg Hunt was a great success

with the face painting and a

surprise visit from the Easter

Bunny! Thanks to all that

helped, to include HHC and

T H E W O L V E R Z I N E Vipers standing tall

for BN Change of


SPC Robinson enjoying

the Easter Egg hunt

Families having fun searching for Easter Eggs

SSG Pelech and SGT Lake inspecting the

BBQ equipment before the Motorpool

fundraiser (special thanks to SPC Bishop


News & Noteworthy!

SPC Ghadi was pro-

moted to SGT

SGT Pelech was pro-

moted to SSG

SPC Rickett was re-

cently married

232nd Warrior Review

P A G E 7 9 4 T H E N G I N E E R B A T T A L I O N

To the Soldiers, Families, and

Friends of the 232nd Warriors:

Since my Change of Command back

in late March, the Warriors have

been busy accomplishing several

outstanding feats while conducting

awesome training and construction

opportunities. Some noteworthy

accomplishments over this last

quarter include: the Warrior Sol-

diers being awarded the Brigade’s

Dauntless Discipline patch, a 5-man

team of Warriors who competed at

the 13th Annual Marine Corps

Volkslauf (a 10K mud run) and

placed 1st place overall, PFC Benja-

min Raymond, our medic, who won

the Battalion’s June Soldier of the

Month Board, and two Soldiers

who participated in the Annual Best

Sapper Competition and placed

within the top 20. While accom-

plishing these various feats, the

Warriors remained busy on Ft.

Leonard Wood with our Range 11

construction, Range 6 construction

and starting a road maintenance

project at training area 244. In

May, the Soldiers conducted some

outstanding squad-level training on

Fort Leonard Wood and began

implementing new training in prepa-

ration for our new upcoming

Chemical, Biological, Nuclear, and

Radiological mission starting 1 Oc-

tober 2011. We have continued to

support the community as well

through our PIES event with East

Elementary which continues to be a

great opportunity for both the

Soldiers and the students. I thank

you all for your continued support

and invite everyone to attend our

FRG meetings every 2nd Tuesday of

the month and our Spouse’s Night

Out once a quarter.

CPT David McKelvin

To the 232nd Friends and Family,

The past few months have been

great. We are currently fundraising

to support our Soldiers and their

families for a trip to Six Flags. The

fundraisers we have participated in

included a garage sale, pancake

breakfast, car/truck show and a

bake sale all throughout this past

quarter. In June, we did something

a little different at our fundraiser by

having a hot dog lunch at our mo-

tor pool and invited the 232nd fami-

lies to come to work with their

spouses. The kids were able to join

in on PT and see what the “army

vehicles” looked like up close and

watch how they moved. Our Sol-

diers demonstrated a few pieces of

equipment and the families really

enjoyed it! We ended the day with

another pie in the face and raised

over $1000 for our trip. We all had

fun and have an appreciation for

what our Soldiers do every day!

Our time spent at work with our

soldier was a great way to incorpo-

rate family and fun.

Looking forward to our next


Mara Tate

232nd FRG Leader


FRG Leader Nook

News & Noteworthy!

Re Enlistments

SPC Goudy

SPC Foster

SPC Long

Jacobs on the grill

Kids on the equipment

P A G E 8

Chaplain Davis

has the same cell

phone number as

the previous



Chaplain’s Blessings We’d like to

take a moment

to welcome

our new Chap-

lain, CPT Chad

Davis. He is

coming to us

from Aberdeen Proving

Grounds, MD. We hope that

he and his family are settling in

and will enjoy their tour here

with us!

4th MEB Bible Study

Wednesdays 1130-1230

Specker Chapel

Lunch provided

The survey includes 135 ques-

tions that address a range of

offerings from fitness centers

to libraries, and automotive

services to leisure activities.

Officials hope to have survey

data returned in about three

weeks, Gordon said.

“If [service members] can turn

it around quickly, we can soon

understand how we’re doing

and see how we can get bet-

ter,” he said. Sent randomly,

the survey takes about 20

minutes to complete, he

added, and the answers are

kept confidential and anony-


“We want to get a sense of

exactly what our service mem-

bers and their families are

using [at MWR] so we can

American Forces Press Service | by

Terri Moon Cronk

Defense Department officials

intend to use input gained

from customer satisfaction

surveys to bolster Morale,

Welfare and Recreation pro-

grams and meet the up-to-date

needs of service members and

their families, the deputy assis-

tant secretary of defense for

military community and family

policy said today.

