The solar system




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The Solar SystemHow the Solar System was Created


A nebula is a large cloud of gas and dust in space spread out in an immense volume.

Step 2

The nebula starts to rotate, then it collapses, rotates faster, and then it flattens to a disk.

Step 4

Larger planetestimals have enough gravity to pull dust and gas to them. They grow as the center becomes hotter and more dense. Then there is an explosion which drives lighter gases and dust to the edge of the disk.

*Gravity- The attractive force between objects; its strength depends on their masses and the distance between them.

Step 5

Planets begin to form as smaller planetsimals collide with larger ones, young planets sweep up dust and gas into their disk, leaving empty space between orbits.

Terrestrial planets formed close to the sun where it was hot enough for the rock and metal to condense.

Jovian planets formed outside the frost line where the temperatures were cold enough for ice condensation.

*Terrestrial Planets- The name of ten to the four inner planets*Jovian Planets- The names often given to outside planets

Step 6

Click icon to add pictureRemaining dust and gas is swept into planets, comets, and asteroids. A new solar system is formed.

*Universe- All of space and everything in it*Asteroid Belt- The region of the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
