The human respiratory system


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2. SUBMITTED TO Dr.PADMAPRIYA .P.V N.S.S TRAINING COLLEGE PANDALAM SUBMITTED BY ANJANA VIDYADHARAN NATURAL SCIENCE N.S.S TRAINING COLLEGE PANDALAM 3. THE HUMAN RESPIRATORY SYSTEM UNIT 4. FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 5. The Human Respiratory System Respiratory system (or ventilatory system) is a biological system consisting of specific organs and structures used forthe process of respiration in an organism. The respiratory system is involved in the intake and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between an organism and the environment. In air-breathing vertebrates like human beings, respiration takes place in the respiratory organs called lungs. The passage of air into the lungs to supply the body with oxygen is known as inhalation, and the passage of air out of the lungs to expel carbon dioxide is known as exhalation; this process is collectively called breathing or ventilation. In humans and other mammals, the anatomical features of the respiratory system include trachea, bronchi, 6. bronchioles, lungs, and diaphragm. Molecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide are passively exchanged, by diffusion, between the gaseous external environment and the blood. This exchange process occurs in the alveoli air sacs in the lungs.In fish and many invertebrates, respiration takes place through the gills. Other animals, such as insects, have respiratory systems with very simple anatomical features, and in amphibians even the skin plays a vital role in gas exchange. Plants also have respiratory systems but 7. but the directionality of gas exchange can be opposite to that in animals. The respiratory system in plants also includes anatomical features such as holes on the undersides of leaves known as stomata. 8. Key concept AIR TRACT INSPIRATION EXPIRATION 9. CELLULAR RESPIRATION GLYCOLISIS KREB S CYCLE 10. Respiratory system Akku and chiku were playing in school playground . 11. Yes ,when you run fast you need more energy. What is the link between energy and breathing. 12. This is a process known as respiration.. Do you know how these process takes place 13. No let us study the process.. 14. Respiratory system Respiratory system is the organs in your body that helps your body that helps you you can deliver oxygen and take away carbondioxide. 15. Parts of respiratory system Observe the image and videos given.. 16. 1.a OBSERVE THE VIDEOS GIVEN 17. 1.b 18. Wow the trachea is like water pipe And the lungs is exactly look like the half of tomato.let have a look on it 19. Observe the image 20. Parts and functions The respiratory system extends from the nostrils to the lungs. Nostrils- The opening through which air enters the body.There are minute hairs and mucosa in the nostrils.They prevent the entry of dust and harmful germs into the lungs. Nasal cavity-the chamber following the nostrils.It opens into the pharynx. Epiglottis-The oesophagus and trachea start at the pharynx ,a common passage for food and air.So there is a chance for food to enter the is the epiglottis that prevent this. 21. Trachea-Starts at the pharynx .It is made up of incomplete rings of cartilage.There are cilia and mucus in this. Bronchi-Two branches of the trachea.Each open into a lung on each side. Lungs-Two lungs found on either side of the heart in the the thoracic cavity.These are soft ,spongy,and elastic air bag.Lungs are lobular organs.The right lung has three lobes,the left has two lobes. 22. The branching network of bronchi,bronchioles, and alveoli constitute the lung. Pleura-Double membrane covering the lung.There is a fluid between these membranes.The fluid reduces friction when the lungs contract and relax. Bronchioles-Branches of the bronchi.carry air into the alveoli. Alveoli-Each bronchiole ends in a group of alveoli.The lung is made up of alveoli.There are blood capillaries covering the alveoli.Exchange of gases takesplace at the alveoli.The alveoli increase the surface area of the lungs,thus making exchange of gases efficient. Diaphragm-It is the largest muscle of the body. 23. Respiratory system consists of Nostrils Nasal cavity Pharynx Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli 24. Mechanism of breathing Observe the given diagram and the video 25. The pathway of inspiration Atmospheric air External nostrils Nasal cavity Nasopharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles Alveolar duct Alveoli. The pathway of Expiration. Alveoli Alveolar ducts Broncioles Bronchi Trachea Larynx Nasopharynx Nasal cavity External nostrils Atmospere. 26. The inflow and out flow of air between atmosphere and te alveoli of the lungs is called breathing It is effected by the expansion and contraction of lungs. During inspiration (inhalation), the diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract. During exhalation, these muscles relax. The diaphragm domes upwards. This results the pulling of the ribs upwards and outwards. 27. Now on the basis of indicators given formulate inferences 28. INDICATORS How does the structure of the lungs suit the process of breathing? What change occurs in the thoracic wall during breathing? What are the changes occurring to the air pressure in the thoracic cavity during the change in the shape of the diaphragm? 