The Great awakening



Brief introduction to the Great Awakening for 8th Grade U.S. History Class.

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Warm UpHow were the 13 colonies different in terms of economy? How did each section (New England, Middle, and Southern) make money?

The Great Awakening

The Great Awakening was a religious revival that swept through the colonies in the 1730s and 1740.

The Great Awakening was the first event to affect all of the colonies.

Why was a revival needed? Colonists were becoming less religious.

Why????????1. Church was long 2. Church was boring3. Sermons were

read and people didn’t feel connected to God

Ministers known for their powerful speaking skills traveled the colonies.

They preached emotional sermons that renewed interest in religion.

Effects: Ministers stressed that

everyone was equal. Encouraged greater

religious excitement. Encouraged colonists to

be independent thinkers and to question religious authority.

Encouraged political independence by questioning authority of king
