The Thankful Way



Everything is a present. The Thankful Way is in essence a course in the Art and The Skill of Happiness and Success. Thankful ways create a thankful way and so the practice of gratitude, thankfulness and appreciation creates the experience of these things and more!"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all the others." ~CiceroWhat lies between you and thank you?* I write 5 things I am grateful for* I turn a burden into a blessing* I play with quotes*I say "thank you"*I practice living in the moment

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Begin with Thanks

Thankful/Happy Wherever You Are Questionnaire**Your answers become your affirmations

Begin with Thanks

1. I do not need a specific reason to have a sense of well-being and satisfaction.

Begin with Thanks

2. I practice living in the moment.

Begin with Thanks

3. I feel empowered, enthusiastic and alive.

Begin with Thanks

4. I regularly experience a sense of peace, calm and well-being.

Begin with Thanks

5. I notice the bad in a situation and choose to maintain my balance and clarity.

Begin with Thanks

6. I am quite adventurous and open to trying something new.

Begin with Thanks

7. I have multiple interests.

Begin with Thanks

8. It is usual for me to smile and laughter is a natural part of my experience.

Begin with Thanks

9. I believe the universe to be responsive and supportive rather than a hostile place.

Begin with Thanks

10.I look for the positive in the negative and learn from my experiences.

Begin with Thanks

11.It is usual for me to let go of grievances and to practice forgiveness.

Begin with Thanks

12.I respect myself and have a healthy sense of self-esteem.

Begin with Thanks

13.I notice and recognize the good in others.

Begin with Thanks

14.I practice acceptance of what is outside of my control and change what I can.

Begin with Thanks

15.I build a good support system around me and am supportive of others.

Begin with Thanks

16.I do not make a habit of criticizing, condemning or complaining.

Begin with Thanks

17.My predominant thinking is primarily positive (rather than negative).

Begin with Thanks

18.I can easily list 5 things I am grateful for.

Begin with Thanks

19.I have an overall sense of purpose in my life.

Begin with Thanks

20.I am conscious of a connection to something greater than myself.
