The History of Film Trailers


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*The History of Film Trailers


*Nils Grunlund promoted a production called Pleasure Seekers. This was a short film that was the unique in the sense that it was shown in between films at cinemas.


*This year movie studios began producing official trailers.

*These trailers were very simplistic and only contained a few shots and basic music.

*Up to this point movie theaters had been producing their own trailers for upcoming films independently.


*The National Screen Service was a distribution film company created by Herman Robbins.

*The NSS received films from studios and distributed them to theaters.

*The NSS would also distribute the film trailers that they had created during this process.


*Throughout this era the film industry was beginning to develop. It was becoming more open to the directors interpretation’s and vision’s.

*Stanley Kubrick was one of the standalone directors that redefined the idea of a ‘trailer’ through his films.


*The film jaws by Steven Spielberg was the largest film release in the history of the industry.

*This was due to Universal’s huge budget which allowed them to promote the media on a variety of platforms.