The great migration kindezi 3 rd grade students



This was a PowerPoint presentation to a group of 3rd graders. The presentation ignited tons of dialogue.

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The Great Migration

Why do people migrate in the first place?

What Does “Migration” Mean?


Root Word = Migrate

Definition of Migrate

mi·grate =verb

1. To move from one country or region and settle in another.2. To change location periodically, especially by moving seasonally from one region to another.


So Many Migrations…

For So Many Reasons…

Including Injustice…

It’s Not Always Bad. Sometimes People Are

Hopeful and Excited to Migrate…

Why Do We Migrate?Humans Migrate for various reasons:

Better quality of life:Jobs, Laws, Treatment by Others, Living Conditions, Money, Opportunity, Education, Etc.

Some are forced by nature-Natural Disasters-Floods, Hurricanes, Volcanoes, Etc.

Most migrate in hopes of a better quality of life . However, some are forced to migrate due to injustice.

CHECK POINT!•What is a migration?

•Who may migrate and why?

•What situations might force a migration? Provide an example.

Slavery is over so why should we leave?Slavery is over. The Civil War was won by the Northern states who wanted to abolish slavery. “The North” represents freedom and the end of slavery.

The former slaves are now free and able to be paid for the back-breaking work they do in the fields of the South. The former slaves are now known as “Sharecroppers.” A Sharecropper is a farmer who farms the land for the owner of the land in return for a share of the value of the crop.

They still had to pay for the land they farmed, the tools they farmed the land with, the food they ate, the substandard housing they lived in, as well as taxes. Sharecroppers were paid so little from their portion of the crop’s earnings that they could never repay what they owed. Their former slave owners still had all of the control and never intended on providing a fair standard of living so that the former slaves could have better lives.

Slaves Vs. Sharecroppers


Slaves Vs. Sharecroppers


Slaves Vs. Sharecroppers


Slaves Vs. Sharecroppers


CHECK POINT!•Can you tell the difference between a slave and a sharecropper?

•What would you do, migrate to the North for a chance at a better life or stay in the South? Explain your choice.

Many chose to Migrate to the Northern States

But it was not this easy!

My family and I are moving to

Harlem, New York!

Harlem, here we come!
