The Enchanted Loom reviews James Doty's book Into the Magic Shop


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The Enchanted LoomTeasing sturdy threads from

neuroscience masterworks

Teasing 10 threads from James Doty’s…

Thread 1:

One mystery of the brain is that it will always choose the familiar over the unfamiliar.

(pg. 135)

Thread 2:

Attention is a powerful thing – it can literally change our brains, creating more gray matter in the very areas that help us learn, perform, and make our dreams come true.

(pg. 135)

Thread 3: We can study every single mystery of the brain, but its greatest mystery is its ability to transform and change.

(pg. 151)

Thread 4:

When our brains change, we change. That is a truth proven by science. But an even greater truth is that when our heart, changes everything changes. That change is not only in how we see the world, but in how the world sees us.(pg. 151)

Thread 5:

The compass of the heart is a form of com- munication between the brain and the heart through the vagus nerve. The heart sends far more signals to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. (pg. 230)

Thread 6:

The brain knows a lot, but the simple truth is that it knows a lot more when it joins with the heart.

(pg. 231)

Thread 7:

Healthy social connections trigger the same reward centers in the brain that are triggered when people do drugs, or drink alcohol, or eat chocolate.(pg. 232)

Thread 8:

At their core, my earl- iest teachings were about opening the heart. Acting kindly and compassionately with intent. Compassion and kindness, it turns out are good for your health.(pg. 241)

Thread 9:

The ten things that work to open the heart make up a mnemonic: CDEFGHIJKL.

(pg. 222)


Thread 10:

The Heart Opening Mnemonic: Compassion Dignity Equanimity Forgiveness Gratitude Humility Integrity Justice Kindness Love(pg. 242-246)

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