Officials are electronically

sending 600,000 surveys to

military installations world-

wide, Robert L. Gordon III

said. The survey is the first of

its kind to collect input from

all components of the U.S.

military, including National

Guardsmen and reservists, he


tailor it to our multigenera-

tional force,” Gordon said.

Recognizing the differences in

multigenerational needs is

essential to members of the

armed forces, he noted.

The MWR survey does not

include data from family mem-

bers since valid contact infor-

mation was not available for

them. Because of this, Gordon

emphasized that service mem-

bers should keep their families

in mind when filling out the


“If you get it, please fill it out

quickly, and know that your

opinion counts and will make

MWR better for you and your

family members,” he added.

“Quality of life is important to



MWR Satisfaction Surveys

Farewell My Friend

P A G E 9 9 4 T H E N G I N E E R B A T T A L I O N

So Long, Farewell, auf Wiedersehen,

Good-bye. To all of you who are leav-

ing to move on to bigger and better

things we wish you good luck in your

life and career.

HHC - MAJ Morrow & family, CPT

Powell & family, Seda, CPT Hines &

wife, SSG Lanier & son, and PFC

Haubold & wife.

FSC - CPT Robinette & family, SSG

Vong, SGT Church, SGT Pritchard,

SGT Lancaster, SGT Greer, SPC

Willis, SPC Jones, SPC Pate, SPC


77th - SGT Mcmahon, SGT Cole,

SFC Malkin, CPT Hamilton & wife,

1LT Cain

103rd - SSG Coleman, SGT Lake,

SGT Snook, SGT Arnold & family,

SGT Klein, PV2 Wilson, and SGT


SSG Taylor, SGT Watson, SGT

CPL Bell, SPC Cooper, PFC Risely,

PFC McNeil


SGT Duncan and family, PVT Ny-

berg, PV2 Diamond, PFC Bolden,

SGT Oats, SPC Boose, PFC Ne-

gron, PV2 Thomas, SPC Guffey,

SPC Jones, L., SPC Crissey, SGT

Taylor, SGT McQueen, PFC Russ,

PV2 Murry, SGT Alcala, PVT

Rucker, PV2 Keeler, PVT Bennett,

We welcome into the ranks of the

Wolverines the following Soldiers and



CPT Aaron Ferguson & family, CPT

Chad Davis & family, CPT Troy

Miller, and MAJ Robert Petty


2LT Sybert, WO1 Choate, SSG

Smith, SGT Smith, SGT Sweger,

SGT Thorne and family, SGT Mills,

Special Deliveries

Welcome Wolverines!

HHC - CPT & Mrs. Ashton, baby boy Michael James on 8 April; SPC Butler,

baby boy Branson McKay on 23 May; SGT Pearson, baby girl Kyndil Malia on 24

May; 1LT & Mrs. Sullivan, baby girl Lily on 24 May; SSG & Mrs. Lawton, baby boy

Damian on 25 May; 1LT & Mrs. Presley, baby boy Anthony on 30 May; and PVT Harris, baby girl

London Rose on 12 June.

FSC - 1LT & Mrs. Moore, baby girl Saiya; SGT & Mrs. Mills, baby boy Jayden on 17 May; SGT &

Mrs. Weston baby girl Abigail; SPC & Mrs. Sigman baby boy Zadyn; PFC & Mrs. Collins baby girl


77th - SGT & Mrs. Luteyn, baby girl Audrina Lilianna; SPC & Mrs. Mclendon, baby girl Evan.

103rd - SPC Fahl, SGT Eskridge, SPC Lewis.

232nd - SPC & Mrs. Glenn, baby boy Bryson on 22 June.

PFC Lesniewski, PFC Marquez, PV2

Arnott, SPC Bartlett, PVT Daigle,

PV2 Rosato, SPC Ornot


SSG Brown, PFC Carson, SPC

Chaffin, PFC Evans, SPC Hackney,

SPC Huffles, and PFC Nelson.


