The Future Of Environement Bors Elena Cls A Xi A



Future environmental

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The future of the environement depends only on us. Maybe because the technology has evolved, and maybe in the end we are going to be the “slaves” of the computerization. Now the great scientists are trying to discover the genesis of mankind with the help of the famous Experiment from Geneva. but why don't we let nature take its course? Science is good, but too much and used in a wrong way brings us to self destruction!

They invented the atomic bombs that were later used in wars, but did somebody think of the negative effects that they had on our planet? Although currently, the energy obtained in central atomic-nuclear is considered a source of "clean" electricity, the risks of producing accidents are major and destructive not only for the people but also for the environment, and not only because of the explosions that may occur, but also because of the emissions of radiation.Following such potential disasters ,the survivors and the environment had to pass through a very long time to regenerate because in such regions the forms of life were not able to develop anymore .

Another major problem in the future of the environment is the pollution, which has become one of the most debated problems of our contemporaries and the effects produced by it.

Currently pollution dresses various forms on the planet. In the context of increasingly world population this problem will increase even more. As it is known, the man with his activities is the main factor of pollution on the planet.

The future will not be the same if we don’t focus on our activities and try to eliminate hazards of the environment. The discovery of new resources for recycling and cleaning should be the main concern of mankind.

Industrial development will not be supported any longer as a factor of worsening environmental pollution. The man has to put in balance the economical development and the living environment. Both problems are primary for the existence and development of the mankind.

A vital importance for our planet is maintaining and restoring the ozone layer that surrounds the planet, layer visibly affected by the development of industrial pollutants which are released into the atmosphere.

The ozone layer which gets thinner with the increasing of the pollution will compel people to focus their attention on other forms of energy.

The main form of obtaining energy has to come both from inside o and out the planet.

It is very well known that the nucleus of the Earth is made of magma which emits very high temperatures that could be used more widely in obtaining electricity without polluting agents.

The permanent need of obtaining electricity will force man to use as a main source , out of the space too ,by converting solar radiation and heat into energy. Although these forms of obtaining energy are considered expensive, man should invest whatever it is necessary because nothing can equal in value the life of the planet.

The next problem that should be approached in the future is man’s giving up manufacturing and use of vehicles designed with combustible hydrocarbons. Auto industry will be forced to produce cars that use only solar energy exclusively, reducing the clouds of smog that enveloped a blanket of big cities today.

Cars with combustible hydrocarbons

In the future-cars with solar


Another pollutant factor for which mankind still doesn’t benefit , is the dump goods , domestic or industrial. The processing of dump goods currently cannot be done without removing the pollutant agents , and because of that, in the future we have to solve totally this problem of recycling the dump goods , so they no longer endanger the environment. Each of us can make a huge contribution in collecting dump goods: by a simple gesture just put the dump goods in places especially provided.

The present situation of environmental pollution was also reached due to massive deforestation, which has been done in the recent decades. We won’t have future and we won’t get rid of Desertification threat if in his policy, man doesn’t rectify the wrong made to nature, through the forest areas cleared out unconsciously.

The practice of intensive agriculture, the trying to increase production, to solve the consumer’s needs , man was determined to use pesticides and other chemicals that for years had become a factor for soil pollution and human health. The recovery of the soil, which subsequently will be reflected in human health, could be achieved by renunciation at these substances and use of natural fertilizers.

The environment has to remain the main concern of man, and on this depends its fate. We can’t live without the hope that these problems will be overcome and be able to provide opportunities for life to the future generation.

Bors Elena cls a-XI-a
