The Enchanted Loom reviews Peter Levine's book Trauma and Memory


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The Enchanted LoomTeasing sturdy threads from

neuroscience masterworks

Teasing 10 threads fromPeter Levine’s …


Thread 1:

Any life event only becomes a trauma when overwhelming emotions interfere with proper memory processing.

(pg. xi)

Thread 2:

Somatic Experiencing helps us transcend “the destructive explanation compulsion” and create an inner sense of ownership and control over previously out-of-control sensations and reactions. (pg. xviii)

Thread 3:

Research resoundingly demonstrates that memory is a reconstructive process that is continually selecting, adding, deleting, rearranging and updating information – all to serve survival and living.(pg. 3)

Thread 4:

Persistent maladaptive procedural and emotional memories form the core mech- anisms that underlie all traumas, as well as many problematic social and relationship issues.(pg. 39)

Thread 5:

Traumatized individuals are stuck in a chronic state of contraction. The body has become the enemy. Through pendulation – the continuous, pri- mary, organized rhythm of expan- sion and contrac- tion, they can become unstuck.(pg. 55)

Thread 6:

The word aggression derives from the Latin verb aggredi, which can mean – to have a goal, to approach, to seize an opportunity, or to desire.

(pg. 56)

Thread 7:

All procedural memories with similar elements and attendant states of con- sciousness tend to merge into a composite procedural engram.

(pg. 63)

Thread 8:

Any therapist worth her fees not only recognizes our primal capacity to meet adverse challenges, but also understands that their primary role is not to “counsel,” “cure,” or “fix” their clients, but rather to support this innate drive for perseverance and triumph.(pg. 65)

Thread 9:

By stimulating the anterior insula in patients with epilepsy neuroscientists were able to evoke “ecstatic, spiritual rapture.” Patients who were offered a cure for the epilepsy, which would end those states, refused to take the cure.(pg. 70)

Thread 10:

Many of us cast people we encounter into the different roles that we need in order to replay the same script again and again. Like moods, emotional scripts cause us to mis- perceive the world.(pg. 153)

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