SPC Singer, SGT Harky, SFC Matte-

son and family, SPC Cobb, SPC


Herridge, PVT Bar-

nett, PVT Taylor,

PFC Mean all trans-

ferred to 509th EN

CO to deploy.

232nd - SGT Williams, PV2 Mathis,

SSG Veliz, SPC Goudy, SPC Johns,

SPC Foster.

SPC Green, SPC Houston, SGT

Hibburd, PFC Campbell, SGT Sim-

mons all transferred to 509th EN

CO to deploy.

P A G E 1 0

SGT Michael Fleming

SGT Daniel Lane

SGT Paul Smith

SPC Brian Hessler

SPC Mike Stoke

SPC Adam Rex

SPC Cory Henning

Welcome Home Firefighters!

Friendships cont’d

Godspeed 509th Deployers! Not quite two months ago 18

of our Soldiers were trans-

ferred to the 509th Engineer

Company, 5th Engineer Battal-

ion to deploy to Afghanistan in

support of Operation Enduring


June 16th the unit headed out

for year long mission clearing

roads of mines.

We pray these Soldiers com-

plete a successful mission and

return home safely to their


PFC Arnold Aguilar

PFC David Haubold

PFC Troy Owens

SPC Frederick Hogrefe

SPC Adam Hamann

SPC Andrew Burd

SSG Adam Johnson

SPC Cristina Ortega

PVT Stephen Barnett

PFC Scott Taylor

SPC Veasna Mean

SGT Roger Herridge

SGT Jeremy Watson

SSG Gregory Taylor

SPC Jerome Green

SGT Harry Simmons

SPC Allen Houston

SPC Jason Campbell

ple. If you don’t have a com-

puter, most local libraries pro-

vide free access to the Inter-


• Remember that you can share

solitary activities with others. If

you love to read, find out if

your public library or book-

store has readings by local

authors or a book discussion

group. If you like to draw or

paint, take your sketchbook or

love talking to the owner of a

friendly pet.

• Use the Internet. If you have a

computer, visit the Web sites

for your town and for local

colleges to stay up to date on

community activities. Or con-

sider joining a networking site

like LinkedIn,

which can help you reconnect

online with former acquaintan-

ces and get to know new peo-

As we say good-bye to one

group we welcome home an-

other. The 562nd Firefighting

Detachment will be returning

to the 94th Engineer Battalion

after almost a year of service

in Afghanistan, ironically at

FOB Wolverine.

Job well done Soldiers and

we’re glad to have you back!


easel to the park, the play-

ground, or a nature preserve

that attracts a lot of visitors.

Written with the help of Jeff

Krause, M.S., L.M.F.T. Mr. Krause

is a clinical supervisor at Ceridian

Corporation and has over 20

years of clinical experience in a

variety of settings, which includes

over 10 years in the employee

assistance program field.

© 1998, 2008 Ceridian Corpora-

tion. All rights reserved.

military life, trusted community

resources are often difficult to

identify and locate," he acknowl-

edged. "These online tools will help

service and family members attain

the best match between resource

and need."

Thomas said servicemembers and

their families can rest assured that

they're being provided with top-

notch care. The site "links military

family members with somebody

that the Department of Defense

says, 'We've entrusted you to pro-

vide this service to our people,'"

Thomas said. "If that military mem-

ber is out on the front line knowing

that the family back home has a

sense of ease and comfort, life is

good for everybody," he added.

While the membership is free, ser-

vicemembers will be responsible for

the hiring and payment of caregiv-

ers, officials said.

care providers will be highly benefi-

cial to our servicemembers and

their families," said Tommy T. Tho-

mas, deputy undersecretary of

defense for military community and

family policy.

The paid membership enables mili-

tary families entry to a custom-built

Defense Department Web site

portal where they can match up

caregivers to their situation; gain

instant access to caregiver profiles

that include background checks,

references and reviews; and find

military-certified care providers as

well as caregivers who are military-

subsidized and authorized access to

a military installation.

The site will help meet the unique

needs of military families as they

face deployments, long hours at

work and assignments to remote

locations, Thomas said.

