The Protein Story


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  • 1.PROTEIN Jim & Mary Jo Burke Presidential Master Coordinators J & M Burke Enterprises offers the greatest career training in network marketing Our success has been acclaimed and rewarded by reaching the top rank of Presidential Master Coordinators. 1

2. Getting a Grip on Stress Supplements offer a key component in the effort to gain control for the growing number of Americans who say they are stressed out. According to the American Psychological Association, World Health Organization and the American Institute for Stress, the major sources of stress for most people revolve around finances todays uncertain economy, personal debt, unemployment etc. This stress is so prevalent today that between 65 and 90 percent of North Americans have enough stress to result in a stress-related disease. 2 3. Studies show that 98% of all degenerative disease is stress related it is the number 1 killer Heart Disease Cancer Stroke Diabetes Asthma Colds and Flu Depression Mental Illness Skin Disorders Fatigue Stomach Disorder Female Issues Back/Neck Problems Immune Deficiency Blood Disorders Insomnia Sex Problems Overeating Kidney Disorders Breathing Problems Migraines Hardening of the Arteries Irritability Rheumatism Colitis Hypertension High Blood Pressure 3 4. THE STRESS RESPONSE Increased neural excitability Increased cardiovascular activity Heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, blood pressure Increased metabolic activity Gluconeogenesis Protein mobilization Decreased antibody production Muscle wasting Fat mobilization Increased sodium retention Increase in neurological sweating Change in salivation Change in GI system tonus and motility The Stress Response Pathway STRESSOR Stimulation of Sensory Nerves Hypothalamu s Pituitary ACTH Adrenal Cortex Adrenal Medulla STRESS HORMONES Cortisol Aldosterone Epinephrine 4 5. Stress causes the destruction of these two body functions Digestive System & Eliminations System Cardiovascular System 5 6. Effects Of Sugar And Fats From The Stress Reaction Of The Body SUGAR AND STRESS 6 7. NATURE Nature has always been the soul provider of everything weve needed. We can never get away from connecting man to nature and what that means for the future of the world Man and his creation of the use of chemicals are used for the financial gain derived by the companies that created them for creating greater profits. Artificial Flavors and Colors Genetically Modified Foods Toxic Preservatives Toxic Emulsifiers Toxic Sweeteners Toxic Adulterants WORLD OF CHEMICALS 7 8. WORLD OF CHEMICALS Chemical Terrorism In The Food Supply 8 9. Look Familiar? What Are We Teaching Our Kids? Food Choices Are Defining Our Level of Wellness The Food Choices of America 9 10. The machine used for making shaped cereals, called an extruder The mixture is then heated. This extrusion process, besides creating a sweet, crunchy cereal, destroys much of the nutrient content of the ingredients. Even the chemical vitamins, added before the extrusion process, are damaged by it. The amino acid lysine, a crucial nutrient, is especially ravaged by extrusion. American Breakfast Fabricated Food 10 11. A Lot of Nonsense All these trace minerals must be supplied by the body since they have been removed from the sugar. In the processing of white sugar the trace elements are removed which are necessary for digestion of the sugar. To digest sugar the body must rob the necessary nutritional support from storage cells. Chromium Cobalt Copper Magnesium Manganese Zinc Sugar didnt exist in the diet in the west until the 17th century. The argument that sugar is an essential food is a lot of nonsense. Since many of these elements are already in short supply in the body extra demand is put on insulin to regulate blood levels. 11 12. How Cholesterol Works 12 13. Overweight 13 14. Threonine Lysine Histidine ValineTryptophanMethionine PhenylalanineIsoleucineLeucine The Discovery That Has Changed the Face of Nutrition Forever Human longevity depends upon the ability of the body to recover and rebuild Shaklee created a protein product that triggers the recovery and rebuilding process Its not the protein thats important its the amino acid content of the protein For 30 years Shaklee worked on extracting these powerful 9 essential amino acids and delivering them with their unique bioavailable delivery system 9 Essential Amino Acids 14 15. Dr. Shaklee told us Vita-C and all other vitamins are like looking at a fish bowl. There are many fish in there, but which one is most important? You cant take any out without changing the whole structure, that is why you cant replace nature with synthetic. Man still does not know what is in the bowl that makes up an amino acid a vitamin or any of natures substances. Amino Acids 15 16. Sustainability Product quality is guaranteed from year to year by maintaining the same quality from every batch of raw materials to our finest products Maintaining growers that have the integrity to always look for year after year to insure the quality of the raw material so they do not change The Shaklee products that are sold today will be the same quality five years from now Maintaining this integrity takes many years of consistent evaluation of every part of our product development Maintaining Consistent Product Quality from Year to Year 16 17. SHAKLEE SOY PROTEIN Cold Water Extraction Technique Dr. Shaklee was one of the earliest researchers in soy in the USA Shaklee has known how to separate soy with cold water extraction since the early 1950s The effects of soy was 