29. Consolidation The structure of the lungs is most suitable for the process of breathing.It is the alveoli of the lungs that exchange of gases takes place.Since there are a number of alveoli ,there is an increased surface area for the lungs. Also the muscles between the ribs and the diaphragm help the process of inspiration and expiration. The changes that occur to the thoracic wall and the diaphragm help the processes of inspiration and expiration. 30. The changes that occur to the thoracic wall and the diaphragm help the processes of inspiration and expiration, Diaphragm is a muscular wall that separate the thoracic and abdominal cavities in mammals. When the diaphragm lowers , the thoracic cavity expands and the pressure inside it lowers.Then air rushes into the lungs(inspiration). 31. When the diaphragm rises,the thoracic cavity contracts and the pressure inside it increases.Then air is pushed out of the lungs(expiration). Are the components of inhaled and exhaled air is the sameyou have got the answer by observing the table given 32. Components Inhaled air in percent Exhaled air in percent Oxygen 21 14 Carbondioxide 0.03 5 Water vapour 0.03 2.06 Nitrogen 78.94 78.94 33. Consolidation The amount of oxygen in the expired air is less than that in the inspired is because some oxygen in the inspired air is absorbed into blood. The amount of carbondioxide in the expired air is more .it is because during the exchange of gases ,some carbondioxide in the blood diffused into the air in the lungs. When energy is produced in the cells,water is formed as a by-product.a portion of this water joins the expired air.that is why the amount of water is more in the expired air. Nitrogen is neither absorbed or there is no difference in the amount of nitrogen. 34. Oxygen into the cell Observe the video 35. Observe the images 36. Description Blood is the medium of transport of respiratory gases Blood transport oxygen from the lungs to the different body tissues. Red coloured ,iron containing respiratory pigment called haemoglobin is present in blood After the pulmonary gas exchange, oxygen is transported to various body tissues through the blood. The blood in the pulmonary artery has less oxygen and more carbondioxide. In the alveolus,the concentration of oxygen is more than that in the blood within the oxygen diffuses into the blood from the alveolus. 37. When the oxygen enters the blood ,the haemoglobin in blood combines with that oxygen to form oxyhaemoglobin. Haemoglobin combines easily with oxygen. Oxyhaemoglobin is an unstable compound,so it gives up oxygen very easily also. There is no nucleus or other cell organelles in the red blood cells,so they can contain a good amount of haemoglobin. 38. Cellular respiration Observe the structure of mitochondria 39. A mitochondrion has a covering of two membranes. They are the inner membrane and the outer membrane. The inner membrane has folds called cristae. The substance within the inner membrane is called matrix. Krebs cycle takes place in the matrix ATP synthesis takes place in the cristae. 40. Observe the illustration of cellular respiration 41. Description The production of energy within the cell is called cellular respiration. Cellular respiration has two stages namely, 1.glycolysis .2. Krebs cycle . In gycolysis glucose molecules breakdown to form pyruvic acid . Glycolisis takesplace in the cytoplasm Krebs cycle takes ,place in the mitochondria,oxygen is needed. 42. During glycolysis 4 ATP molecules of energy is produced from a glucose molecule.From this 2ATP is utilized for the glycolysis reaction and the net amount of energy is 2ATP. ATP is adenosine triphosphate and ADP is adenosine diphosphate. Pyruvic acid is formed as a result of glycolysis in the cytoplasm. The pyruvic acid formed in the cytoplasm enters the mitochondrion 43. Due to the series of chemical reaction taking place in the mitochondrion,energy is produced along with the by- products water and carbondioxide. Pyruvic acid Energy + CO2 +Water Excess water leaves the body in the form of urine,sweat,and as water vapour in te exhaled air.these reactions were discovered by Hans Adolf Krebs .So these reactions are together known as krebs cycle. 44. The transport of carbondioxide Analyse the figure 45. Cell carbondioxide formed by cellular respiration To the tissue fluid To the blood By dissolving in the water of plasma As bicarbonate by dissolvinginto the water of the red blood cells As carbaminohaemoglobin by combining with haemoglobin 46. To the alveoli in the lungs To the outside through the nostrils 47. Consolidation Carbondioxide is formed in cells during cellular respiration. This carbondioxide reaches the tissue fluid. The carbondioxide enters blood from the tissue fluid. Carbondioxide dissolves in the water in the blood plasma forming carbonic acid Carbondioxide dissolves in the water in the red blood cells forming bicarbonate 48. Carbondioxide combines with haemoglobin to form carbaminohaemoglobin These substance reach the alveoli through blood. They turn again into carbondioxide. The carbondioxide is exhaled through the nostrils 49. Now I understand how our respiratory system works..thanku You are welcome.. 50. Thanku