"Because of the mobile nature of

American Forces Press Service | by Elaine


Military families have free access to

an online network of quality care-

givers who can assist with every-

thing from babysitting to dog walk-


Sittercity is the nation's largest

online source for local babysitters,

nannies, elder care providers, dog

walkers, housekeepers and tutors,

and contains more than a million

caregiver profiles, officials said.

Military members and their families

can activate their membership by

going to


The Sittercity Corporate Program,

funded by the Defense Department,

offers military families -- including

active duty, Guard and Reserve --

with a paid membership to the site.

"We believe that access to Sitter-

city's nationwide network of quality

Sarges List Classifieds

P A G E 1 1 9 4 T H E N G I N E E R B A T T A L I O N

R&B Communications is proud to

announce, a new

website that provides free classi-

fieds for military members to con-

nect worldwide. The site is the first

of its kind that serves all military

branches, reserves, guard, DoD

civilians and military retirees at

bases around the world. Sarges-

List™ includes everything in one

place: users can buy and sell house-

hold items, vehicles and real estate,

as well as browse listings for jobs,

pets and local services.

In addition to buying and selling,

SargesList is content rich in local

installation information for PCSing,

such as welcome videos, directions,

lodging and rental information, how

to connect utilities and lastly, how

to connect with other military per-

sonnel in the area. To fulfill many

service areas, SargesList has part-

nered with companies such as Willi-

amPaid for paying rent, building

credit; MyFico for credit scores;

transportation and lodging partners;

Allconnect for comparing and con-

necting local utility and home ser-

vice plans; InsWeb for one-stop

insurance rates comparison; and

FloorPlanOnline for cutting edge

marketing media related real estate

virtual tours and floor plans with

room planners for homes for sale

and rentals.

SargesList is owned and operated

by R&B Communications who has

Check out

these two free

resources for

our Soldiers

and Families!

Connect with

your FRG to

find out about


Free Caregiver Access for Military

over 100 years of

collective experi-

ence in the Infor-

mation Technol-

ogy industry and

serves a wide

range of clients

from local government, business

and non-profits to nationwide or-

ganizations and federal government

agencies. Some of SargesList’s team

members are former military while

others have served the military

housing industry since 2000 and

have been the technology team for

the Automated Housing Referral

Network (, performing

system development and hosting

since 2003.

terest or hobby. Getting connected

with others builds lasting relationships

and connections that get us through

the day.

Family Strong!


Stephanie D. Leary

Family Readiness Support Assistant

Bldg 1022 East 20th Street

Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473

Phone: (573)596-0131 ext 6-3968

Cell: (573)837-8086


94th Engineer FRG Steering Committee

Mission Statement:

We will listen to and handle Family member concerns and

issues with respect, understanding, and kindness.

We will provide the necessary, appropriate communications

and resources to help Family members stay informed, knowl-

edgeable, and educated.

We will reach out personally to all Family members with

genuine concern and appreciations in order to sustain, sup-

port and motivate them throughout their Wolverine tours.

We will act responsibly with the financial assets and re-

sources of the 94th Engineer Battalion and promise to use

these monies to benefit the Wolverine Family members as a


94th Engineer Battalion


Join us on Facebook! Battalion

“Building Firm Foundations”

The inclusion of some unofficial information in this FRG Newsletter has not increased the costs to the Government, in

accordance with DoD 4525.8-M, Official Mail Management Manual.

need to take care of ahead of time.

Finding a support group is another

good idea, not only in case of a de-

ployment but also for your everyday

well-being. This can be found in many

different places depending on your

lifestyle. Some find support through

their church, others the FRG or

through a group with a common in-

The last minute request for volun-

teers to deploy with the 509th Engi-

neer Company is a great example at

how unpredictable life in the Army

can be. While our battalion tries its

best to ensure our Soldiers and Fami-

lies are familiar with Missions, TDYs,

field exercises and other events,

things do pop up unexpectedly every

once in awhile. Ensuring you

are prepared beforehand will

help relieve some of the

stress of these surprises.

Ask your FRG Leader or

myself for a copy of a ’pre-

deployment’ checklist that

can help give you an idea of

what you should have or