The SAT/ACT: Prep Smarter (using BodSAT's methods)



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The SAT/ACT: Prep Smarter

Justin Sigars, Wes Carroll, and Megan deVries of BodSAT Prep

Who we are

BodSAT Prep is Justin, Wes, and Megan.

We work only with students who have

solid fundamentals and go to strong


Our way works

Normal gains:

PSAT 180 to 225 → SAT 1820-2200

Our way works

Normal gains:

PSAT 180 to 225 → SAT 1820-2200

Our students:

PSAT 180 to 225 → SAT 2000-2350

Smart SAT/ACT prep

Why does “smart prep” matter?

When does it matter?

Most students spend 80-200 hours on test prep.

When does it matter?

Most students spend 80-200 hours on test prep.

That’s all day Saturday, every Saturday, for ten weeks to six months.

When does it matter?

Most students spend 80-200 hours on test prep.

That’s all day Saturday, every Saturday, for ten weeks to six months.

(That’s not fun.)

Smart SAT/ACT prep

There is a better way.

Smart SAT/ACT prep

Four components of smart preparation for the SAT/ACT:

Smart SAT/ACT prep

Four components of smart preparation for the SAT/ACT:

1. Mastering content and fundamentals

2. Building endurance

3. Taking care of your mind and body

4. Understanding the test like an expert

Smart SAT/ACT prep

Three of these four components are best addressed

through schoolwork.

Smart SAT/ACT prep

Three of these four components are best addressed

through schoolwork.

In other words, without any extra SAT/ACT Practice


Smart SAT/ACT prep

Three of these four components are best addressed

through schoolwork.

In other words, without any SAT/ACT classes.

Smart SAT/ACT prep

Three of these four components are best addressed

through schoolwork.

In other words, without SAT/ACT tutoring.

Smart SAT/ACT prep

Three of these four components are best addressed

through schoolwork.

In other words, without losing your weekends.

Prep through schoolwork

Here are the parts you can do through schoolwork:

1. Mastering content and fundamentals

2. Building endurance

3. Taking care of your mind and body

1. Fundamentals

1. Fundamentals

The SAT and ACT test your mastery of information and processes in reading, writing, and math.

1. Fundamentals

You know what’s great for improving your mastery in these areas?

Your classes.

2. Endurance

2. Endurance:

Here’s why mental and emotional endurance matters:

2. Endurance:Good Homework Habits

These tests are four uninterrupted hours long.

2. Endurance:Good Homework Habits

These tests are four uninterrupted hours long.

Endurance is a muscle. You have to build it.

2. Endurance

Building endurance is best done by focusing on excellent homework habits.

2. Endurance

Building endurance is best done by focusing on excellent homework habits.

Here’s how:

2. Endurance:Good Homework Habits

Do your homework as if it were a long test.

2. Endurance:Good Homework Habits

Do your homework as if it were a long test:

● Clear your room of distractions.● Work efficiently.● Don’t take excessive breaks.● Engage yourself fully.● Work meticulously.

2. Endurance:Good Homework Habits

Do your homework as if it were a long test.

Those habits make you better at the SAT/ACT even though you’re not working on “SAT/ACT stuff.”

3. Mind and Body

Working smarter means taking advantage of the research, which shows that the following things matter:

3. Mind and Body

Mind:● Focus on the work and not the result.● Practice stress reduction techniques.

3. Mind and Body

Mind:● Focus on the work and not the result.● Practice stress reduction techniques.

Body:● Hydrate often.● You are what you eat.● Practice good sleep habits.

3. Mind and Body:Sleep Hygiene

3. Mind and Body:Sleep Hygiene

● Teenagers need 8.5 to 10 hours of sleep every night, on average.

● Avoid inconsistent sleep and wake times.

● Limit screen time near bedtime.

3. Mind and Body:Stanford Sleep Study

3. Mind and Body:Stanford Sleep Study

3. Mind and Body:Stanford Sleep Study

3. Mind and Body:Stanford Sleep Study

3. Mind and Body:Stanford Sleep Study

Components #1 to #3

We’ve just talked about three components of smart preparation for the SAT/ACT:

1. Mastering content and fundamentals

2. Building endurance

3. Taking care of your mind and body

Components #1 to #3

So, if your results are lower than you’d like, first look at your school and life habits.

Components #1 to #3

Working on these components by taking practice tests...

Components #1 to #3:The wrong way

Working on these components by taking practice tests... working harder than you have to.

Components #1 to #3:The wrong way

Working on these components by taking practice tests... working harder than you have to.(a.k.a. It’s a waste of time and effort.)

Components #1 to #3:The wrong way

“Working harder is the new lazy.”

Too many practice tests

● Lowered enthusiasm / higher resentment● Lower GPA● Less time for extracurricular activities● Less success in college

4. Understanding the test

This final piece is something you don’t do as part of your schoolwork.

For this part, you need to understand the SAT or ACT.

4. Understanding the test

If you succeed in the first three components of

preparation, then the fourth (understanding

the SAT or ACT) should be relatively fast and


4. Understanding the test:ACT vs SAT

How can you tell whether the ACT or the SAT is better for you?

4. Understanding the test:ACT vs SAT

How can you tell whether the ACT or the SAT is better for you?

For most, it doesn’t matter.

4. Understanding the test:ACT vs SAT

How can you tell whether the ACT or the SAT is better for you?

The tests are standardized: most students will get approximately the same score on both.

4. Understanding the test:ACT vs SAT

But if you’re one of the few students who should be taking one and not the other, how would you know?

4. Understanding the test:ACT vs SAT

Here are a few guidelines.

If you’ve taken both:

4. Understanding the test:ACT vs SAT

Here are a few guidelines.

If you’ve taken both:

Take the one you got a much higher score on.Take the one you are more comfortable with.

4. Understanding the test:ACT vs SAT

Here are a few guidelines.

If you haven’t taken both:

4. Understanding the test:ACT vs SAT

Here are a few guidelines.

If you haven’t taken both:

The ACT is dense. To ace the ACT, you need to be a fast reader.The ACT probably already feels familiar.

4. Understanding the test:ACT vs SAT

Here are a few guidelines.

If you haven’t taken both:

The SAT takes some getting used to.To ace the SAT, you need to get to know it.The SAT is more vulnerable to expert strategy.

4. Understanding the test:ACT vs SAT

Still not sure? Give us a call. We’d be happy to help you sort it out.

4. Understanding the SAT/ACT:How to do it

No matter which test you choose, there are two good ways to understand the test:

4. Understanding the SAT/ACT:How to do it

No matter which test you choose, there are two good ways to understand the test:

1. Read some tests and think about them.

4. Understanding the SAT/ACT:How to do it

No matter which test you choose, there are two good ways to understand the test:

1. Read some tests and think about them.or

2. Work with us.

4. Understanding the SAT/ACT:How to do it

We hold small SAT seminars

in the San Francisco CA Bay Area

throughout the year.

4. Understanding the test:How to do it

We also offer private tutoring for the


This tutoring is available in any location.

In summary: work smarter.

Work smarter, not harder,

to build the foundation for a higher GPA,

higher ACT/SAT scores, and most importantly,

for a more fulfilling life.

