The seat of power


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●In this exhibition we will see different views of the most famous sights of London from our route.

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In this presentation we'll see...➔Westminster Abbey.➔The Houses of Parliament and the Big Ben.➔Westminster Hall.➔Whitehall.➔Downing Street.➔Scotland Yard.➔The London Eye.

Westminster Westminster AbbeyAbbey

* built from 1050.

* Gothic Anglican church the size of a cathedral.

* Member has aristocratic tombs , royal family and eminent personalities.

* coronations are held.

The houses of The houses of Parliament and the Big Parliament and the Big

Ben.Ben.* divided into two chambers :

the Senate and Lower House.

* The lower house is almost always responsible for the legislation , and the upper house of the second opinion.

* big clock next to the UK parliament

* became operational on September 7, 1859 and brick 61 meters and 35 meters iron needle.


Did you know ...? The famous clock tower of London and Big Ben has started to lean so


Westminster Hall.Westminster Hall.

* Built in middle age and demolished in 1834 due to fire.

* Venue of the camera and common.

* You can refer to the old palace or the new palace.

* The competition for the reconstruction was won by charles barry.


The Stunning Westminster Palace room was one of the few parts of the building that survived the devastating fire of 1834, which forced to build a

new parliament building.

Whitehall.Whitehall.* Is a London street which runs

from Parliament Square to Trafalgar Square.

* in this street there are many government buildings.

* surrounding government is the administrative area of UK.

* whitehall was originally a small road next to the Palace of Westminster.


This avenue runs from Trafalgar Square to the Palace of Westminster or Houses of Parliament in London. It is an avenue where many tourist things look . However, it has several monuments and important buildings . The sidewalks are wide, good for walking but not have to shelter if it rains.

Downing Street.Downing Street.

* street in central London famous for hosting the homes of senior British ministers

* I call it so by Sir George Downing , soldier and diplomat

* doors are large, black and metal

* at 11 Downing Street home of the Minister of Finance encuenta .

DOWNING STREETDOWNING STREETHis black Georgian door with number 10 has

been around the world in pictures on arrival became the leaders of the planet . And just as important are his illustrious pets, dogs and cats that have accompanied the Prime Minister and the British during dozens of legislatures. King of the house is now Larry , a cat that likes to hunt mice 's sleep , and the British press loves it.

Scotland Yard.Scotland Yard.

* is a metonym for the Metropolitan Police of London.

* Founded in 1829 by robert peel.

* The building is part of what is now known as the Norman Shaw Buildings set.

* listed since 1970 as rated by their special architectural or historic interest monument.


YARD CALLED Scotlan.YARD CALLED Scotlan.the London police force was created by Sir Robert Peel in


Originally , the location of the body was at number 4 Whitehall Place, which opened onto a back yard : the Great Scotland Yard (the Great CourtySuch was the popularity achieved the name of the police headquarters during transport location , the mid- 60s of XX century to the new building was called New Scotland Yard.ard Scottish ) . The name was inspired courtyard where years earlier had been a medieval castle that housed Scottish royalty on their visits to London.

THE LONDON EYE.THE LONDON EYE.* is a big wheel lookout 135 feet


* located on the western end of Jubilee Gardens, on the South Bank of the Thames.

* The London Eye has 32 capsules sealed and air conditioned passenger , 8 feet long and 4 feet in diameter.

* The London Eye was designed by architects Frank Anatole , Nic Bailey, Steve Chilton, Malcolm Cook Mark Sparrowhawk.


Weight (wheel more capsules) 2100 tn Circumference 424 mts.

Capacity 800 people. While rotating 30 minutes.

Cost £ 75 million.

Things you did not Things you did not know about know about

London.London.● In Station King 's Cross , which is the

starting point for the Expresso Hogwarts in the Harry Potter books , has installed a metal plate that says Platform 9 ¾ ( Platform 9 ¾) and a luggage cart looking through the wall ( in reference to what count these books ) . This signal causes crowds of tourists who want to photograph .

The Canary Wharf Tower, a skyscraper of East London, is the tallest building in the UK (235 meters).

Things you did not Things you did not know about know about

London.London.● Each year , visitors to the city over 30 million people , and although there are currently about 95,000 hotel rooms, it is believed that another 20,000 would be needed more room to cope with the huge demand .

● The British Museum is one of the most famous museums of antiques from around the world, and here are most of the sculptures and friezes of the Parthenon. In the reading room of the museum was where Karl Marx wrote much of his work Capital.

Things you did not Things you did not know about know about


● In Notting Hill , where was the library of Hugh Grant in the film of the same name , the world's largest after Rio de Janeiro Carnival Venue.

● The Thames River, which divides the city into two parts , is about 340 kilometers long and is the most important country .

● The Millenium Bridge, opened in 2000, is the first pedestrian bridge over the Thames ince 1900. This bridge leads from the Tate Modern to St. Paul 's Cathedral.

BibliografíaBibliografía➔ Google images➔ Wikipedia
