The Real College Life


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The Realities of College Life a presentation by Rebecca Cruz

The following slides contain:

• A look at the common misconceptions about

college, as represented by the media and the

general public.

• Advice and feedback from SUNY Potsdam

students about the realities of life as a college


•My own personal advice and thoughts about

college life. Please use your mouse to click through each of the following slides.

The purpose of my multimedia letter, is to clear up some of the misconceptions about college, as well as give students accurate advice along with an accurate perspective of college life at SUNY Potsdam.

The media produces radical versions of who we should be, how college is, and how college should affect us. We are told what we should gain from the college experience and even how we should experience college.

The Media

Some thoughts sparked by the video clip:

Is college about the transformation of innocence of youth to the

responsibilities of adult hood?

OR breeding buyers and sellers? 

Are we maturing into intelligent individuals through the college experience

OR becoming pimps and whores?

Accepted: Meeting the Dean Video

Making distinctions about misconceptions:

College is about studying!

College is about parties and sex!

“What they don't tell you in SAT prep courses is that, though where you go to college matters, what you do there is much more important.”- a quote from Washington Post

Step Number One:Break away from the stereotypes!


Michelle got her 1st degree, in human sciences, while still in high school. She then went to college at SUNY Potsdam for three semesters. By the end of those three semesters she had failed out and shortly after started working full-time at Walmart.

The following slides contain a written version of an interview with Michelle that describes her personal college experience.

-What made you decide to go to college? Particularly a Liberal Arts college?

I was told to go to college, and then decided to go where my friends were going.


- Do you feel there are many misconceptions about college? And if so what are the misconceptions that effected you in particular? Yes, it's all bullshit. they tell you its gonna make your life better

but I’m working at a job now making more than my sister who graduated with a double major and triple minor. I am making more than her because she couldn’t find a job in her field, so she works at Kmart. - Is the actuality of college different from what parents

and previous teachers and ect tell you? (similar to above)

Yes, everyone makes it out as if it’s a big, higher education ordeal. When instead many of the people I’ve seen only party here, and then they realize they will get kicked out if don’t study. It’s then that some learn to study, some learn to drink and study.


- Did SUNY Potsdam present itself in an accurate light? or Did you feel mislead in choosing this college?

No comment

-What were the most important parts of the college experience in your opinion?

Relationships, because they kept me sane.

-What key advice would you give to incoming students?Establish important relationships and maintain good study habits.

- Did you notice a need for layers of self representation now that you are out of college? Did you notice this need when you were in college?

Yes, when you leave college delete bad photos or get rid of websites that have information on you. It’s just stupid to leave it online, but I didn’t have this problem personally.


-Is college really one extreme or the other? Is it either bullshit or the key to success?

Of course not, it’s a mixture. Nothing is that black and white. It’s all shades of grey. It also depends on how far you are. A first semester freshmen might party and fail because its their first semester and they want to. But its also not just partying, it’s partly caused by connections and being in the right place. Everyone will be affected differently and react differently.

ChrisChris moved out of his parents house and started working at different odds-n-ends jobs for a few years before deciding to return to college.

The following slides contain a written version of an interview with Chris that describes his personal college experience.


-What about your position in life made you decide to go to college after already being out in the employment world?

1- I had planned on going to college, I just took break before-hand to have a better idea about what I wanted to do in college.

2- Also holding down 2 jobs to stay in a one bedroom apartment, while not being able to afford necessities, enjoyments or even car repairs made me realize it’s hard to enjoy life without a college education.- What advice or warnings did you get about college before you began working and was it different from when you decided to enroll in college?

Most of the warning I heard didn’t apply to me because I’m not a partier, but I think living on my own did make a big difference. I didn’t have an explosion of freedom. I didn’t have people telling me what to do, when to go to bed, or to do my homework, most people are constantly used to that and when it’s gone they lose total sense of responsibility. I had a better sense of responsibility after living on my own and I realized how serious beyond college is and the necessity of taking care of myself.


-Now that you have experienced several years of college, is it what you expected and what can you tell other incoming college students to expect. Will this advice/ your experience of needed advise be different since you were older and more experienced at living on your own before college? What is expected: It is a lot more work than first appears, especially as you get higher in grade level or credit level.

Advice: Don’t treat it like high school, otherwise it will kick your ass.-What were your misconceptions about college if any? What would you advise others about misconceptions?

I didn’t buy into misconceptions. Some kids come to party and do whatever they want away from their parents. Some kids think it’s either all studying or all partying but its really about moderation and personal limits.


-Did SUNY Potsdam present itself in an accurate light? or Did you feel mislead in choosing this college or any college?

I actually just decided to come here. I saw a program I enjoyed on the website and just came here, with no extensive research or persuasion from faculty or staff. -Does you see a need for layers of self representation? Was this different before you returned to college?

It is different from when I started college because before I didn’t care who saw my myspace profile. It depends on the person himself. If you represent yourself as an alcoholic party girl, a business with a need to be respected or being a public servant you can’t have photos of yourself wasted everywhere.


What were the best or most important parts of the college experience?

Learning to be responsible and able to meet challenges, while making friends. Really just growing as a person and graduating.

Personal ConclusionCollege has been called many things and has been idealized as either the salvation of the youth or just another extension of immaturity before entering the employment world. From my own personal experience, along with the stories and advice of others in mind I’ve created my own list of advice on how to best live through and thrive in college.

•Be smart from the start. Yes it’s ok to have some fun and blow off classes for awhile, be realize that semesters are short and each time you skip class or don’t do an assignment you’re lowering your chance for a good grade. Not to say that you should never skip, but realize that all things must be done in moderation and with some knowledge of the consequence of each action. •Experience it! Don’t just go to class and then back to your room. Explore campus, go to club meetings, sit in the Union, visit Pete’s Place, go to campus activities and games. The best part of college is not just having free reign over your own social life, but learning who you are and how you want to live. So get out and discover new things and even re-discover the old things you’ve been doing with new people.

Personal Conclusion•Avoid falling into stereotypes! A lot of kids come to college thinking they know exactly the “type” of person they are: partier, bookworm, jock, sorority member and so on. But the beauty and point of college is growing up, and as we become more mature we need to realize that stereotypes are not how we can define ourselves or others. So don’t think that college is just studying or just partying. College is about everything. Its about teaching not only your major, but how to live and thrive on your own. •College is not an extension of high school! Most of the warnings you’ve heard about college probably won’t be true, depending on the source, but this one is the most important and the most helpful: College is not high school. Yes you can skip class, come late, text through the whole lesson, visit facebook on your computer, but where does that get you? Most-likely a low grade and at least a dozen irritated classmates. Treat your classes and your work seriously. Especially the higher level of classes you attend. Treat your work as a representation of yourself and your abilities, and not just something you throw together to get the assignment done. If you do this as an incoming student you’ll be more prepared and equipped with a positive mind-set about assignments.

Good Luck!

As the incoming students of SUNY Potsdam you are the key to our school. Have the time of your life, while working as hard as you can. I sincerely hope this presentation was helpful and remember you create your own college experience, you are here to live and create your own life, your own future. Good Luck!Thoughtfully yours,Rebecca Cruz