1st measured in birds which showed they changed foliage and matured very young as well as slowing down the thyroid function Shaklee realized there was an anti-tyrosine property in raw soy beans Shaklee separates the protein from the raw soy bean and leaves behind the enzymes that contain the anti-tyrosine substance Gives you the very best of the soy and all the positive things like phyto- estrogens, which inhibit breast cancer and prostate cancer in men Live Natural enzymes Over 1500 studies showing positive benefits of soy There is no word in the Chinese language for hot flashes because they dont cook things and store them to eat them later, especially soy When Soy is Cooked Millard reaction process: Whenever you cook a food you de- nature it and make it into something different In order to de-nature compounds like the anti-thyroid substance, then you begin to rearrange the amino acid substance in soy, which becomes a toxic substance When soy is altered and de- natured you end up with junk Soy Protein 17 18. Understanding the Glucose Reaction The Clinical Evidence Shaklee Soy Protein Drink Mixes Shaklee Protein Drink Mixes Maintain Blood Glucose Levels Blood glucose was measured in health fasted adults after consuming one serving of Instant Protein, or an equal amount of calories from carbohydrates alone. Blood glucose rose and fell below baseline levels with the carbohydrate drink, while Instant Protein maintained glucose levels over time. A separate study comparing equal servings of Energizing Soy Protein and Instant Protein Drink Mixes found that the glycemic response was essentially the same for both products. Fasting 30 60 90 120 150 180 Wards Off Hunger And Sustains Energy Hour After Hour Time (In Minutes) Energizing Protein & Instant Protein Drink Mixes Carbohydrate only 120 110 100 90 80 BloodGlucosemg 18 19. Soy Protein Can get all nine of the essential amino acids daily to start every body process: Live Natural enzymes Nutra-ceutical many unknown compounds being discovered every day Phyto-chemicals produced by the plant, phyto- hormones, phyto-estrogens Natural vegetable fiber More bio-available protein per gram of protein Not contaminated with viruses and bacteria Key: Contains many unknown factors that mother nature still holds. Absorption, utilization and digestion are greatly increased with vegetable protein. Very important as we age and very important for our digestive system. Why Change Proteins? Animal Protein Not complete missing many amino acids Contains large amounts of fat Can be contaminated with bacteria & Viruses When heated most enzymes are lost No fiber No nutra-ceuticals As we age, Animal Protein is very hard to assimilate and digest as our digestive system changes Uric Acid Saturated fats Undigested protein in the kidneys Acid formation in the blood which raises blood PH to acid Key to good health keep blood PH alkaline, which is important to the immune system Soy vs. Animal Protein 19 20. THE WHOLE STORY The muscle cell is broken down and is tired. It needs glucose and amino acids to recover and build. Insulin is the main muscle building hormone in the body. It opens the cells door to let in all of the nutrients the cell needs Every door needs a door knob (insulin receptor). The knob is chromium. Once the door is opened, a quality mix of glucose, branched chain amino acids, and the rest of the essential amino acids must be available for maximum muscle building, bulk, and recovery. There Are Three Phases to Building Muscle Catabolic: Muscle tissue is broken down every day Recovery: Glucose and amino acids pump into the muscle. Anabolic: Using glucose and amino acids, the muscle rebuild stronger and larger Bio-Hormone Release The clinical research now proves chromium nicotinate combined with a long chain branched delivery system, rebuilds muscle tissue faster and better and converts body fat back to muscle tone. This product is 45% of the 3 muscle building power of Valine Leucine - Isoleucine WHY LET MUSCLE ACHES SIDELINE YOU? 20 21. Shaklee, Powering Pure Performance with Healthy Nutrition Exercise and training arent enough. For my body to perform at its best, I need quality nutrition. Thats why I use Shaklee. Jordan Malone, Silver Medalist 21 22. Nature does speak, in no uncertain terms to us all. And, as man is a product of Nature, he may, if he so desires, receive helpful guidance from Nature, for Nature is the expression of the creator. So when you share Shaklee products, remember, you are sharing the best. Forrest C. Shaklee, Sr. 22 23. VITA LEA MULTI-VITAMIN/MULTI-MINERAL Vita-Lea is a creation of nature and science combined together to create this incredible product Comes from 34 Unique Food Sources Raw Materials Unique Film Coating ExoTab technology breaks down in 9 minutes Multi-Vitamins 23 24. The Worlds First High-Capacity Aqueous Solution Columnar Tablet Film Coating Equipment AND SHAKLEE HAS IT!! Unique Film Coating Process 24 25. One of Dr. Shaklees Signature Products This gentle yet fast-acting natural laxative encourages the body's natural cleansing processes Herb-Lax includes senna leaf, which has been used for thousands of years as a natural laxative, plus other complementary herbs. Contains Licorice Root - Protects the microbes from stomach acids Protects the microbes from oxygen and moisture contamination and allows the microbes to be delivered live to the intestines billion live probiotics per capsule Optiflora probiotics uses a patented triple layer encapsulation technology to keep the acidophilus alive Optiflora Prebiotic & Probiotic Shaklee Herb Lax Signature Nutritional Products 25
