The impossible dreams




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Doctors and scientists said it was impossibleMan could not run a mile in less than 4 minutes!He would die in foolish attempt. It was an impossible Dream.

Our bone structure was wrong, we had inadequate lung power, our heart could not take the strain.

25 year old Roger Bannister wasn`t listening.

May 6 1954 at oxford university in EnglandTo achieve the impossible dream

At the end of the race the stop watches held a different view. The result were announced ‘Result of one mile…time, 3 minute…’

Roger bannister blazed across the finish line,In a time of 3 minutes, 59.4 seconds.The Impossible Dream was now an event for the history books, Considered one of the greatest feast in the sport history.

46 days after roger bannister breakthrough ,The record was

broken again by a different runner .

By the end of 1957, 16 runner had achieved the


RunnersThey simply began to believeRunning a mile in less than four minutes was not only possibleIt had been achieved!

To date , 955 runners have achieved the impossible dream

Many of life’s barriers and obstacles come from withinWe create limits for ourselves But once those barriers are broken, We realise the biggest barriers are our belife

What beliefs are keeping you from achieving your dreams ?Don’t accept them .don’t listen to the voice of doubt,

If you do this you too can achieve IMPOSSIBLE DREAMS!

Thank You Very MuchMohsin Shaikh

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