The four people i followed on twitter




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The four people I followed on twitter.

Steve W. Anderson @web20classroom

Mr. Anderson primarily tweets about educational issues. He primarily focuses on technology and

its educational implications. He constantly sharing links to resource for students. Some go to teacher’s

blogs, where they share teaching experience. Some links are to websites that other teachers have

posted information to. One thing I have noticed is that many of the things he links to are lists. Things like

“25 Next Gen Tools for the Inquiry Classroom”. I understand the idea behind list like these but I wish he

shared things of greater variety. I like that he focuses so much on technology. His post aren’t scatterbrained.

Eric Sheninger @E_Sheninger

Mr. Shininger tweets about a variety of different issue in regards to education in the United

States. He shares his ideas on his personal blog, which links to in many tweets. He travels the country for

talks on education reform and document his travels. He is really big in using new technologies in the

classroom. I really like how much he endorses Minecraft in education. He is also big into Google and their products usefulness in the classroom. He also gave a TED Talk wich was pretty neat.


Wise in WV is group rather than focuses on sex, sex education, and reproductive care. They

retweet a lot from different groups when the tweet is relevant to the theme of sex education. They

were big in hyping the sexual communication workshop that was on campus. They link to resources for people in regards to healthcare. They are big in getting checked out for HIV.

Howard Taylor @howardtayler

Howard is a web cartoonist. He created and inks a webcomic call Schlock Mercenary. He also

does a podcast called writing excuses and routinely talks about that experience and the stress involved

in making it. He also talks about depression and the hardships faced by people who suffer under it. He

also make some witty observations, “Puns happen because bad people exploit security flaws in language.”
