The Giving Tree



I gave a speech about the Giving Tree for the Toastmasters Stortelling Manual, project# 1. This was one of my favorite stroies as a kid and I shared it with my own kids (thanks to a gift from my youngest sister. I gave the speech once at my home club and once at a club in Frankfurt Germany.

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The Giving Tree:Story Telling Project# 1

Darryl Heron

18 March, 2013

I gave a speech as part of Project #1 from the Toastmasters Storytelling Manual which is the basis for this presentation…..

I gave the speech at my home club (Word Weavers of Wiesbaden, Germany) and at Esprit de Corps of Frankfurt, Germany

The speech at Esprit de Corps was a target speech used for their club evaluation contest

About this Presentation

Shel Silverstein first published The Giving Tree in 1964. Lived from September 25, 1930 to May 8, 1999 he was 68 when he died


As a kid loved I loved to be told & read stories by my parents

Good parents put a little of themselves in the stories they tell & read

My sister gave a copy to my oldest daughter & I‘ve read it to my daughters


Books‘ meaning can change as we change

The story of „The Giving Tree“ is one that we can all relate to

The story is more bittersweet for those of us with kids

Introduction continued

As you experience the story you might think about the impact of man on nature and the world around us

How do our decissions impact the world around us?

What happens when all of our resources are no longer available for other people and nature to use?

Now I begin the story, I hope that you enjoy it!

One More Point

The Story…..

There once was a tree & she loved a boy very much…..

The boy played with the tree every day

And the boy loved the tree

And the tree was happy….

The boy becomes a teenager & visits less & less often…..

The boy comes back & wants money

Tree has no money but offters her apples for the boy to sell

Boy takes apples

And the tree was happy….

The boy stays away a long time…..

Now he wants a house

The tree offers her branches to build a house

Boy takes branches & builds house

And the tree was happy….

The boy stays away along time…..

He comes back & wants a boat

Tree offers trunk for boat

Boy takes trunk and builds boat

And the tree was happy….But not really….

After a long long time the boy returns…..

Tree has nothing left to offer the boy

Boy only wants to sit & rest

Tree tells boy to sit & rest…Boy does

And the tree was happy….

Parents can relate to the scarfices of the tree, we‘d do most anything for them, we want them to be happy, & we want to be a part of their lives as they grow older…..

Maybe you were in a relationship, either the one hanging on or the one looking for more


Controversy about interpretation of ths story:

Was the tree self-sacraficing or selfless?

Is the boy selfish or reasonable in his demands from the tree?

How do you see the relationship betwen the tree and the boy?

Conclusion Continued

What elements of the story ring with environmental topics that we talk about today?

What role does stewardship play with people today?

What is man‘s responsibility towards other people and nature?

Are there other environmental questions that the story raises for you?

Environmental Impact of the Story?

I really like this project from the Storytelling manual. I could see that the audience connected with the story on the two times that I delivered it as a Storytelling speech.

I hope that you can find a story that you can deliver with heart and feeling, you‘ll then have a good chance to connect with your audience...

Final Words



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