The role of heroes


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Renato Constantino’s

Veneration Without Understanding

Prepared by:

Group 2Transition Course 1-


The Role of Heroes

The National Center for Teacher Education


What is/are the truly Role of Heroes?


Admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities

Illustrious warrior Icon of hope and peace Leading in acclaiming the freedom

Role of Heroes

Without Rizal there may have been a delay in the maturation of our libertarian struggle, but the economic development of the period would have insured the same result.

Role of Heroes

He is a hero in the sense that he was able to see the problems generated by historical forces, discern the new social needs created by the historical development of new social relationships, and take an active part in meeting these needs.

But he is not a hero in the sense that he could have stopped and altered the course of events.

Role of Heroes

The closer the correspondence between a man's perception of reality and reality itself, the greater the man.

Rizal had a deeper commitment to the people as evident to his life and deeds.

Role of Heroes

Hence, for a deeper understanding and a more precise evaluation of Rizal as Filipino and as hero, we must examine at some length the period during which Rizal lived.